Any atheists here who were once believers?

Psychiatry isn't even a science.

Wrong again.

It's classed as a "Soft Science" since it does deal with observational interpretation. Science as you should know was taken from the Latin word for Knowledge and considering a number of ailments are very fully documented you could say there is knowledge on that subject. Of course you'd likely say the same about the bible, however there isn't any observational facts, just metaphor's, conjecture and a whole bunch of stuff stolen from other precursor religions and societies.
Psychology is the science, and Psychiatry the medical application of it.
It is hampered by a lack of understanding of how the brain works, but it is still a science.
Imagine the practise of cardiology if no-one understood how a heart works.
It would be hard work for them, but you would still want to go to a cardiologist if you had a heart problem.

Ah the religious version of dealing with such conditions would of been burning a person at the stake after a pointless trial over if they weigh more than goose, or taking a person suffering a fit or seizer and applying an exorcism where they'd likely be strapped down and beaten until the demonic presence has left the building. While these are old analogies of acts that were conducted to deal with such issues, they are still the basis of some of mainstream religions version of what they had instead of Science, "Superstition and stigmata".
does anyone here believe that there have been instances in history when any phenomena that has extensive social implications/ guidelines can somehow exist without exerting some sort of control on the said social elements?

is it moral for a society to allow any religion to exert such control?
does anyone here believe that there have been instances in history when any phenomena that has extensive social implications/ guidelines can somehow exist without exerting some sort of control on the said social elements?

So what if you believe it?
Do you believe that a deer-like creature could undergo the miraculous changes needed to transform into a gigantic whale, in the blink of an eye (geologically speaking). And it wouldn't surprise me if you didn't object to the imagined tail-fluke added on, to give a helping hand.

Yes Jan, those are indeed some of the idiotic things believers say because they have no clue what science says about the world around them. It is the height of hypocrisy and ignorance.
Since you don't know what caused the big bang, I am free to hypothesize the existence of invisible/undetectable mechanisms that caused it.

Yes, that is exactly the same kind of hypothesis those who believed in the aether proposed, until it was shown they were wrong.

Once again, I ask where are all the other universes that should have been created as well, why can't we detect them?

That's because there is no evidence of any other universes other than our own.

I hypothesize that souls and space-time continuums have some properties in common including "not destroyed by entropy", immortality (they exist forever) and they are both information transmission systems (consciousness).

That is not a hypothesis, that is an unfounded assertion because souls have never been shown to exist. There are no observations for souls.

I believe that science can't prove it today, but might be able to prove it some day.

What you believe and what science is doing are entirely two different things.
Can you show me what you mean by "actions", for I'm thinking all you can see are "words" really.
What sort of actions are you talking about?

Emoticons do they count? Are they actions or words?
Are you deliberately obtuse? Does it come naturally? Or do you try?

Jan Ardena said:
So what if you believe it?
So what if you don't believe it?

Do you believe that a deer-like creature could undergo the miraculous changes needed to transform into a gigantic whale, in the blink of an eye (geologically speaking). And it wouldn't surprise me if you didn't object to the imagined tail-fluke added on, to give a helping hand.
There are no such things as miracles.

I think the issue you have with this is that you believe it was designed to become a whale. Random does not compute.

Psychiatry isn't even a science.
It's not?

Sorry to burst your bubble, but psychiatry is a science.

Unless of course you bow down to every single person who hears voices, believing they are the conduits of Jesus, Mary, God or Moses?
Ah yes, I know which post you mean. I will enjoy crushing his belief system with science and the facts.


Like with the science and facts of souls and your claim for invisible and undetectable boogeymen, for example. Hilarious.
The guy I'm seeing recommended this site for me. He used to post there, and said that there are some people in my same position who have found it to be supportive, and encouraging.

He listens to me of course, but he can't identify, as he has been an atheist all of his life. My friends also are wonderful listeners, but have never had any type of spiritual experiences, so they too can only help so much.

Also, interesting to note, I've discovered a local 'support group' for people who have left the faith and now are atheists/agnostics and I'm going to attend a meeting next week. They meet a few times per month, and also help the community together, and have social gatherings. I'm enthusiastic about it. We shall see...

Roadsigns: On the Spiritual Path--Living at the Heart of Paradox might be helpful.
Psychiatry isn't even a science.
Wrong again.

It's classed as a "Soft Science" since it does deal with observational interpretation. Science as you should know was taken from the Latin word for Knowledge and considering a number of ailments are very fully documented you could say there is knowledge on that subject. Of course you'd likely say the same about the bible, however there isn't any observational facts, just metaphor's, conjecture and a whole bunch of stuff stolen from other precursor religions and societies.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but psychiatry is a science.

Of course psychiatry is a science. As long as you are not on the receiving end of it. Then it's just plain old manipulation, brainwashing and oppressive mind control.

Unless of course you bow down to every single person who hears voices, believing they are the conduits of Jesus, Mary, God or Moses?

False problem. Even kindergarden-aged children can figure out this one.
God is my heat shield and your hatred of religion is really not my priority.
Heat shield?

What are you? The USS Enterprise?
I am a Spiritualist and I believe that spirits, as well as other invisible/undetectable things, are allowed by nature and the laws of physics to exist.
Much like children believe there is a big fat dude with a beard who rides a sleigh pulled by reindeers one night every year, to bring them toys.

Since you don't know what caused the big bang, I am free to hypothesize the existence of invisible/undetectable mechanisms that caused it.
We can see and hear the effects of the big bang. You have a need for it to have been caused to happen. Since there was nothing before it, there was no need or cause for it.

Once again, I ask where are all the other universes that should have been created as well, why can't we detect them?
Who says that we cannot?

I hypothesize that souls and space-time continuums have some properties in common including "not destroyed by entropy", immortality (they exist forever) and they are both information transmission systems (consciousness).
If you're on speed and watch My lil pony, sure.

Sure it's a hypothesis, but Spiritualism has no "grandfather paradox", even if efforts to prove it have been frustrated. The idea is that souls are tiny universes that connect to the space-time continuum in a natural process known as "reincarnation". I believe that science can't prove it today, but might be able to prove it some day.
That is as likely as science proving there is a fat dude with a beard, riding a sleigh, being pulled by reindeers, one of which has a nose that glows red..
"There is no other life; life itself is only a vision and a dream for nothing exists but space and you. If there was an all-powerful God, he would have made all good, and no bad." Mark Twain in Eruption

What do you think about this quote? I don't agree with the second sentence, for at least for me, leaving my spirituality behind...has had nothing to do with the bad/good that happens in the world.

I think we can take a hint as to how he intends the sentence, in his choosing 'all-powerful' as the adjective describing an attribute of God. If an all-power God exists, why do some non believers presume that he wouldn't still give mankind the capability to decide (on its own) right from wrong? Just struck me as a curious sentiment of his.

I guess no two atheists, just like no two theists...think alike on all spiritual ideas. :eek:
Of course psychiatry is a science. As long as you are not on the receiving end of it. Then it's just plain old manipulation, brainwashing and oppressive mind control.
Yes but that could be said for anything. Like someone could firmly believe and proclaim that we need road laws and drink driving laws and then scream 'police brutality' when they are pulled over for speeding..

False problem. Even kindergarden-aged children can figure out this one.
Dude is riding a donkey on his way to Damascus. Dude falls off donkey and starts to hear voices and hallucinates. Dude gets back on donkey and gets to Damascus and tells how Jesus spoke to him.

Now imagine if you are anywhere at all and someone comes up to you and tells you that they saw and heard Jesus speak and gave them instructions.

Which one is true? Which one is the real prophet? Or are both batshit insane?

So what if you don't believe it?

Exactly, it doesn't matter if we believe it or not, so why bring it up.

There are no such things as miracles.

I think the issue you have with this is that you believe it was designed to become a whale. Random does not compute.

I don't have a problem with it, I just think it's a load of bollocks. Sorry to be so blunt, but if (Q) can get away with it, I figure I can.

It's not?

It's not.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but psychiatry is a science.

It's becoming clear that anything explicit atheists stand by (no matter how obviously wrong they are) is an indication of some social destructive upheaval, to come in the future. What part of the links I gave didn't you understand?

Never mind here's a couple more for anyone who can comprehend the farce.

The DSM: Psychiatry's Deadliest Scam
The True History of Psychiatry
The DSM-5 is the Atheist's Moral Code, the psychiatrist's Bible

Unless of course you bow down to every single person who hears voices, believing they are the conduits of Jesus, Mary, God or Moses?

Erm!...Erm!...Erm!...Erm!.., that is so funny. Have you got anymore? :D

Looking at the all encompassing viewpoints of agnosticism...Look at the general points being made under Hindu philosophy. This is rather fascinating. I mean, really fascinating. This (link below) is just giving a very rough sketch of the views through Wikipedia here, but...I'm going to explore this philosophy more.
I don't have a problem with it, I just think it's a load of bollocks.

That is a lie, Jan. You have no clue what evolution says, so there is no way that you can "think" it's a load of bullocks. You are scientifically illiterate, you don't know anything about science, you only have your holy book, which teaches you to lie about everything that doesn't fit with your belief system.
mazulu said:
Can you or anybody explain to me how a "consciousness" can experience a feeling of reward?
Is not god the devine consciousness. If he is then he must be able to experience a feeling else why would he want you to worship him.

Explain your point of view then?
It has been explained twice in this forum. First in post #261 and second post #515.

If atheism is a religion then not playing baseball must be a sport.