Animals brought back to life

So you think there could be vital medical insight. How so?

Well if what you say is true then you're rebuilding and reanimating long dead cells. This is something that, from what we currently know, is impossible. There's a wealth of knowledge to be gained merely from studying the subjects of your reanimation alone, let alone what we could learn by studying you and your method.

Think about it, you're doing something that is currently thought to be impossible(for a very large number of good reasons, starting with the fact that cells begin deteriorating as soon as they die, they require constant internal maintenance). And apparently you're doing this using a repeatable method, which means that there's either something special in your breath which we could isolate and hopefully reproduce synthetically or you've invalidated several physical laws(which would be good to know).

The potential medical and scientific breakthroughs are staggering. Think "discovery of DNA" level breakthroughs.

Would it really be worth a possible finding to give up not just my life privacy but my family's as well.

Why would your family need to be brought into it? You're the one with the ability. Unless it's a heritable ability, in which case your parents and/or siblings would likely have the ability as well, there's absolutely no reason to involve them other than to notify them of what's happening.

I'm not sure I agree with you, even though I like the idea of saving lives, even though alot of times I talked angerily about taking some.

Again, what you're talking about here is a completely new phenomenon, something never before observed by humans(or any other sentient being we're aware). How could we not learn something by studying it?
oh great now its saying i don't have enough posts to link to youtube so here we go go to whynot740 and check out my videos of the ants... gezz trying to share is like pulling teeth here.
well I do have a bladder problem and I use the bathroom daily, but I don't stay there.

Unless there are other ants laying down in the same spot playing posseum than it was the same one.

put me in a padded ceil?

maybe people shouldn't try to share there things if there going to be threatened like that!:eek:
Weird Dream

After sharing with some people over line about blowing on an ant and bringing it back to life had a strange dream.

These aliens came and put this box of insects in front of me and had me blow on them. Suddenly one popped up and landed on my hand and it was a big locust. :eek:
well I do have a bladder problem and I use the bathroom daily, but I don't stay there.

Unless there are other ants laying down in the same spot playing posseum than it was the same one.
In other words you don't know for certain that it was the same ant. You don't even know for certain it was the the "same spot". (Did you you take measurements to verify this?).

put me in a padded ceil?
What would you do with someone who makes such ridiculous claims?

You ought to apply for James Randi's million-dollar challenge.

If you can bring ants (or anything else) back to life with your breath, it will be an easy US$1 million for you.

Good luck!
Wow people really don't know how to compare situations on here. The leaps to bringing people back to life are wild. This is an ant, it has an exoskeleton. Death is a loss of pressure, we lose the ability to get a rebound response from our matter. The pressure control of our brain is lost, where we cause flow to move from one place to the next. The death of an ant with an exoskeleton could be a different form of death, because the pressure is quite well maintained. It may be that the ant dies from the opposite, the skin becomes to hard to trigger responses. Lying in a bathroom of steam might be all that it needs to soften the skin to get it to output again. Ok this is all just random possibilities, but science is not supposed to say absolute.. wrong. because that would make science absolute right. Allowing for possibilities is true science.
Death is a loss of pressure, we lose the ability to get a rebound response from our matter.

You really are a total headcase.
Wow! People can not even go check out things on youtube. :shrug:

I'm ignoring the name calling and the idea I and others don't know when an ant is dead. That is laughable!

Sounds like you guys know all the answers to the universe all ready, so why come here?

I don't know what is going on except what I said has been happening. maybe I should go to a place where a person has been pronounced dead by professionals and try it?:D

We are all connected, the center of our universe.

Eat some humble pie. Pie is the key word for a calculation to something you guys will never understand.

I'm going to listen to pink...pretty pretty please! Don't you ever ever feel! Like your nothing! Your f##4ing perfect to me.

now I'm limited to how many symbols and smiley to use. geez this place is rediculous.
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You ought to apply for James Randi's million-dollar challenge.

If you can bring ants (or anything else) back to life with your breath, it will be an easy US$1 million for you.

Good luck!

I have contacted him! He doesn't respond back!;)
You really are a total headcase.

I didn't write that! So who is the head case here! I think its the people talking and not even looking at the evidence.

Sounds like your not even wanting to know the truth or facts but wanting to attack.

Well the fact is your assuming I'm too stupid to know what i'm talking about including knowing if a ant is alive. you can not even look at evidence brought fourth and your too busy name calling to allow a person human the benefit of the doubt. And if anyone did the same as I did they would wonder what is going on and think they could do the same as I claim.

So if you breathed on something that has not been moving for days...would you believe that ant was just knocked out on the sink for days and walked away from natural causes...of course not. Most everyday people would feel the same as me and those who claim different are the head cases.
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So those really wanting facts go to whynot740 on youtube and check out my claim and stop the mouthing off until you know what your talking about because if you call me a head case your the only head case for talking with out knowledge.
Wow people really don't know how to compare situations on here. The leaps to bringing people back to life are wild. This is an ant, it has an exoskeleton. Death is a loss of pressure, we lose the ability to get a rebound response from our matter. The pressure control of our brain is lost, where we cause flow to move from one place to the next. The death of an ant with an exoskeleton could be a different form of death, because the pressure is quite well maintained. It may be that the ant dies from the opposite, the skin becomes to hard to trigger responses. Lying in a bathroom of steam might be all that it needs to soften the skin to get it to output again. Ok this is all just random possibilities, but science is not supposed to say absolute.. wrong. because that would make science absolute right. Allowing for possibilities is true science.

Well I don't know what your talking about the ant was dead. ok!

Ants are getting on my nerves though..went to nuke something and they crawled into the microwave during the process, the food was piping hot and they were just scavenging around like it was nothing. maybe they are alot like roaches.

I know when a roach is dead too by the way and they have the same extoskelton body too. Bud they do not just lay around waiting for moisture.

bye the way the shower was not on that time. the only thing going on was cooking from the heat wave in this hot box.

what amazes me is how silly people can be about facts and actually taking the time to observe what others claim.

there are alot of things people claim impossible but as we have been proven the impossible can be made possible. look at all these people who can do amazing things with electricity to the guy who can run forever it seems. docs will agree with me. people are amazing.
What part of this dream is weird? Millions of people have dreams like this every night, yours was not an outlier in the data set.
Two situations come to mind....

One is that while a solidly frozen frog may seem to be dead, thawed out it will once again begin to consume flys and hop away.

The second is the dead or drowned fly trick. Where a fly apparently dead from drowning is revived by removing it from its watery grave and sprinkling it with a health dose of salt.

In neither of these cases were the frog or fly actually dead, as in all the way dead.

As far as the ant is concerned it is hard to say what might have been at play, without knowing why the ant was dead, playing dead or I mobilized for what ever reason. Try it with a smashed ant or an ant you know is dead from exposure to an ant poison. If the sucker then gets up and runs off.., more than once.., I suggest you follow James R's advice and collect your $1 million prize.
On youtube i video taped yesterday just what you asked. I went and killed the ant by squishing it. No dead ants around at the time! I than drowned it for a hour. Although I know ants can survive 8 hrs. I believe. Well it was dead looking to me all squished and drowned. So I got my camera that video tapes too. Check it out on whynot470 and than you can make a better judgement to what I am talking about.

The first ant was dead because of poision sprayed on it. That is why I knew it was dead for sure besides laying around for days, because I sprayed it. the second one was of unknown causes but was dead laying around for days in the same spot.

I tried a fruit fly that was laying around for a month and no such luck.:shrug: