Any atheists here who were once believers?

It is like Balerion wants all the answers but is not going to take any of them to heart.
What did you mean "That is so only from the perspective of strong atheism"?

I'm more than willing to take them to heart. The one I tried to take to heart, Jan retreated from and claimed I was misunderstanding him.
I'm more than willing to take them to heart. The one I tried to take to heart, Jan retreated from and claimed I was misunderstanding him.
Are you saying you could even allow yourself to become a Christian? I think there is an easier way to that than understanding Jan.
The reference to "supernatural" is all yours.

Like we were discussing earlier with Sarkus, it all comes down to what one means by "God."

There are concepts of God available to us for consideration which suggest that God is involved in the details of our daily lives, meaning that also any conversation we might have on the topic of God, is still possible only with God's involvement.
If we work with such a concept of God, simply one person sharing something about their belief is not enough to make the listener understand; there has to be some acknowledgement of God's involvement in the whole matter.

It is only from the perspective of strong atheism that God is understood in such a way that it seems appropriate to completely exclude God from any and all conversation on the topic of God, and as such, only two people exchanging words is deemed enough for understanding to come about.

It is probably physics blasphemy to say this, but cosmologists NEED God for the simple reason that there was no per-existing universe before the big bang. only nothingness. Then, bang! Everything sprang into existence. It is atheist logic to thing that universes just pop into existence for no reason. I'm not buying it.
It is probably physics blasphemy to say this, but cosmologists NEED God. There was no per-existing universe before the big b-ang. only nothingness. Then, bang! Everything sprang into existence. It is atheist logic to thing that universes just pop into existence for no reason. I'm not buying it.

How do you know there was nothingness? Our concept of "nothingness" is evolving. Have you ever read Lawrence Krauss?
There is a wise, old saying..."To those who have faith, no explanation is necessary. To those who don't have faith, no explanation is possible."

You will never understand Jan's faith and he will never understand your/my/others' lack of it.

A wise old saying eh?

Firstly, you've left some of it out;

''“To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.”

Haven't I explained to you that nothing I have said in this thread requires faith? Why do you insist otherwise? :)

How do you know there was nothingness? Our concept of "nothingness" is evolving. Have you ever read Lawrence Krauss?
If there was something here before the big bang, the big bang explosion would have bumped into it. It would have shaped what the WMAP looks like. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the WMAP was homogenous which means there was nothing before it.

I think my imagination is better than Lawrence Krauss'.
Haven't I explained to you that nothing I have said in this thread requires faith?

I think it does require faith, though: faith in the sense of daring to think in new ways, the faith of going beyond one's comfort zone.

A word that in this context is synonymous with "faith," but carries less baggage, is "courage."
If there was something here before the big bang, the big bang explosion would have bumped into it. It would have shaped what the WMAP looks like. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the WMAP was homogenous which means there was nothing before it.

No, the WMAP just confirms, at least to the best of my knowledge, that the Big Bang occurred. There's nothing in that to prevent there from being other universes, or that this is just one in a chain of Bangs and Collapses, or what have you.

"Bump into it?" Seriously?

I think my imagination is better than Lawrence Krauss'.

Possibly. But your scientific knowledge is shit compared to his. Have a read, and you'll have a new appreciation for "nothingness."
A wise old saying eh?

Firstly, you've left some of it out;

''“To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.”

Haven't I explained to you that nothing I have said in this thread requires faith? Why do you insist otherwise? :)


So your belief doesn't require faith? How's that now?
What? What the hell are you talking about?
Taking it to heart to me implies conversion, heart knowledge not head knowledge.
So when you say "I'm more than willing to take them to heart. The one I tried to take to heart, Jan retreated from and claimed I was misunderstanding him" therefor I wonder if you took it to heart whether you'd join Jan in his Faith!
Taking it to heart to me implies conversion, heart knowledge not head knowledge.
So when you say "I'm more than willing to take them to heart. The one I tried to take to heart, Jan retreated from and claimed I was misunderstanding him" therefor I wonder if you took it to heart whether you'd join Jan in his Faith!

I thought you meant take it on board, as in accept it. No, I'm obviously not willing to sacrifice my rational mind to become a Christian.
Are atheists more likely to be anti-Christian rather than anti-Judaism or anti-Muslim or any other religion?

In the modern West, and on a forum like this: yes.

Much Western atheism nowadays is developed in opposition to (mainstream) Christianity.

Atheism developed in opposition to, for example, Hindu theism - that's different.
Possibly. But your scientific knowledge is shit compared to his. Have a read, and you'll have a new appreciation for "nothingness."
You're gonna need a nothingness that can enforce physics constants and dimensions (1 of time, 3 of space). I wouldn't be surprised if such a "nothingness" was an ongoing flagrant violation of law, logic and mathematics. I wouldn't be surprised if this nothingness was the extreme of woo-woo.
In the modern West, and on a forum like this: yes.

Much Western atheism nowadays is developed in opposition to (mainstream) Christianity.

Atheism developed in opposition to, for example, Hindu theism - that's different.
So what we see is more AntiChrist than anti-theism.
What would anti Buddhism be called?
You're gonna need a nothingness that can enforce physics constants and dimensions (1 of time, 3 of space). I wouldn't be surprised if such a "nothingness" was an ongoing flagrant violation of law, logic and mathematics. I wouldn't be surprised if this nothingness was the extreme of woo-woo.

Why don't you read it instead of making up your mind beforehand?

Not that you'd be capable of understanding it, or willing to let it move in on your happy delusion, but there's no harm in knowledge.