Are sexual fetishes healthy? Just?

Of course you would kill it. After all you NEEDED something and so you have the right to take it from others.

Also, you completely missed my point. I said killing animals to eat them is morally permissable, do you disagree?
No I don't.

So if you and I both need something and there's only one of it, and we both have the right to take it, what then?
When would that ever happen? It's called property. And if we both own it, then we split it evenly.
That is irrelevant because even with a NEED does it justify theft? I think not.

Depends on the need. I'm going to be a hell of a lot more understanding if I catch someone stealing for food for themselves or their children or their pets than for smack. Life takes priority over stuff.
Depends on the need. I'm going to be a hell of a lot more understanding if I catch someone stealing for food for themselves or their children or their pets than for smack. Life takes priority over stuff.

The theft might be understandable, but it isn't justified. It's theft.

Anyway this topic title is misleading. There is nothing wrong with sexual fetishes in general, it's simply this specific fetish for the harming of animals that cannot give consent.
The theft might be understandable, but it isn't justified. It's theft.

Anyway this topic title is misleading. There is nothing wrong with sexual fetishes in general, it's simply this specific fetish for the harming of animals that cannot give consent.

Norse, you don't get into semantics arguments with me. :)

To be understandable is to be justified. Check your thesaurus.
Norse, you don't get into semantics arguments with me.

To be understandable is to be justified. Check your thesaurus.

I disagree. Understandable simply means you can understand why they did it....but that doesn't make it ok.
Quotation from an anti crush video article:

Anyone ever hear of this sick crappola? Due to a sexual fetish in China, thousands of Chinese men and women collaborate in order to produce and sell these videos, which are banned in most civilized parts of the world -- but not in China! As far as I understand it, these videos feature Chinese women who stomp on insects, fruit, and tubes of toothpaste... and then work their way up to small animals such as gerbils, reptiles, rabbits, cats and dogs. The fetish is known as a "crush fetish," and it's one of the most depraved things I've ever heard of.

I saw photos of a woman stepping on a kitten at an animal rights website, I think. It wasn't a fetish video, it was supposedly from a Chinese newspaper in which a woman is demonstrating the lack of laws protecting animals from cruelty. The demonstration was her crushing the kittens skull with a high-heeled shoe. Maybe she was just looking for a pitiful excuse to be able to do that out in the open, since it appeared she was in a public park or something?
What would be the point in that? Look there's no laws preventing cruelty to animals, so let me prove it by being cruel to an animal!

To do this for fetishes is waaay sick. But that it happens in China is no frucking surprise, really. China is known for disgusting practices like this. Skinning animals alive for their fur (which I saw once in a video, horrifyingly evil), beating dogs to death slowly before eating them (that might be more a Korean thing if I remember correctly) because they're apparently more tasty that way, boiling cats to death to make "life-giving elixirs" :scratchin:.... how many rare animal parts do they use in their various viagra-esque traditional medicines? As in rare, I mean from endangered species.

Yah... but here in the USA we have the decency to outlaw these freakshows and ban the sale of such videos. In China, such acts are perfectly acceptable in the eyes of the law. Why would they care about animals, when their government is one of the worst human rights abusers on the planet? Let's not forget Tiannenmen Square folks.

They eat dogs and cats in China. It is believed by the Chinese that causing the animals as much pain as possible before being slaughtered makes the brain secrete chemicals which make the meat tastier. Torture is quite literally an item on the dinner menu for the Chinese.

No shit. I try not to demonize whole nations or cultures, but it's hard not to when it comes to China.
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"justified"? whatever works.

Whatever works? Are you referring to the example above or fetishes in general? :bugeye:
Only insane, worthless people need to "get off" that bad.

By the way, a question for anyone: what the hell is so attractive about high-heels anyway?

From what I hear, they ain't too comfortable to begin with, and in my opinion, they're ugly. I don't see why they're considered sexy or alluring for women to wear.
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By the way, a question for anyone: what the hell is so attractive about high-heels anyway?

From what I hear, they ain't too comfortable to begin with, and in my opinion, they're ugly. I don't see why they're considered sexy or alluring for women to wear.

Like any shoes, some are comfortable, some aren't. ;)

They make your legs look good, and I like the look. I also like the added height.
and they thrust your rear end out and your boobs up and out. I have several pairs of 'fuck me pumps'
All women's shoes are cruel jokes played on them by misogynists.

What is insane is that they wear them.
UPDATE: Jealous of the woman stomped on the cat, this other Chinese girl took it upon herself to make a video of her tearing chicks apart with her feet and then post it on the internet.

Another Chinese. Why am I not surprised?


More images are contained inside the link... but they involve strangling of the chicks. Don't click if you are easily traumatized.