are millatry schools ethical?


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
Is it ethical to teach young adolessent highschool aged children that its ok to kill?

If the mob set up a "hitman" school would that be ethical?

My personal feelings are that children should be kept as far away from killing and guns as possible. Thats why we have M ratings on movies and games and sure they might not be enforced as well as they should but a millatry school takes a group of kids, whos reasoning center of the brain (the frontal cortex) is still not developed (doesnt finish developing till mid 20s) and teaches them that its ok to go out and kill someone because they are told too. How is this in anyway a good thing? As i pointed out in another thread, if this was the mob the "solders" would be concidered to be sociopathic serial killers because they have no empathy with there victoms. Now once again (as i did in that thread) i will draw a distintion between the police who are taught to defend themselves and others with deadly force as a last resort and that if its not apsolutly nessary they will be held to account and the millatry who are taught that if he says "fire" i shoot and who gives a toss what the other guy is doing or the fact that we are in his country or whatever. They are taught NOT to morally reason and if they do they are santioned for it
Is it ethical to teach young adolessent highschool aged children that its ok to kill?

My nephew went to a private military school. At no point was he taught to kill. "Military schools" tend to be private, so there is no discussion of all of them, because each has an individual philosophy and credo.

In most cases, the "military structure" is only there to manage performance and behavior. They aren't shooting guns at Gooks or Sand Niggers, though this doesn't mean they don't have archery or target shooting (many American schools still do).

As what Superstring said I agree. Military schools are there to address disciplinary problems with some people and regiment ways of living like in the military but they do not teach killing. They might have target practice but again that is also considered a "sport" as well.
I would be against the rigid discipline of such a school, but I don't think killing is always wrong. We don't want them to grow up into pacifists.
I would be against the rigid discipline of such a school, but I don't think killing is always wrong. We don't want them to grow up into pacifists.

What's wrong with being a pacifist? They are needed in this world more than murderers are wouldn't you think?
Killing isn't always murder. Having a pre-determined position against any kind of violence is unethical.
Killing isn't always murder. Having a pre-determined position against any kind of violence is unethical.

But that wasn't the point and you know it. Why would it be "unethical" to form a pacifistic way of life, the Amish do just that from what I know about them.
Is it ethical to teach young adolessent highschool aged children that its ok to kill?

If the mob set up a "hitman" school would that be ethical?

My personal feelings are that children should be kept as far away from killing and guns as possible. Thats why we have M ratings on movies and games and sure they might not be enforced as well as they should but a millatry school takes a group of kids, whos reasoning center of the brain (the frontal cortex) is still not developed (doesnt finish developing till mid 20s) and teaches them that its ok to go out and kill someone because they are told too. How is this in anyway a good thing? As i pointed out in another thread, if this was the mob the "solders" would be concidered to be sociopathic serial killers because they have no empathy with there victoms. Now once again (as i did in that thread) i will draw a distintion between the police who are taught to defend themselves and others with deadly force as a last resort and that if its not apsolutly nessary they will be held to account and the millatry who are taught that if he says "fire" i shoot and who gives a toss what the other guy is doing or the fact that we are in his country or whatever. They are taught NOT to morally reason and if they do they are santioned for it

As usual, Asguard, you have NO idea what you are talking about if you mean the military schools in the U.S. (I don't know what they are like in YOUR country and therefore would never be presumptuous enough to criticize them - I only wish you had the good sense to treat our country that way).

Our military schools certainly ARE ethical !! They teach the same subjects as all other public/private schools do here. The only difference is that they foster an environment that emphasizes personal discipline. Period.
But that wasn't the point and you know it. Why would it be "unethical" to form a pacifistic way of life, the Amish do just that from what I know about them.

That's exactly the point. The Amish are unethical. Consider a thought experiment: A foreign power invades the US and sweeps across Pennsylvania, killing and raping all the way. Do the Amish fight or turn the other cheek and love their enemies?
That's exactly the point. The Amish are unethical. Consider a thought experiment: A foreign power invades the US and sweeps across Pennsylvania, killing and raping all the way. Do the Amish fight or turn the other cheek and love their enemies?

I don't know since I'm not Amish.
Why are people(men in general) so fascinated with war especially w/ the machinery like tanks and planes and guns that bring nothing but devastation. Most wars are not about humanitarianism but about dominance and I do not get this mentality and I never will. People, I hope this is not always so! At what point does this mentality change, maybe it needs to start in military schools and our future soldiers.

Spider, war and killing has always been our reality but I being the idealist that I am, choose to believe that someday it wll not be big business as usual!
Why are people(men in general) so fascinated with war especially w/ the machinery like tanks and planes and guns that bring nothing but devastation

Actually most of the greatest artists were and are men. Men also have lead the way in inventions that have helped everyone like plows. Men also have been involved with medical breakthroughs, clothing design, books, and a host of other very beneficial things throughout time.
Why are people(men in general) so fascinated with war especially w/ the machinery like tanks and planes and guns that bring nothing but devastation.
Nothing? War never eliminated a totalitarian regime, torturing dictator, or freed a nation from taxation without representation?

quinnsong said:
Most wars are not about humanitarianism but about dominance and I do not get this mentality and I never will. People, I hope this is not always so! At what point does this mentality change, maybe it needs to start in military schools and our future soldiers.
Most, but not all. Without security, there is nothing.

quinnsong said:
Spider, war and killing has always been our reality but I being the idealist that I am, choose to believe that someday it wll not be big business as usual!
Me too.
Actually most of the greatest artists were and are men. Men also have lead the way in inventions that have helped everyone like plows. Men also have been involved with medical breakthroughs, clothing design, books, and a host of other very beneficial things throughout time.

Also, we are the protectors of the weaker, less aggressive sex. Often from ourselves.
Is it ethical to teach young adolessent highschool aged children that its ok to kill?

If the mob set up a "hitman" school would that be ethical?

My personal feelings are that children should be kept as far away from killing and guns as possible. Thats why we have M ratings on movies and games and sure they might not be enforced as well as they should but a millatry school takes a group of kids, whos reasoning center of the brain (the frontal cortex) is still not developed (doesnt finish developing till mid 20s) and teaches them that its ok to go out and kill someone because they are told too. How is this in anyway a good thing? As i pointed out in another thread, if this was the mob the "solders" would be concidered to be sociopathic serial killers because they have no empathy with there victoms. Now once again (as i did in that thread) i will draw a distintion between the police who are taught to defend themselves and others with deadly force as a last resort and that if its not apsolutly nessary they will be held to account and the millatry who are taught that if he says "fire" i shoot and who gives a toss what the other guy is doing or the fact that we are in his country or whatever. They are taught NOT to morally reason and if they do they are santioned for it

You assume that everyone under the age of 25 is a blithering idiot that can't think for themselves.

I am 17 (turning 18 on the 26th), and I consider myself to be rather mature for my age intellectually.
Actually most of the greatest artists were and are men. Men also have lead the way in inventions that have helped everyone like plows. Men also have been involved with medical breakthroughs, clothing design, books, and a host of other very beneficial things throughout time.

No doubt that mankind has and continues to do great and good things that benefit mankind but these facts do not answer my question what is the fascination with war? How many times does one have to watch footage of WWII? I have sat in aroom full of men watching war footage and they seem to know all the guns, tanks, planes and tactics of the ally and the enemy. I think of sharks sensing blood in the water and then the ensuing feeding frenzy.

To Fedr808:

No, I seriously do not understand why all the war and why all the violence! Simply put it goes against my nature and always has and I am proud of that fact, even if you find it stupid!

To Spider:

What do you believe are the goals of the biggest organization in the world the US Army? Are they truly all about humanitarianism and security?
Part of the interest is in the human drama, the other part is an interest in self-preservation. In the past, that has been the task of men- to protect their families and property.

The goals of the US Army are to fulfill the orders of their president. Secondarily, to be prepared for whatever orders they receive.