Any atheists here who were once believers?

So the church in that other country will help you out with travel issues, where are the best hotels, finding your luggage, that sort of help? Information, such as where are the best tourist attractions, what subway to use, good restaurants?

It's false reasoning. There's little more a church can offer you that the rest of that particular society couldn't.

Wonder if arauca checks to see if the hotel conscierge is a theist or an atheist before asking for his/her help.
arauca said:
We become a family. If I go to another country were I don't know anybody and I have a need , I will go to a church of the same denomination for help or information , they may treat me as a brother and I have confidence in them . I will not go an atheist, because he is a self-oriented individual.

Don't take any wooden nickels.

What is the difference between a narcissistic confabulated life and a religious confabulated life?


Narcissists use their connections and can appear to be altruistic, always overestimating their contributions, of course. In the narcissist’s mind, he must help, because everyone else is inferior. It is a way to secure another’s love and devotion. However, the narcissist expects immense gratitude.

Does this sound familiar? The devout, always pulling strings, controlling lives, manipulating others, deciding who will get eternal life…or eternal damnation.

Ah, their power, their grandiosity, and their sense of entitlement have no bounds.
If all atheists were like you, then there wouldn't be a problem. The reality of it is, you and your boyfriend are the only atheists who are not hostile towards religion.

Yes, if only we atheists would just roll over and let religion have its way with us, there wouldn't be a problem.
Don't take any wooden nickels.

What is the difference between a narcissistic confabulated life and a religious confabulated life?


Narcissists use their connections and can appear to be altruistic, always overestimating their contributions, of course. In the narcissist’s mind, he must help, because everyone else is inferior. It is a way to secure another’s love and devotion. However, the narcissist expects immense gratitude.

Does this sound familiar? The devout, always pulling strings, controlling lives, manipulating others, deciding who will get eternal life…or eternal damnation.

Ah, their power, their grandiosity, and their sense of entitlement have no bounds.

I feel we all narcissist to a some degree. bur generally speaking this is way overstated definition , He failed to read about egotism pride , and other atributes of human.
All those who belong to the Lions International , country club international and any other society according to the read definition are narcissists,
I don't look into a mirror and adore myself .
I feel we all narcissist to a some degree. bur generally speaking this is way overstated definition , He failed to read about egotism pride , and other atributes of human.
All those who belong to the Lions International , country club international and any other society according to the read definition are narcissists,
I don't look into a mirror and adore myself .

Actually, narcissism is an actual personality disorder. Narcissism is more than mere arrogance or over confident behavior. Actually, most people who have the disorder are self loathing and they only appear confident. (feign confidence)

The key characteristic of someone with NPD is that he/she would rather be adored by many (fans) than loved by one.
Actually, narcissism is an actual personality disorder. Narcissism is more than mere arrogance or over confident behavior. Actually, most people who have the disorder are self loathing and they only appear confident. (feign confidence)

The key characteristic of someone with NPD is that he/she would rather be adored by many (fans) than loved by one.

I have temporary disorder every night and I fall asleep.
I have figured it out. Much to the horror of the science community, there is evidence that the physical universe itself has a soul. It also has a certain amount of freewill (the Uncertainty Principle). The laws of physics are written into its soul, and it will live forever. So at least one soul is known to exist. Why not other souls?
I have figured it out. Much to the horror of the science community, there is evidence that the physical universe itself has a soul. It also has a certain amount of freewill (the Uncertainty Principle). The laws of physics are written into its soul, and it will live forever. So at least one soul is known to exist.

Lol ... the possibilities are endless! :D

Have you taken a look at what Einstein's thoughts were to "spirituality?" It's pretty interesting!
Different scientists have different views...that's what makes the world go 'round.
Lol ... the possibilities are endless! :D

Have you taken a look at what Einstein's thoughts were to "spirituality?" It's pretty interesting!
I thought Einstein was an atheist? The cosmic irony of it all is that theoretical physics does not have to postulate the existence of a soul (as some form of a universe that can just spring into existence), because theoretical physics is still useful for other things. When theoretical physics is no longer useful, it will be tempted by money, the need for a paycheck. There are powerful cosmic laws that can break even the strongest minds.
I've tolerated your points Wynn but you do the very thing you chastise me of doing. I speak as to my view of things now. Thats all. You post however as though I'm in error. lol

When you formulate your "views" as if they would be definitive, objective, absolute statements: yes, people who do that deserve to be challenged.

You don't know the truth with certainty anymore than me.

There's that hubris again! Not sure whether it's Protestant, or American, or whichever.

You post a few posts up that we should mind our own business yet you don't when it comes to telling me how wrong I am.

Maybe you should practice what you preach and mind your own business.

Apparently, you didn't read my post.

That is truth. No one knows if there is a god, and if one exists...what he is, etc.
How could anyone really know this?

Why not?

Why do you think it is impossible that a human could know anything about God?
Your statements would carry more credibility if you actually had experience in what you were mindlessly defending. As it is you speak out of ignorance, belittling the experiences of others but offering none of your own. Why don't you talk about your OWN experience with religion instead of hiding behind abstractions and hurling insults for once? Noone here wants to listen to someone defending a system they don't even believe in themselves.

All this about me defending religion is in your imagination. My interest is inner peace. Sometimes, this requires not painting demons on white walls.

Oh, and please: I have 14,066 posts, most of them are about my experiences with religion. I've gotten tired by now of telling the sobby story, though, as I am sure most of those who know me have too.
Don't take any wooden nickels.

What is the difference between a narcissistic confabulated life and a religious confabulated life?

Narcissists use their connections and can appear to be altruistic, always overestimating their contributions, of course. In the narcissist’s mind, he must help, because everyone else is inferior. It is a way to secure another’s love and devotion. However, the narcissist expects immense gratitude.

Does this sound familiar? The devout, always pulling strings, controlling lives, manipulating others, deciding who will get eternal life…or eternal damnation.

Ah, their power, their grandiosity, and their sense of entitlement have no bounds.

Yes, it's an apt comparison, and the predicament is much the same.
Although after reading up in various resources on narcissists, and after seeing how some of the "religious" people who used to bully me for not being religious, have fallen away from religion, my views on the matter have changed.

The ordinary and the religious narcissist have power over one only if one buys into the premise that they really are superior to oneself. If one doesn't buy into that premise, one experiences those narcissists are simply boring, tedious busybodies.

In comparison, the religious narcissist is actually easier to deal with than the ordinary one: one's conviction of the religious narcissist's superiority rests on one's conviction that the narcissist's religion is the one and only right one. Question the latter conviction, and the religious narcissist has no power over oneself.

Pantheism is a pretty interesting concept. Reminds me of what you are saying in another thread Mazulu. :)

I like what Einstein had to say. Einstein rejected the label atheist. Einstein stated: "I have repeatedly said that in my opinion the idea of a personal God is a childlike one. You may call me an agnostic, but I do not share the crusading spirit of the professional atheist whose fervor is mostly due to a painful act of liberation from the fetters of religious indoctrination received in youth. I prefer an attitude of humility corresponding to the weakness of our intellectual understanding of nature and of our own being."

In any event, I believe in the existence of a spirit world. God (mystery) creates souls of all different types, like you, me, other humans, angels, entities of all sorts. With a few modifications, God can use the same basic framework for the soul to create a universe with fixed laws of physics and physics constants, a universe that will last forever. It's the fact that the laws of physics and the physics constants are implemented by invisible and undetectable mechanisms, non physical mechanisms.

May you have a joyful eternity.
Oh, and please: I have 14,066 posts, most of them are about my experiences with religion. I've gotten tired by now of telling the sobby story, though, as I am sure most of those who know me have too.
Well then watch out for spidergoat, he has more than you. :(
I have figured it out. Much to the horror of the science community, there is evidence that the physical universe itself has a soul. It also has a certain amount of freewill (the Uncertainty Principle). The laws of physics are written into its soul, and it will live forever. So at least one soul is known to exist. Why not other souls?


Thanks for the laugh. Hilarious.