Any atheists here who were once believers?

We miss you and think that your cool. If anyone bothers you, I promise I will kick them in the nuts. :D

Thanks. Lol Life has ups and downs, sometimes we need a pause. No worries. :)

I posted something for you sort of in reply to a question you had of a few days ago; I didn't want you to think I had dismissed or ignored your question. But, I didn't like the wording I chose, so I deleted my message; when I have some more time later, I will post a reply to it. (You know what post of yours I'm referring to?)

Re: Balerion's comment as to "facey" guy...who is this? Lol

"What part of 'we believe the bible is a fabrication....

So what if you believe it?
Do you believe that a deer-like creature could undergo the miraculous changes needed to transform into a gigantic whale, in the blink of an eye (geologically speaking). And it wouldn't surprise me if you didn't object to the imagined tail-fluke added on, to give a helping hand.

...and there is clear evidence that the religious figures so many hold dear and true were actually suffering from psychotic disorders', do you have issues grasping?" Did I miss this before? Had you stated this before?

Psychiatry isn't even a science.

Psychiatry and Social Control

CPN recognises that the practice of psychiatry in Britain involves a delicate balance between respecting individual rights and freedoms,...

...One involved the introduction of new legislation to enable psychiatrists to detain indefinitely people with so-called dangerously severe personality disorders (DSPD), even though they had not committed or been convicted of an offence. Link.


An 'illness' favoured by psychiatrists to justify their continued dominance of the mental health field is schizophrenia. In fact there is very little evidence that such a condition actually exists, though that hasn't stopped biologically based methods being used to "treat" it. Following the doctors take-over of the asylums the standard of care actually dropped dramatically and this change actually resulted in the creation of institutions such as the infamous Bedlam. The medical emphasis also led to treatments such as lobotomisation and, later, electro-convulsive therapy. These barbaric methods of treatments were akin to torture, yet the latter remains in use today. Indeed it can be argued that the main role of psychiatry is not treatment at all, but social control.


...Perhaps the worst example of psychiatry as social control was undoubtedly the eugenics programme enacted under the Nazi dictatorship in Germany. This writer lost a family member during this period. Suffering merely from temporal lobe epilepsy, she was branded genetically too impure to be part of the German Reich. This elimination of the 'mentally ill' owes much to the work of the Psychiatrist Kallmann, who claimed to have proven that schizophrenia was genetic. His definition of schizophrenia was even more blatantly social control orientated than that used today, he included petty criminality and, Organise! readers take note, political dissidence! Link

Psychiatry Exposed.....the lie

Thanks. Lol Life has ups and downs, sometimes we need a pause. No worries. :)

I posted something for you sort of in reply to a question you had of a few days ago; I didn't want you to think I had dismissed or ignored your question. But, I didn't like the wording I chose, so I deleted my message; when I have some more time later, I will post a reply to it. (You know what post of yours I'm referring to?)

Re: Balerion's comment as to "facey" guy...who is this? Lol
I liked what you said actually.
"Facey guy" - I was wondering too, who is this person? "Facey" sounds like "in your face", someone who is a bit staunch maybe?

Urban Dictionary - (the word Facey had 7 different meanings)

7. facey
to show attitude particularly through facial expressions.
"Don't be gettin' facey with me boy!"

Like pulling faces, "face off" "eyeballing"
Religions involve rituals, beliefs in God or an afterlife, and prayers.
Having a disbelief and an aversion to these things does not make you religious.

Having a dislike of all things to do with ballet, and not being able to dance a step, will not make you a ballet dancer.

I don't believe in eating flesh and blood animals, but I do believe they don't deserve to die just for our pitiless pleasure.

Do you get my drift?

I don't believe in eating flesh and blood animals, but I do believe they don't deserve to die just for our pitiless pleasure.

Do you get my drift?

Are you talking about cows and sheep,pigs and goats, poultry and may be fish being slaughtered for food? You don't believe in killing them for food?
I don't believe in eating flesh and blood animals, but I do believe they don't deserve to die just for our pitiless pleasure.

Do you get my drift?


Different thread subject, but I agree with the latter part of your sentence.
Besides. We need very little meat to remain healthy, and an excess is damaging to health.
The guy I'm seeing recommended this site for me. He used to post there, and said that there are some people in my same position who have found it to be supportive, and encouraging.

He listens to me of course, but he can't identify, as he has been an atheist all of his life. My friends also are wonderful listeners, but have never had any type of spiritual experiences, so they too can only help so much.

Also, interesting to note, I've discovered a local 'support group' for people who have left the faith and now are atheists/agnostics and I'm going to attend a meeting next week. They meet a few times per month, and also help the community together, and have social gatherings. I'm enthusiastic about it. We shall see...
Thanks. Lol Life has ups and downs, sometimes we need a pause. No worries. :)

I posted something for you sort of in reply to a question you had of a few days ago; I didn't want you to think I had dismissed or ignored your question. But, I didn't like the wording I chose, so I deleted my message; when I have some more time later, I will post a reply to it. (You know what post of yours I'm referring to?)

Re: Balerion's comment as to "facey" guy...who is this? Lol
Ah yes, I know which post you mean. I will enjoy crushing his belief system with science and the facts.
The guy I'm seeing recommended this site for me. He used to post there, and said that there are some people in my same position who have found it to be supportive, and encouraging.

He listens to me of course, but he can't identify, as he has been an atheist all of his life. My friends also are wonderful listeners, but have never had any type of spiritual experiences, so they too can only help so much.

Also, interesting to note, I've discovered a local 'support group' for people who have left the faith and now are atheists/agnostics and I'm going to attend a meeting next week. They meet a few times per month, and also help the community together, and have social gatherings. I'm enthusiastic about it. We shall see...
I really hope you find the encouragement you're looking for. :D
Psychiatry isn't even a science.

Psychology is the science, and Psychiatry the medical application of it.
It is hampered by a lack of understanding of how the brain works, but it is still a science.
Imagine the practise of cardiology if no-one understood how a heart works.
It would be hard work for them, but you would still want to go to a cardiologist if you had a heart problem.
Ah yes, I know which post you mean. I will enjoy crushing his belief system with science and the facts.

ok ...i'll post quoting it, later.

I really hope you find the encouragement you're looking for. :D

Yeah, maybe encouragement is not the right word. More like, being able to find support with people who have gone through or are going through, something similar. :)
God of the gaps gets the job done.

Hey Mazulu;

My bf read this (he's been skimming the thread when he can) and he wanted me to ask you what you meant by it. :D
He specifically is wondering what you meant by 'gets the job done?'

...Perhaps the worst example of psychiatry as social control was undoubtedly the eugenics programme enacted under the Nazi dictatorship in Germany.
Does anyone here believe that there have been instances in history, when religion was used as a form of social control?
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Then why bring it up. All you are doing is demonizing religion, and people who are religious in general.
This is nothing but an attack.


Because it's self evident and I'm not "demonizing religion", the only daemons in my world are computer servers, religion is the one that "demonizes" things (people, acts etc)
Does anyone here believe that there have been instances in history, when religion was used as a form of social control?
does anyone here believe that there have been instances in history when any phenomena that has extensive social implications/ guidelines can somehow exist without exerting some sort of control on the said social elements?
My dear sir, ''atheism'' is as much a religion as ''theism''.


I'd disagree for one reason, Not everyone who's atheist is an extremist, It's not belief they have but disbelief. Therefore it's not a religion but a negative of what a religion is.