Are all discussions of God speculative nonsense?

@NMSquirrel: We're not alone in the universe also.
& by God, I don't mean, Jesus Christ.. Jesus Christ isn't the "son" of God, that makes God nothing more than a human or something..
God that I mean, is the one and only, the creator of heavens and earths (the universe, ...) ...

And it's like you didnt read anything of what I said.

Then you failed to prove your point. When there is no evidence for light bulbs or even their possibility, then it's unreasonable to believe in them. I think you are implying that science doesn't have a complete picture of reality, but that does not justify rejecting science in favor of faith.

I didn't fail to prove my point, the light bulbs, don't have any traces to see or know, so we can proove that they existed.
While God do..I'm not going to start it all over again, try to go back to my previous posts.

Incorrect, this happens in a vacuum too. There is no cause for the radioactive decay of any particular particle!

Atoms, don't just jump when they want to..It's just that what you want to beleive.
If we don't know how does it happen, then there's more to learn about it..It's in human nature to say "random" to everything we don't udnerstand.
Like centuries ago, people used to think that life and everything just popped out in a second.

What cause the radio active decay is an unstable atomic nucleus

You say random, that depends on what you mean with random, if you mean, then any atom can jump and become radioactive, then your house can become radioactive sometime.

Energy is also matter.
No, matter is energy..

I never said that.
You said it's completly random? :shrug:

You assert that humans are the special creation of God, and the reason he created the universe in the first place. So why has he set up a system where half of us die before we even experience life? Historically, this is true, although with science and modern medicine, the death rate of newborns is far less. This amounts to an estimated 50 billion deaths.

1. The baby may have bad genetics and some genetical deseases, so he dies.
2. Poor health care.
3. Wrong way during the birth or some king of problems while the baby is going out.
4. Accident that happened to the mother and killed the baby, or damaged him.
5. ...

& as I said, they go to heaven..

If God can forgive the most horrible criminal just for believing in Him, then there is no eternal justice. Forgiveness is not justice.

No, God don't forgive the most horrible criminals because they beleive in God..But because they went back to the straight path, and called God for forgiveness, felt very guilty, tryed to help people..etc... and as I said, "may", may does not mean surtenty, and as I said, I'm not God to tell who's going to heaven and who's going to hell...

Evolution is directed, by natural selection. The randomness just provides variation from which nature can select.

What is "nature"? & how does it select? I mean, according to what needs, reasons, data, situation..etc... does it use?
Effcorse not like it's going to "choose" the genetic changes to make a creature can only breath methane, while the environement is rich with oxygen.
Also, there's many kinds of mutations, and they're not all random, but one of them is, and that random mutation that just happen, does not make the creatures impossible to live in their environment.
If all mutations were random, life as we know, as a precise life cycle where every part of it have a role, may not have existed, instead, a random life forms may appeared, not necesserly attached to each other, like isolated life forms none have a role to the other, and effcorse the majority of these life forms will just die in the moment they evolve to somekind of life form that can't live in that environement, for example a life form that depends on co2 or propan to live, while that environement have none of these in big contities.

How do you know that if God is beyond our understanding?

...We almost know nothing about the universe itself...& you want me to exlain God himself?
If you mean, why is God himself beyond our understanding, or we don't know yet?
God is who created the universe, and effcorse time, so God is beyond time and beyond our known physic laws, and I don't think this is an answer for you, since your don't even beleive in God.
Well, idk..
How do you know what God wants then?
how do 'I' know? or are you using the generic 'you'?

with me, it is just a feeling..

Well, God created the physic laws, so, it's kinda an automatic system.
that's what i am saying..why would he create something he would need to constantly maintain?
(ignoring the obvious human association with this statement..)
...We almost know nothing about the universe itself...& you want me to exlain God himself?
If you mean, why is God himself beyond our understanding, or we don't know yet?
God is who created the universe, and effcorse time, so God is beyond time and beyond our known physic laws, and I don't think this is an answer for you, since your don't even beleive in God.

You seem to know that he can't have a human son, so how do you know that? How do you know that God isn't dead? If he can create himself, he can destroy himself.

You seem to know that he can't have a human son, so how do you know that? How do you know that God isn't dead? If he can create himself, he can destroy himself.

I didnt say God can't, I said don't.
God isnt a living organism to live or die..and as I said, God is beyond time and space..

how do 'I' know? or are you using the generic 'you'?

with me, it is just a feeling..

You have just answered.

that's what i am saying..why would he create something he would need to constantly maintain?
(ignoring the obvious human association with this statement..)

Well, we're not the only intelligent beings.
um.Stephen Hawking just did a tv show comparing science with religion and spoke of pure science(did not even come close to addressing humanities role, he just stuck with the physics of it) to disprove the concept of God creating the universe, he concluded that God did not create the universe.

so are you now claiming that Hawking does not speak for science?

Before we can answer that I guess we would have to wait to hear you present some his arguments .... but even then , I think you would have a hard time even establishing him as capable of speaking for religion
I think it can and does. How? Because it can show that all the arguments for a God that is involved in our personal lives are invalid. When this happens, the premise can be considered to be disproved beyond a reasonable doubt. At least until theists come up with better arguments.
You are simply talking about how (as opposed to "showing how") you can refute the claim of theists.

I guess in your eagerness you forgot to include a single premise for your conclusion.

Now go back to your corner.

You are simply talking about how (as opposed to "showing how") you can refute the claim of theists.

I guess in your eagerness you forgot to include a single premise for your conclusion.

Now go back to your corner.


It would take a whole book to detail every argument that theists use and debunk them. It's been done already, and by better writers than me. We can go through them if you want, pick one.
Before we can answer that I guess we would have to wait to hear you present some his arguments .... but even then , I think you would have a hard time even establishing him as capable of speaking for religion

how did i imply he spoke for religion??:confused: