Any atheists here who were once believers?

Can you read it any other way "But at the time of his trials the Lord told me twice to go and help"?

You seriously need to seek professional help, dude. Your psychosis is a menace to society. It is the same psychosis those from the NT were told to go out and kill people.
What is the the probability of impossible?

Obviously, you have yet to take the time to understand probabilities and possibilities, most likely because you suspect you might actually learn something and realize your ridiculous claims are just that; ridiculous.

This will immediately cause a problem for your zealotry of seeking attention here, and you couldn't have that.
What is the the probability of impossible?
The way I look at it,
Time travel 0% probability (grandfather paradox),

Many-worlds Theory ~0% (infinitely unlikely),

Big bang from true nothingness 0% (quackery)

Big bang from cosmic foam (???)

Big bang from God 50% (possible)

Life after death 50-50% (possible, plus there witnesses).
Rob, I bet if you sought out a priest, he'd tell you to seek professional help.

Do you practice voodoo in your basement?
You are literally getting all of the attention. My hat is off to you.

You are literally getting all of the attention. My hat is off to you.


and THAT is exactly what faith and religion should not be about. but i digress.

If one follows Jesus, how he/she could derive such a notion, is beyond me. Jesus himself wasn't haughty, he was humble. But, like I said above...hand the Bible to 100 different people, and you'll get 100 different interpretations as to what to believe.
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Life after death 50-50% (possible, plus there witnesses).

Oh gosh, I just want to cry reading this. :( What witnesses? This is another reason non believers, and non Christians get angry. This simply isn't based on factual evidence!
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You are literally getting all of the attention. My hat is off to you.

True, but it's all negative attention in the same way an attention whore gets attention.

However, there are folks here, non-believers, specifically, who are concerned for Rob's mental health and are asking him to seek professional help. It is you believers who are encouraging him, which boils down to the fact that you don't really care for him at all and are only encouraging him to fulfill your own selfish needs.
True, but it's all negative attention in the same way an attention whore gets attention.

However, there are folks here, non-believers, specifically, who are concerned for Rob's mental health and are asking him to seek professional help. It is you believers who are encouraging him, which boils down to the fact that you don't really care for him at all and are only encouraging him to fulfill your own selfish needs.
Well the difference between a whore and myself, - she gets paid
and THAT is exactly what faith and religion should not be about. but i digress.

If one follows Jesus, how he/she could derive such a notion, is beyond me. Jesus himself wasn't haughty, he was humble. But, like I said above...hand the Bible to 100 different people, and you'll get 100 different interpretations as to what to believe.
Jesus soon became the center of attention when the healings started, they were bringing the sick and maimed to him day and night from miles around.
... Life after death 50-50% (possible, plus there witnesses).
... What witnesses? This is another reason non believers, and non Christians get angry. This simply isn't based on factual evidence!. ...
"Strange, is it not? that of the myriads who. Before us pass'd the door of Darkness through, Not one returns to tell us of the Road, Which to discover we must travel too. ..."

Words written more than a thousand years ago by Omar Khayyam in his Rubaiyat* as translated several times by Fitzgerald, try to capture the beauty of the original poem.
Many many more have "passed the door of darkness thru" in these last 1000+ years but the words are still true.

There is in some London museum a large, sealed, clear-glass bottle (no cork - only glass) with pencil and sheet of paper sealed inside. Still waiting at least 200 years for some spirit to write even one short word on the paper. This was done so the spirit would not even need to "materialize" - just show a very slight ability to make a trivial material change in the arrangement of a few atoms of carbon.

In my youth, I committed to memory many inspirational poems.** The Rubaiyat (Fitgerald's 2nd version) was second only to Kipling's If. Third was one few have heard of, called "The Bridge Builder" which if I try I can still recite, 60+ years later, with a few minor wording errors in full as it tells a story - easier to keep the verses in order?
**The longest was Poe's Annabelle, I never mastered the Raven - too long and hard.

The Bridge Builder starts: "An old man going a lone highway, came at evening, cold and grey to a chasm, vast and deep and wide ..."

The fourth, sure to anger the more religious here, but I think quite religious in its own way (the celebration of the human spirit) I copy to get it fully correct below:

By William Ernest Henley 1849–1903 William Ernest Henley (Who was sick much of his life, and never well off, but strong of spirit.)

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.

Finally (for here, but I once knew many more***) a short one all, religious and atheist alike, can benefit from but also not well known (and author unknown, AFAIK):

"One ship sail East and another sails West
With the self-same winds that blow.

T'is the set of the sail, and not the gale
Which determines the way they go."

BTW there is a little history hidden in the second line of Invictus. The word "pit" refers to a coal mine.
Initially England's coal came from shallow pits, as deeper mines were water filled, but then Watt invented the first useful steam engine* that could pump them out, but language changes much more slowing than science. (I still call the place where we keep our milk, "the ice box.") I.e. " The Pit" continued to be where men dug coal even though in Henley's era it was a steeply inclined small path going deep into the earth.

* It was very primitive and simple. Just a large strong steel chamber where steam could enter to drive the air out, which then was closed. As the steam condensed, water was sucked up a hose perhaps 25 feet. Then at least the chamber was moved lower in the mine to dry another 25 feet or so deeper.

*** I Must at least, in these internationally troubled times, mention: Abou Ben Adhem; Hell, I'll do more than just mention. I'll post it later as many more posts were made while I was adding it here so it was not seen.
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I posted something to you wynn, and deleted it. I would rather send you a private message some time, as I don't feel comfortable sharing (personal experience, how I've arrived here, etc) in this thread anymore.

Thanks for caring, and I will state one part of what I had posted and it's are right. (and you have been right) My views on god's existence/spirituality, have stemmed from my disinterest in and abandonment of, Christianity.
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Jesus soon became the center of attention when the healings started, they were bringing the sick and maimed to him day and night from miles around.

If you believe the story, however, he wasn't in it for himself.
Obviously, you have yet to take the time to understand probabilities and possibilities, most likely because you suspect you might actually learn something and realize your ridiculous claims are just that; ridiculous.

This will immediately cause a problem for your zealotry of seeking attention here, and you couldn't have that.
I have a computer with Excel on it and we can do all sorts of math on it, so just tell me some figures and I'll calculate it. How likely is it to dream of two murders, and their separate locations and the perpetrators before the police find them? What is the probability of the impossible? There were real locations in real life that matched the dreams I found them and they were one off locations. No other properties matched.
But I had never been to those locations in my life before then.
To me that is so bizarre even I have trouble understanding it from a human point of view. How can you explain it.
You seriously need to seek professional help, dude. Your psychosis is a menace to society. It is the same psychosis those from the NT were told to go out and kill people.
You are much more dangerous than me. I can hear it in the tone of your writings. A very dominating person and very easily angered. Seek help for anger management please.
Oh gosh, I just want to cry reading this. :( What witnesses? This is another reason non believers, and non Christians get angry. This simply isn't based on factual evidence!

Edit to add...Mazulu, yesterday when I logged in and saw what you had posted...I was shocked. I've often thought you to be kind, and understanding. We are all human, and I understand your frustrations, but it is that very thing that will be the 'teachable' moment between you and a non believer. If you wish to get people to understand your side, you need to demonstrate what your faith actually means to you. You seem very caught up in the after life, and spirits, and what happened prior to the BB, and angels, and demons...etc etc...but your focus needs to be on what is right in front of you, and that is ...humanity.

The reason following Jesus is hard, is because he taught two things: Love God with all your heart, and love thy neighbor as thy self. The latter being the more demanding of the two.

I can find it possible to believe in Jesus, when I merely see him as an ordinary man (and not the diety Christianity purports him to be), trying to teach others about how to live peaceful and authentic lives. But, many Christians get caught up in the fluff of the Bible. If a follower of Jesus or God wishes to teach others about love and kindness, then it starts by demonstrating love and kindness.

All the rest will fall on deaf ears, if those two things are not demonstrated. There are many atheists who demonstrate love and compassion with no need to 'worship' a Diety, in order to do the right thing by others. That is what Jesus tried to teach, and if the story has any accuracy at all to it, he taught to follow God. But, the Bible is so riddled with lies throughout, it's hard to say if there are any literal 'truths' within it.

At the end of the day, believing in God or not believing in God, is a personal choice-and we are all personally responsible for how we treat others.
Hi wegs,
I liked your heart avatar better than the infinity you have now; infinity is so mathematically uncaring and apathetic. As I read your posts, your sentiment reminds me of my sister, someone who is compassionate, loving and just wants peace. Whatever you choose as a belief or a life philosophy is really up to you; it should be whatever puts happiness in your heart and whatever works for you. The same is true of everyone.

I am only sorry that I upset you, wegs. The truth is that bell deserved what he (or she, whatever) got. I have never reacted that angrily and still felt justified. The difference between believers and atheists is that believers have something worth defending, atheists do not. In that sense, atheists suffer from spiritual poverty. I was telling Robbitybob a true story that is near and dear to me, and Bell sticks his/her (it's) nose into my business and calls it s**t. The truth is, I can't find anything valuable about atheism to disparage it because atheism is extreme spiritual poverty, atheism is of no value to anyone and has nothing of value to attack.

wegs, I still believe there are angels who radiate love to humanity. But they are not little weaklings. I have felt Archangel Gabriel's spirit. Gabriel is the kind of spirit that will defend justice and defend the weak. This is also the kind of spirit that has probably taken more than a few lives in the process. I picture you as a sweet young lady with spiritual and philosophical depth, someone who is loving and caring about others. From the bottom of my heart I am sorry that you find yourself in a cosmos where spiritual warfare has to be fought. Some things are worth defending. Religious freedom is worth defending.
Am I in this for me? Am doing this for you and you and you, for all of you.

what are you doing exactly for us? i'd like to know. it's unclear to me.

Hi wegs,
I liked your heart avatar better than the infinity you have now; infinity is so mathematically uncaring and apathetic. As I read your posts, your sentiment reminds me of my sister, someone who is compassionate, loving and just wants peace. Whatever you choose as a belief or a life philosophy is really up to you; it should be whatever puts happiness in your heart and whatever works for you. The same is true of everyone.

I am only sorry that I upset you, wegs. The truth is that bell deserved what he (or she, whatever) got. I have never reacted that angrily and still felt justified. The difference between believers and atheists is that believers have something worth defending, atheists do not. In that sense, atheists suffer from spiritual poverty. I was telling Robbitybob a true story that is near and dear to me, and Bell sticks his/her (it's) nose into my business and calls it s**t. The truth is, I can't find anything valuable about atheism to disparage it because atheism is extreme spiritual poverty, atheism is of no value to anyone and has nothing of value to attack.

wegs, I still believe there are angels who radiate love to humanity. But they are not little weaklings and sissy-poos. I have felt Archangel Gabriel's spirit. Gabriel is the kind of spirit that will defend justice and defend the weak. This is also the kind of spirit that has probably taken more than a few lives in the process. I picture you as a sweet young lady with spiritual and philosophical depth, someone who is loving and caring about others. From the bottom of my heart I am sorry that you find yourself in a cosmos where spiritual warfare has to be fought. Some things are worth defending. Religious freedom is worth defending.

I deleted all that. :eek: ;)
Oh well.
Religious freedom is a good thing, I agree. I don't think anyone here wants to take religious freedom away from anyone. It is when religion oversteps its boundaries, that becomes the problem.