Animals brought back to life

Most ants are colonial, so they live in complex social groups with different castes (division of labour). When winter comes around most northern ant species will remain underground to avoid the extreme cold. Most can survive by allowing their tiny bodies to freeze, this is known as supercooling. While in this frozen state they are considered to be in what is known as diapause, a state similar to hibernation but with complete bodily and metabolic shutdown.

This was written by an entomologist
Most ants are colonial, so they live in complex social groups with different castes (division of labour). When winter comes around most northern ant species will remain underground to avoid the extreme cold. Most can survive by allowing their tiny bodies to freeze, this is known as supercooling. While in this frozen state they are considered to be in what is known as diapause, a state similar to hibernation but with complete bodily and metabolic shutdown.

When I was a kid (about 10ish) on vacation in the mountains I caught a bunch of blue belly lizards and put them into a bucket. In the morning after a very cold night I thought they had all froze to death. They were as stiff as little boards. So I dumped them out and a couple hours later they thawed out and crawled away. Anyway, that made quite an impression on me at the time.
I'm not an expert at filming. I just have zooming abilities with this camera which video tapes. its a ge 10.1 mega pixel. I'm lucky to have it at all in order to try and share here.

It does not matter how good you camera is, blowing an ant will not bring it back to life. I don't even think it is possible to blow an ant, maybe a king, but the overwhelming majority of ants are sterile females anyway.
Its nice that people think this is a game. but im for real! its not funny!

However , no one really wants truth. As it is im in court proceedings against the whole medical profession. when im done i hope to have the respect i deserve. either way my fight is with md's not cooperating. this has possibly become a federal fight. one i hope to win for women .

so they don't want to help me out on a lab test.

so im done about all i can here.

im all ready trying to prove things , other things happening with myself that the doctors are telling me is impossible, but i've all ready proven to others that it is taking place..

so if your not a scientist, your no help to me, unless we meet somewhere. that would be great.

wish me luck in the courts.
...As it is im in court proceedings against the whole medical profession. when im done i hope to have the respect i deserve. either way my fight is with md's not cooperating. this has possibly become a federal fight. one i hope to win for women ....

Holy Crap! The WHOLE medical profession? All the way to teh supreme court? This would be a fight I would be very interested in following, especially since I am a woman.
Holy Crap! The WHOLE medical profession? All the way to teh supreme court? This would be a fight I would be very interested in following, especially since I am a woman.

Did I miss something? What do women have to do with this? lol
Its nice that people think this is a game. but im for real! its not funny!
No, we think it's delusion.
And it is funny.

However , no one really wants truth.
Oops wrong.

As it is im in court proceedings against the whole medical profession. when im done i hope to have the respect i deserve. either way my fight is with md's not cooperating. this has possibly become a federal fight. one i hope to win for women .
Is this related to bringing dead ants back to life?
Or does the medical profession not believe in women? (Personally I'm fairly sure they exist).
I have no idea what the medical lawsuit is about. Prostate cancer, not a huge impact on me. Breast cancer, I might be interested.
I think women and ants are somehow connected and Whynot has figured something out about them..
Perhaps women have something to gain by bringing back dead ants..
Sounds like some big government cover-up.
I think women and ants are somehow connected and Whynot has figured something out about them.
Yes!! These so-called "women" creatures are actually ants in disguise.

Sounds like some big government cover-up.
Only the parts of the government controlled by the Illuminati.
no my court fight is a seperate issue and was only brought up on the cooperation i would receive from them.

i did have something come up. a cat living here is old. close to 20 in human years.he has had a broken leg in two areas. today he has broken it again. poor guy. i love him alot and have decided to try and mend him. so far the blowing is just resulting in purrings and nose kiss attemps. i will have x rays soon to see before and after results from a vet. ;) this will be recorded.

as far as the court its an issue i feel passionate about.

they are saying that women can work while needing surgery and reconstructive surgery with permanent limitations on lifting, standing, and bending. im saying this is not right. so yeah its one for the women.
i love him alot and have decided to try and mend him. so far the blowing is just resulting in purrings and nose kiss attemps.

There's more than a small amount of crazy going on here.
i did have something come up. a cat living here is old. close to 20 in human years.he has had a broken leg in two areas. today he has broken it again. poor guy. i love him alot and have decided to try and mend him. so far the blowing is just resulting in purrings and nose kiss attemps. i will have x rays soon to see before and after results from a vet. ;) this will be recorded.

Let me get this straight. You have a cat in pain with broken leg and instead of taking him to the vet you just freaking blew on him. Well I think you are a jerk and and your stupidity is causing needless suffering of the cat.

If you get cancer don't go to the doctor just blow yourself....:mad:
Its not my cat! And he's not in pain. He's got med's from previously having a broken leg! Nice how people think the worse of you here. And no the owner does not have the ability to get more x-rays.

I'll just do my own study and leave you guys out of it since no body here is taking this serious you don't deserve the truth. just think me nuts. I don't care! science can just go blow it self. i'm done here.
you have just lost your pet woo! I'm done and good ridence. adios not intrestead in coming back!