are millatry schools ethical?

My problem is with war as my husband is on the frontlines and I get it and not in just some abstract peace-loving hippie kind of way! I abhor violence and always have it makes me sad and I find nothing fascinating about it! Not the planes, not the tanks, not the guns, nor the military tactics as it is alien to my nature and for those that can and do look on war not only coldly and scientifically but with a perverse fascination it just sickens me! When does this mentality STOP? Hmmm maybe more estrogen in our water supply.:bugeye:

I know war is a horrible nightmare. People not only give their lives but also their soul and conscious to protect people like you. War is used as a last resort to force about change. It is a drastic action when there are no other option.

However, there should be people that know how to fight and are willing to do so. When one loses the ability to fight, one loses the ability to defend themselves.

The correlation of wars = prisons is simply this you get what you give! export. I tend towards mysticism and the metaphysical here but I believe we have a violent society (more prisons) because we export and sell organized violence! Kinda like a karma thing. Oh god, Dywddyr, I just outed myself! Come and get me for the woo woo that I am!:D

No, well kind of jokingly though. But at the same time matriarchal societies (mammals) tend to find ways to solve problems w/out violence.Bonobos and elephants are good examples of matriarchal societies in the animal kingdom. This link can provide insight as well! Bo

If such a society is to exist amongst humans, they MUST know how to fight, or they will cease to exist.
If such a society is to exist amongst humans, they MUST know how to fight, or they will cease to exist.

There are many ways to fight not just brute force and I will exstinguish all those possibilities first before violence toward a population in order to solve the problem. The USA is saddle with many burdens some not of their doing but much that is and so we continue to warmonger.

Did you go to link? This society does exist but you are right in a global society that looks to amass capital and stuff they will prolly go the way of the dinosaurs.
There are many ways to fight not just brute force and I will exstinguish all those possibilities first before violence toward a population in order to solve the problem. The USA is saddle with many burdens some not of their doing but much that is and so we continue to warmonger.

Of course war is a last resort. I said that already

Did you go to link? This society does exist but you are right in a global society that looks to amass capital and stuff they will prolly go the way of the dinosaurs.[/QUOTE]

Give it some time to interact with the outside world, and get stronger, more powerful and influential, and then you will see what I mean.

I revise my statement, I thought you meant as in transforming a country such the USA into such.

If such a advanced society is to exist amongst humans and be influential and powerful, they MUST know how to fight, or they will cease to exist.

Right now, nobody have set their sights on them, therefore they can continue to exist.

Switzerland for example, they are a peaceful nation, but they damn well know how to fight.
SPIEGEL ONLINE: What is life like for a man in a matriarchy?

Coler: Men live better where women are in charge: you are responsible for almost nothing, you work much less and you spend the whole day with your friends. You're with a different woman every night. And on top of that, you can always live at your mother's house. The woman serves the man and it happens in a society where she leads the way and has control of the money. In a patriarchy, we men work more -- and every now and then we do the dishes. In the Mosuo's pure form of matriarchy, you aren't allowed to do that. Where a woman's dominant position is secure, those kinds of archaic gender roles don't have any meaning.

That is how they extinguishes the flames of rebellion...wouldn't doubt its effectiveness.
The social contract

Asguard said:

Is it ethical to teach young adolessent highschool aged children that its ok to kill?

If the mob set up a "hitman" school would that be ethical?

I think they're separate issues. In order to combine them under a single regard, we must first abandon the social contract, in general.

Even in terms of JROTC, which isn't particularly common anymore, though my old high school has an unused rifle range on its roof, these young killers to be are being trained to defend the social contract.

The mob school would constitute training to an alternate, competing social contract.

True, the issue is clouded some as even "free" governments look more and more like rackets these days, but consider someone like me.

I don't like the government much. It certainly doesn't like me. The government would throw me in jail if it could catch me. I am, after all, a pot smoker and, by custom—and through custom, by definition—a drug trafficker. (Almost every stoner is, technically, guilty of trafficking drugs. Pass the duchie on the left-hand side? You've just delivered a controlled substance.)

But this does not mean I'm in with the mob. Indeed, the more organization I see in a black-market operation, the less secure I feel around it. Well, okay, after a point. Thinking back, for instance, to a former supply line out of Canada. My dealers were great. Their suppliers? I didn't trust them at all insofar as doing business with them directly was, by my assessment, risky. In the first place, I didn't want to be moving that much product. In the second, there comes a point at which the market becomes dangerous because there is enough money in it. Eighty bucks? Nobody's going to lean on me for that. A thousand bucks? Yeah, I'll feel some gravity. More than that? Well, I don't want to feel any gravity on the supply side.

By the time we get to "the mob"? Hell no. I don't like buying from gangs. I don't like buying from well-polished guys in suits. As it is, my growers are, more often than not, small. And the one supplier I know is getting big-op bud? It's shitty bud. Ropy and variable, harvested and cured wrong. I'm getting better stuff from the smaller operations, the local ones. The ones where the stuff isn't emergency-harvested, quick-cured with artificial heat, and then packed into the seat compartment on a motorcycle to be driven overland across the Canadian border and down to Seattle where it's picked over by five or six people competing with one another, picked over again at home, and then the leavings are distributed out at the street level. Stuff up from Mexico? I only encounter it peripherally. Someone passing a joint at a show, or something. It's shit. We call it dirt weed for a reason.

So even from my middling position, I'll take the social contract of government. At least if the cops shoot me for no good reason, people will find my body.

As to "military schools" in general, I think they're simply a breeding ground for abusive, repressed homosexuality.
Sorry but your wrong tiassa. The DSM IV doesn't specify WHO a person works for as having any relationship to whether or not someone has antisocial personality disorder. It simply lists a fundermental lack of empathy for other people. Now millatries around the world spend millions of $ ensuring that the solders DONT question the ethics of killing, they also do there best to make war more like a video game than the needles slaughter of people. Police on the other hand are taught the exact oposite, the police can't decide that as the hell's angels is a criminal organisation any hells angels member can be shot on sight, without warning even if they don't have a weapon and happen to be earring dinner. They can't just drop a bomb on there headquarters. They can't blow up the supermarkets which feed them. There must be an IMINATE threat to life from each and every person they shoot. If there isn't its murder. Yet we argue its ethical to send people onto another countries soil to commit these acts. Sometimes its to protect lives but more often its to protect resorces and even to steal them. Now after years of watching law and order I believe this is correct under NY law at least, if you commit murder in the commission of a felloney such as theft that is murder 1 which carries the death penelty. If you conspire to commit a crime which results in death that is felloney murder also which is murder 1 and carries the death penelty. An officer of law is no more exempt from these laws than anyone else. There for it could be argued that the whole millatry, command AND any government official or Polly involved with the millatry is guilty of felloney murder and should be sentanced to death or life without
No, well kind of jokingly though. But at the same time matriarchal societies (mammals) tend to find ways to solve problems w/out violence.Bonobos and elephants are good examples of matriarchal societies in the animal kingdom. This link can provide insight as well! Bo

I don't know about bonobos, but elephants can be extremely violent.

There was one mother elephant that saw her baby get killed by poachers. She would walk around on roads with a limp, when a car would stop by to help she would reach in with her trunk, grab the person and bash them to death.

Elephants can be extremely violent especially coupled with their intelligence.
I don't know about bonobos, but elephants can be extremely violent.

There was one mother elephant that saw her baby get killed by poachers. She would walk around on roads with a limp, when a car would stop by to help she would reach in with her trunk, grab the person and bash them to death.

Elephants can be extremely violent especially coupled with their intelligence.

Ouch...that sucks!

I suspect th Bonobos will GET violent, but I dunno if they are violent or not...
I don't know about bonobos, but elephants can be extremely violent.

There was one mother elephant that saw her baby get killed by poachers. She would walk around on roads with a limp, when a car would stop by to help she would reach in with her trunk, grab the person and bash them to death.

Elephants can be extremely violent especially coupled with their intelligence.

Fed, Congrats on your aspirations and I for one see those dreams of yours transpiring!

Yes, but this example is not indicative of most elephants behavior in their matriarchal society. This elephant was probably kicked out of herd or will be if this behavior continues as this is what the matriarch does when young bulls start exhibiting violent behavior.

My point is that matriarchal societies in general find ways to obfuscate violence and that we as a patriarchal society could learn a whole hell of a lot from them!

What is your view on this:
There are many ways to fight not just brute force and I will exstinguish all those possibilities first before violence toward a population in order to solve the problem. The USA is saddle with many burdens some not of their doing but much that is and so we continue to warmonger.

Did you go to link? This society does exist but you are right in a global society that looks to amass capital and stuff they will prolly go the way of the dinosaurs.

how is the US a warmonger?
Fed, Congrats on your aspirations and I for one see those dreams of yours transpiring!

Yes, but this example is not indicative of most elephants behavior in their matriarchal society. This elephant was probably kicked out of herd or will be if this behavior continues as this is what the matriarch does when young bulls start exhibiting violent behavior.

My point is that matriarchal societies in general find ways to obfuscate violence and that we as a patriarchal society could learn a whole hell of a lot from them!

What is your view on this:

Elephants are extremely territorial. That is a fact quinnsong. And when you think about it, it only makes sense. Quinnsong, they are defending their children, not just their group. That makes it more personal, any mother will say that they will beat the crap out of someone that dares try and hurt their child.

That's a natural reaction to danger, hence, elephants tend to be extremely territorial.