Are all discussions of God speculative nonsense?

It would take a whole book to detail every argument that theists use and debunk them. It's been done already, and by better writers than me. We can go through them if you want, pick one.
You just talked about how you can disprove a personal god on the authority of science ... so whenever you are ready to begin ...
can't find the actual show, but i think this link is close enough..
There is certainly no scientific consensus about his opinions about god ... in fact there is not even a scientific consensus about how the universe was created/manifested ...
in fact there is not even a scientific consensus on how the earth was created or how old the moon is ... Maybe one might balk at the prospect of calling such disciplines "nonsense" but I think we can all agree that it is certainly speculative and hardly the grounds for dismissing religion as "speculative".
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That's not an answer about how you know, you are simply asserting your belief. I believe because that's my belief! Thanks for proving that there is nothing behind your assertion except the desire to believe it.

That's not an answer about how you know, you are simply asserting your belief. I believe because that's my belief! Thanks for proving that there is nothing behind your assertion except the desire to believe it.

That is an answer.
And it is a part of my beleifs.
What difference does it make that you aren't the only one? Is that your reason? Maybe you never thought of any other possibility? Or maybe you feel like you would be disrespecting your friends and family by rejecting it?

What difference does it make that you aren't the only one? Is that your reason? Maybe you never thought of any other possibility? Or maybe you feel like you would be disrespecting your friends and family by rejecting it?

1. Family or friends have nothing to do with it, because I'm not talking about relegion with them or something..& so what if they rejected it..
2. It IS a part of my beleifs.
And yes I did thought of other possibilities, if you mean the possibilit that God don't exist, I did, but I still beleive in God.
God created the universe, and time (wich all as the theory says started after the bigbang, the universe as we know, and spacetime), that means, those didnt exist before, and then God created those, God is their creator, so those are not applied on God, so God is beyond those that have been created.
When I say created, that doesnt mean, just like that, created and there's no BigBang (if it is a correct theory wich we assume it is) and etc...
God tell us to walk, and search to see and understand how life and everything started that we may know and realise.