are millatry schools ethical?

that the difference between between people like you and the amish, alot of neo pagans, or my self for that matter. killing is and should be always be wrong. yes their are times it is needed and should be done but the taking of a life should not ever be considered a good thing.

Life goes on, all the while leaving people behind.

People die, there's a 100% chance of that.

quinnsong, there are always things worth dying for.

Agreed. My first priority would be my family (any member), of course. Next would be a LONG list of friends. And it doesn't end there.
Military school is for losers.

Buzz cuts and other military style haircuts are for losers.

Shaved heads and balding is for losers.
Military school is for losers.

Buzz cuts and other military style haircuts are for losers.

Shaved heads and balding is for losers.

You're the one who is obsessed with machinery, international politics, and military forces, right?

Yeah. Your response to my very truthful statements does not surprise. :cool:

Still can't tell.

Im not obsessed, I'm just a well informed cynic.
Life goes on, all the while leaving people behind.

People die, there's a 100% chance of that.

quinnsong, there are always things worth dying for.

I wanted to say good work and thank you for your non violent work of folding proteins in the hopes of one day curing Alzhemers.

Fed of course there are things worth dying for and I am not so innocent or naive as not to recognize this. Sometimes we as people in order to save more people have to kill some people as we say for the greater good. We only know about the overt military actions of the USA and I believe if we knew just a quarter of what our military does covertly we would not be as patriotic or willing to beat those war drums. Violence begets violence and that is why I believe we are the most violent nation (societally) on earth statistically. Is all the violence we export really necessary?

More war=More Prisons= terrible way to run an economy!
I wanted to say good work and thank you for your non violent work of folding proteins in the hopes of one day curing Alzhemers.

Fed of course there are things worth dying for and I am not so innocent or naive as not to recognize this. Sometimes we as people in order to save more people have to kill some people as we say for the greater good. We only know about the overt military actions of the USA and I believe if we knew just a quarter of what our military does covertly we would not be as patriotic or willing to beat those war drums. Violence begets violence and that is why I believe we are the most violent nation (societally) on earth statistically. Is all the violence we export really necessary?

More war=More Prisons= terrible way to run an economy!


Look, quinnsong. Your problem isn't with war. If you ever fight in a war, actually on a front line 99% of the time you would never, NEVER want to go back. Its a f*cking nightmare.

Quinnsong, your problem is with the protrayel of war. If the people that declared wars had to fight on them then they would think twice before making such a decision lightheartedly. Video games portray wars in completely abstract forms.

Personally, I probably will next year join the air force ROTC. Why?

Because I want to become an aerospace major and I would like to be able to practice what I preach. Moreso, I want to someday be an astronaut, and while my chances are slim, this could probably help them.
No doubt that mankind has and continues to do great and good things that benefit mankind but these facts do not answer my question what is the fascination with war? How many times does one have to watch footage of WWII? I have sat in aroom full of men watching war footage and they seem to know all the guns, tanks, planes and tactics of the ally and the enemy. I think of sharks sensing blood in the water and then the ensuingi feeding frenzy.
The primary responsibility of the male for most of the time that humans have existed was to provide for and defend the women and children. A fascination with war and the weapons of war is built into our DNA.
My problem is with war as my husband is on the frontlines and I get it and not in just some abstract peace-loving hippie kind of way! I abhor violence and always have it makes me sad and I find nothing fascinating about it! Not the planes, not the tanks, not the guns, nor the military tactics as it is alien to my nature and for those that can and do look on war not only coldly and scientifically but with a perverse fascination it just sickens me! When does this mentality STOP? Hmmm maybe more estrogen in our water supply.:bugeye:

The correlation of wars = prisons is simply this you get what you give! export. I tend towards mysticism and the metaphysical here but I believe we have a violent society (more prisons) because we export and sell organized violence! Kinda like a karma thing. Oh god, Dywddyr, I just outed myself! Come and get me for the woo woo that I am!:D
The primary responsibility of the male for most of the time that humans have existed was to provide for and defend the women and children. A fascination with war and the weapons of war is built into our DNA.

Can you identify the "war and weapons" gene in our DNA?

The fascination with weapons and war is cultural, not biological. Had you been raised elsewhere (or had a better upbringing), you might not such preoccupations. You come from poor immigrants who came here on a boat or border-hopped, right?

I msyelf come from a family of educators and professionals. We all despise weaponry and war. None of us have any such fascination.
No, well kind of jokingly though. But at the same time matriarchal societies (mammals) tend to find ways to solve problems w/out violence.Bonobos and elephants are good examples of matriarchal societies in the animal kingdom. This link can provide insight as well! Bo

Unfortunately men are usually more aggressive and more like the physical aggression has larger impact i think it is more perceved of as a tool and tough women would soon use that tool, but not always. I have to say, now that you mention it, there would be wars if there were all i think...gosh maybe worse.
Unfortunately men are usually more aggressive and more like the physical aggression has larger impact i think it is more perceved of as a tool and tough women would soon use that tool, but not always. I have to say, now that you mention it, there would be wars if there were all i think...gosh maybe worse.

If you've ever had the misfortune to happen to be in a large department store at about opening time on the day of a major sale, you would certainly not believe that women were kind, gentle creatures not given to violence and war.

Ahhh - just as I was writing this I happened to remember the poor guy who was trampled to death at a NY Walmart when he unlocked the front door...