are millatry schools ethical?

Part of the interest is in the human drama, the other part is an interest in self-preservation. In the past, that has been the task of men- to protect their families and property.

The goals of the US Army are to fulfill the orders of their president. Secondarily, to be prepared for whatever orders they receive.

Yes, the answer my husband would give as he is in the Army. I asked the wrong question! What would our nation be economically and politically without our military complex? Why is dominance the answer I keep getting? Why do we use jingoisms like the " WAR ON DRUGS" or the " WAR ON CANCER"! We are constantly being fed this mentality and a peace pipe is no where in sight!
Why are people(men in general) so fascinated with war especially w/ the machinery like tanks and planes and guns that bring nothing but devastation.
'cos they're really really cool.

I'll just go take a cold shower now.
Part of the interest is in the human drama, the other part is an interest in self-preservation. In the past, that has been the task of men- to protect their families and property.

The goals of the US Army are to fulfill the orders of their president. Secondarily, to be prepared for whatever orders they receive.

I would modify that somewhat: The PRIMARY goal of the army is to protect U.S. territory from foreign invasion. Everything else is secondary to that.
Yes, the answer my husband would give as he is in the Army. I asked the wrong question! What would our nation be economically and politically without our military complex? Why is dominance the answer I keep getting? Why do we use jingoisms like the " WAR ON DRUGS" or the " WAR ON CANCER"! We are constantly being fed this mentality and a peace pipe is no where in sight!

Are there ever good reasons for war? If so, we need to prepare for it and that means an entire industry devoted to war. You act like conflict would disappear if we only pretended it didn't exist.
Are there ever good reasons for war? If so, we need to prepare for it and that means an entire industry devoted to war. You act like conflict would disappear if we only pretended it didn't exist.

No but do we need to be so dependent upon it? Doesn't it bother you in the least that our economy has become more and more entwined with the military complex!
Yes, the answer my husband would give as he is in the Army. I asked the wrong question! What would our nation be economically and politically without our military complex? Why is dominance the answer I keep getting? Why do we use jingoisms like the " WAR ON DRUGS" or the " WAR ON CANCER"! We are constantly being fed this mentality and a peace pipe is no where in sight!

Because that's what it is. Brute force is literally what it means.

What do you want it to be? The flowery tussle with breast cancer?
Well Bully for you and I mean that, as it has taken me years to get here!:D

Can you please expand on no it hasn't:rolleyes:

Bully for you? Never heard that before.

Well its simple quinn, it hasn't. My theory is that you have a hardcore belief in the concept of peace and all that jazz. Because lets face it, war is a pathetic waste of perfectly good resources. Do you have any idea how many cars, or even hospitals could be built out of the hulks of retired/destroyed tanks?

A lot, a hell of a lot.

But I've met your kind before, granted your the first peace type I've met before it doesn't change the fact.

Something tells me that you have in your head right now half a dozen counter arguments to whatever I have to say. Right? :cool:
I would modify that somewhat: The PRIMARY goal of the army is to protect U.S. territory from foreign invasion. Everything else is secondary to that.

No, it is to defend the constitution against all threats foreign and theory
No Fed its science and policy not BRUTE FORCE!

No quinn, it quite frankly is brute force.

Sure there's science and surgical precision. But often enough its brute force thats needed.

I'm one of the people that fight the brute force attack. You can be too. I have a program called fold@home, I run it on my computer and at the moment it is folding a protein involved in Alzheimer's, it may not lead to a cure, but combined with the thousands of other computers on the network folding the protein it may lead to a cure.
No quinn, it quite frankly is brute force.

Sure there's science and surgical precision. But often enough its brute force thats needed.

I'm one of the people that fight the brute force attack. You can be too. I have a program called fold@home, I run it on my computer and at the moment it is folding a protein involved in Alzheimer's, it may not lead to a cure, but combined with the thousands of other computers on the network folding the protein it may lead to a cure.

Sometimes Brute Force IS a part of science, take room temperature superconductor research for example.
Why are people(men in general) so fascinated with war especially w/ the machinery like tanks and planes and guns that bring nothing but devastation.

They are cool and fascinating. I am intrigued by them personally.
Is the military schools under discussion ones like West Point, Annapolis, Virginia Military Institute, USAFA, the Citadel, Royal Military College of Canada etc.

Or are you talking about JROTC?
Bully for you? Never heard that before.

Well its simple quinn, it hasn't. My theory is that you have a hardcore belief in the concept of peace and all that jazz. Because lets face it, war is a pathetic waste of perfectly good resources. Do you have any idea how many cars, or even hospitals could be built out of the hulks of retired/destroyed tanks?

A lot, a hell of a lot.

But I've met your kind before, granted your the first peace type I've met before it doesn't change the fact.

Something tells me that you have in your head right now half a dozen counter arguments to whatever I have to say. Right? :cool:

No argument here I am right! As long as we are fed war we will continue eat at its table! If you asked ma at 5 and you ask me now I would like a ride on the peace train along w/ Cat! I believe it is doable and I know silly me!
Sorry, the idea of war doesn't cause war. War will cause peace by removing tyrants from the world.
No argument here I am right! As long as we are fed war we will continue eat at its table! If you asked ma at 5 and you ask me now I would like a ride on the peace train along w/ Cat! I believe it is doable and I know silly me!

Not doable, not for a long long long time.

You know what will make it doable? A global crisis of unprecedented scale. And it doesn't have to necessarily be bad.

It needs to be something incredible, damned marvelous.
What? I don't know.

But lemme tell you something, it ain't gonna be under the banner of 'peace'.

Until then, I am going to enjoy watching this.