Are all soldiers like the Nazis?

You don't know enough about these men to make such allegations anymore than a member here has the right to call you a terrorist or an extremist.

...and hey the shoe may even fit:rolleyes:

Most definitely. Can't get more radically extremist and terrorist than questioning the mindless allegiance to violence and force or the justification of using chemical weaponry on the defenceless. :D
I suppose you'd be more of an extremist to your cause if you actually did something for it. I'd find it hard to say you're an extremist of some peace movement. More like a typist of an internet movement that really involves nothing important.

Extremists would die for what they believe in, you may not even be a loyalists to it. Because you'd have to have it happen to you or your immediate family, for you to act on some kind of anti war campaign. Homeless Americans have done more for it than you. Not that I'm calling you out, but saying maybe you should voice yourself to a better audience.

I'd welcome world peace, and challenge you to even try to help. Sooner the fighting stops, the better.
One way to stop it is to quit volunteering for it.

You'd be amazed how little fighting there is without volunteers.
i suppose you should volunteer your time and efforts to making it to where american, british, arabic, israeli soldiers wouldn't have a want to volunteer. but as long as there is brothers in arms, and family in friends dying in a war, you're not going to sway many people from doing it anyways.
Can't remember the last time an Arab or Asian volunteer army invaded a western state. Which one of your brothers in arms is dying from a foreign invasion?
one statement, couple questions

1. brothers in arms dying does not mean i implied how, by who or by what means they were fucked into going for

2. how many members of the terrorist cell groups in iraq are actually iraqi?

3 wouldn't you say they invaded iraq against the will of many iraqis to kill americans?

4 is that much more different than an invasion to stop a tyrannical leader remixed and extened by bush?
So you're complaining about the British allies helping the French resistance fight the Nazis?

Or the Australian allies helping the Americans in Iraq?

Who are you fighting/defending exactly? Do you even know?
I dont give a shit about iraq, it's a shame to me americans, and allied forces die here. You know why a ssg died last week monday? Because he was doing an escort mission to bring civillian personnel down to an IP station to help organize a future for the iraqis. He was shot by a sniper. He was in the middle of laughing and joking with a friend when his life suddenly ended. You could see everyone scatter to find the shooter, and 2 soldiers run to possibly save his life but to no avial. No one saw the shooter, and no one returned fire.

He died in vein in my opinion. Just like the australians, hondorians, salvadorians, british, and so many more countries die for a country that has done nothing for us personally, or internationally.

If you're asking me to say that no one should help no one in war, you're wrong. I'm not implying that. I am pointing out the war isn't even really with iraqis anymore. Iraq is just proving grounds as it seems. What a terrible fucking waste it is too.

I hate the fact we're here, but in the same exact sentence i'll say i'll be glad we're in afghanistan as soon as it makes some progress. if it ever does...
They showed Waltz with Bashir today on our world movies channel. I watched it because Lucy had recommended it. Initially I was surprised and pleased, because the character expressed remorse for the dogs he killed in Lebanon. All 26 of them, there was a graphic depiction of a dog being killed and an expression of remorse on the soldiers face. As the story progressed, I waited to hear about the the other victims [you know, the 18,000 Lebanese killed, the 30,000 injured]. I heard, but about the horses at Beirut. There was another graphic scene, horses injured, suffering slowly dying. More expression of remorse at horses.

The word invasion was never mentioned, neither were the Lebanese victims or what the Israelis were doing in Lebanon, i.e. reasons for the massive damage they inflicted there. The bombings and missiles that destroyed large neighborhoods in Beirut and Shibon [I think] were portrayed as a rock concert set to music. The massacre at Shabra and Shatilla was "visited" with unintelligible Palestinians crying out for their sons [not translated in the subtitles]. The Palestinians had no names, no one spoke to them, they were only good as dead or blown up bodies, with no human context or suffering that required any recognition except in terms of Israeli suffering. The Lebanese victims were made obvious by a complete lack of any reference to their conditions.

Everything was discussed as rising from the holocaust [a timely reference to Auschwitz and the Nazis here] and a sense of "misplaced" guilt because after all they [the IDF] did not massacre the refugees [just caused them to become refugees and never mind about the 18,000 dead in Lebanon, they don't count in this shallow, superficial, narcissistic self involved orgy of displacing responsibility for your own actions] and hence they were absolved by becoming victims of the invasion they imposed upon the locals.

So yeah, I see your context. You're a victim of the occupation of the countries you volunteer to occupy. Some of you die or get maimed while enforcing this occupation.

You have my sympathies.
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i'm no victim. the mans family is a victim. do you think it's logical for a man to enlist in 1996 with no present war going on, and expect to be in iraq helping these people restructure their government? you think that was his dream job?

you don't know enough about the military to say we're nazis. it's a sick joke if you ask me.
I completely understand. Its too bad you have no choice, unlike your victims.
It's too bad, yeah you're right. It's too bad I'm still alive, while countless are dead, and it's too fucking bad I couldn't prevent civillians from dying. It's too fucking bad every american soldier confused by war couldn't do something to help these iraqis in every way possible because we don't have a choice on being in iraq, depending on when we enlisted. It's too fucking bad that in war people die, and it's too fucking bad we have horrible people on both sides of the battlefield.

It's also too bad you can talk about death as if it were a joke. I feel deeply sorry for you. I hope you never have to understand what really happens in wars. I hope all you see is what's in movies, and that i also hope you help stop wars.
After seeing the bombing of Beirut set to rock guitar, I am quite nonplussed as to what war is actually, Apparently its a means of living in denial while pandering to base instincts..
I hope that's not all you gathered from it. True in many ways, but that's not even the half of it, not even a 16th of it.
Perhaps I have observer bias. Imagine a German rendition of the holocaust which treated the Jews like that. Where they cried over dogs and horses, indulged in hand wringing through their own emotions and where their victims were peripheral voiceless nameless entities that passed through as a backdrop to THEIR suffering. And their atrocities set to rock music.

It would be a travesty.
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I'm sorry if I don't understand exactly what you mean. I think you're implying that they killed jews heartlessly? That they'd rather save a horse than a human? And what is with the rock music analogy?
I'm asking you to apply your perspective of this war [or any war] to German soldiers in WWII. Where the victims of the nazis are peripheral to the "suffering" of the Germans. A waltz with Auschwitz, so to speak.
I can't quite say yet, honestly. I'd rather think about this for a day or two. Which I will. It's a good question, and I don't want to ruin it with a half assed answer.