Ophiolite said:
In the hopes that it is possible to teach on old dog new tricks, I thought I would offer an example of how to put together various facts into a conclusion.
I said lots of people know what I do. I said Asian people are some of those people. Here is a video clip of a cartoon show created by Japanese people
http://www.happeh.com/HappehTheory/Videos/CommanderBlue.avi Xvid Mpeg3 2 Megs
The video is a short segment of some good guys who have been captured by a bad guy. Happeh Theory says that excessive masturbation can make you go gay. Happeh Theory says the physical structure of the body is changed in specific ways. Some of the more common symptoms are a short arm and short leg and one eye blindness. All of these are caused by physical changes to the body caused by masturbation or the other causes mentioned.
You have been given all the facts. If you are a thinking curious person, one who examines everything put before them, you can find corroboration for Happeh Theory in this cartoon segment.
The segment introduces the bad guy. The bad guy speaks like a homosexual person. In case that is just me, one of the good guys tells the bad guy he is sick. That is another clue the bad guy is a homosexual.
The bad guy then makes a short speech. When he does this, he makes a sign with his right arm that is similar to the sign of the loser. He raises his right arm up to cover his mouth, with his pinky finger extended as he laughs in a high falsetto.
This is a cartoon. It is hand drawn. Why did the Japanese creators draw the homosexual bad guy drawing his hand raising up to his face when he giggles? Was it just some accident? Or was it a cultural insight into the behavior of homosexuals?
After the man giggles, he looks into a ball where he can see his reflection. In his reflection, his mouth is drawn off centered. It is open wider on the left side.
A thinking scientist who has everything he ever learned at his fingertips might recall newtons law of motion. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The bad guy raised his right hand up to his mouth when he giggles. The left side of the bad guys mouth is larger than the right side. As if someone put a hook in it and pulled.
Or as if it was being pulled strongly as an opposing reaction to the arm.
You see Ophiolite, all you have to do is be open minded and able to wonder at the world around you in order to understand anything you want to. All those close minded, narrow demands for proof close off possibilities to you.
For you, life is a long hallway that you always walk straight down. You never see anything but what is exactly in front of you. For me, life is a long hallway filled with an infinite number of doorways. I choose one at random, walk in and look around, then come back out in the hallway and look for another interesting door. I can see anything I want to, anything I am interested in.
Anything at all.