Are all soldiers like the Nazis?

If you wait a bit, the children in the refugee camps now will grow up and will be ready for the next round of violence you want to visit on them.
When did I say I wanted to inflict violence on people? What I want is for those children to grow up in a country that will not brainwash them to beleive that blowing up civilians is a great plan for getting in good with Allah.
Is it not in our interest to reduce the power of fundamentalist Muslims?
The fundamentalist Muslims are less dangerous than the US, Israel and NATO .
Who is destroying the lives of people by millions ?. Not the fundamentalist Muslims for sure . Who is occupying other people's countries ?. Not the fundamentalist Muslims for sure . Who are the real tyrants of this century ?. Not the fundamentalist Muslims for sure .
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When did I say I wanted to inflict violence on people? What I want is for those children to grow up in a country that will not brainwash them to beleive that blowing up civilians is a great plan for getting in good with Allah.

Maybe they should all immigrate west then.
When did I say I wanted to inflict violence on people? What I want is for those children to grow up in a country that will not brainwash them to beleive that blowing up civilians is a great plan for getting in good with Allah.
Suicide bombing is a military tactic and NOT a religious phenomenon . It was used by Japanese, Vietnamese, Sri lankans.....etc .
It doesn't matter whether it's religious, military, domestic, platonic, or any other adjective you want to throw in front of it. My point still stands.

And yes, I would welcome the migration of innocent people from unsecure areas to secure ones.
I'm not a fan of Chomsky anymore, but if you cannot demonstrate where Robert Pape is false in his assertions, you should at least demonstrate why [until the occupation of Iraq] the largest number of suicide nbombings were carried out by the LTTE and why all suicide bombings follow occupation

The Afghans, Iraqis, Pakistanis and Palestinians managed to get through 1400 years of Islam without blowing themselves up.

You can also explain this:

Hezbollah suicide bombers in the period 1982-1986 were 71% Communist/Socialist, 21% Islamist, 8% Christian (204-07)

The one common factor in all suicide terrorism today is American occupation. What is it about Americans that drives people to suicide?

What are they doing to them?
Suicide bombing is a military tactic and NOT a religious phenomenon .

Suicide bombing is a military tactic that has become a religious phenomenon .

The suicide bomber doesn't just blow himself up to get in good with Allah, there is purpose and reason in his deployment. And, whatever that purpose and reason be, it is justified by interpreted Islamic doctrine, as it is Islam and it's seemingly endless interpretation that governs all aspects of a Muslims life, especially when it comes to a Muslims death.

Other Muslims may disagree with the justification, but will do nothing about it as it was Islam interpreted, hence the act cannot be criticized or acted upon as that would be blasphemy.
Who is destroying the lives of people by millions ?. Not the fundamentalist Muslims for sure . Who is occupying other people's countries ?. Not the fundamentalist Muslims for sure . Who are the real tyrants of this century ?. Not the fundamentalist Muslims for sure .

One thing I do respect about Muslim fundamentalists, or any other religious fundamentalist, is that they strictly adhere to their religions doctrines, as was meant to be and commanded by their gods.

But, since the doctrines they adhere to are twisted and insane, they "for sure" are helping to ruin the lives of millions, or whatever other number you choose to pull out of your ass.
25 years under Saddam and not a single suicide bombing. Now its what, 12,000? 20,000? under American occupation of less than 10 years.

What was Saddam doing right? He was also against fundamentalism and openly oppressed and opposed the extremists.
25 years under Saddam and not a single suicide bombing. Now its what, 12,000? 20,000? under American occupation of less than 10 years.

What was Saddam doing right? He was also against fundamentalism and openly oppressed and opposed the extremists.
He was gassing them with Chlorine before they had a chance to kill themselves. Yeah, that's a good leader right there!

(that was sarcasm, by the way)
Is that why Iraqis think he was better than the Americans?

Maybe the nazis had it right? Gassing rocks?

Maybe US troops could substitute airstrikes and white phosphorus with poison gas and see if that will win hearts and minds/
Here is some empirical evidence that poison gas may work better:

Churchill was in no doubt that gas could be profitably employed against the Kurds and Iraqis (as well as against other peoples in the Empire): *I do not understand this sqeamishness about the use of gas. I am strongly in favour of using poison gas against uncivilised tribes.* Henry Wilson shared Churchills enthusiasm for gas as an instrument of colonial control but the British cabinet was reluctant to sanction the use of a weapon that had caused such misery and revulsion in the First World War. Churchill himself was keen to argue that gas, fired from ground-based guns or dropped from aircraft, would cause *only discomfort or illness, but not death* to dissident tribespeople; but his optimistic view of the effects of gas were mistaken. It was likely that the suggested gas would permanently damage eyesight and *kill children and sickly persons, more especially as the people against whom we intend to use it have no medical knowledge with which to supply antidotes.*

Churchill remained unimpressed by such considerations, arguing that the use of gas, a *scientific expedient,* should not be prevented *by the prejudices of those who do not think clearly*. In the event, gas was used against the Iraqi rebels with excellent moral effect* though gas shells were not dropped from aircraft because of practical difficulties [.....]

Today in 1993 there are still Iraqis and Kurds who remember being bombed and machine-gunned by the RAF in the 1920s. A Kurd from the Korak mountains commented, seventy years after the event: *They were bombing here in the Kaniya Khoran...Sometimes they raided three times a day.* Wing Commander Lewis, then of 30 Squadron (RAF), Iraq, recalls how quite often *one would get a signal that a certain Kurdish village would have to be bombed...*, the RAF pilots being ordered to bomb any Kurd who looked hostile. In the same vein, Squadron-Leader Kendal of 30 Squadron recalls that if the tribespeople were doing something they ought not be doing then you shot them.*

Apparently the Kurd was able to recollect the poison gas without blowing himself up.

Something to consider?
Is that why Iraqis think he was better than the Americans?

Maybe the nazis had it right? Gassing rocks?

Maybe US troops could substitute air strikes and white phosphorus with poison gas and see if that will win hearts and minds/
SAM.....Saddam loved Iraq and the Americans are the enemies of Iraq .
Of course Saddam is better than the US one trillion times when it comes to Iraq .