Animals brought back to life


Registered Senior Member
Hello, How do people feel about bringing something that has been dead for several days back to life? I did this by accident one day sitting down and letting out my breath. On the counter next to me my breath blew a dead ant around across the counter. Than it started to move around. It look for all appearances alive.

I did this again with a friend to show him what I did and see what they thought. So I found another dead ant that had been laying around for days and blew on it. I was embarassed at first as a dead body just moved around by my breath this still body around. Suddenly though it popped up, its head started to move around and body started to move as it went up on its little legs.

Could I have somehow brought this critter back to life?

Does anyone else have another idea what could be happening?

I since tried this on something dead two weeks. It blew around and than its head came off seperating from the body. Not good, no such luck!:eek:
Hello, How do people feel about bringing something that has been dead for several days back to life? I did this by accident one day sitting down and letting out my breath. On the counter next to me my breath blew a dead ant around across the counter. Than it started to move around. It look for all appearances alive.

I did this again with a friend to show him what I did and see what they thought

Wow, did you revive them as well?:eek:

So I found another dead ant that had been laying around for days and blew on it. I was embarassed at first as a dead body just moved around by my breath this still body around. Suddenly though it popped up, its head started to move around and body started to move as it went up on its little legs.

Perhaps it was asleep or trying to chill.:shrug:
Hello, How do people feel about bringing something that has been dead for several days back to life?
That some people are born fantasists.

I did this by accident one day sitting down and letting out my breath.
I very much doubt it.

Could I have somehow brought this critter back to life?

Does anyone else have another idea what could be happening?
You were mistaken about the creature being dead.
You were mistaken about what you saw after it "came back to life".
Fantasy! It was by accident, breathing out while sitting down and seeing the ant move.

When I asked my friend to witness this. I had him check it out. It was dead!

When I blew on it, it came to life. He picked it up on toilet paper and said, yep its alive. Than said something weird about I shouldn't do it again. But I'm not listening.

I'm going to attempt it again and this time video tape it. :p
Wow, did you revive them as well?:eek:

Perhaps it was asleep or trying to chill.:shrug:

I don't think it had but an outter shell, because of being dead so long. Than its head blew away seperate from the body. I doubt it was chilling.

I'm going to attempt this again using a video tape to record everything. :)
well I don't have fantasies about bringing back the dead
I see you have comprehension problems.
The fantasy is that you actually did what you claimed.

I'm going to attempt to film my next attempt and than you can make more assumptions as you will.
Right. I think then we'll discover who's making the assumptions.

As for the critter I did bring back to life in front of a friend , he did say it was dead before
Fully qualified, is he? What did he base his judgement on?

He used toilet paper and flushed it saying not I shouldn't do it again.
That's easy enough: you can't do something again if you haven't done it in the first place.

what's your opinion on video taping this?
My opinion? That you'll be severely disappointed...
Bringing back the dead

So I went and found an ant and video taped. I did not have very good focus on this. So I have two videos one with a magnifying glass. I will attempt a better video later this timeusing a magnifying glass so you can see better what I see.

unfortunately this place does not accept my video's so I'll have to come back with a link after downloading to youtube. :rolleyes:
So I went and found an ant and video taped. I did not have very good focus on this. So I have two videos one with a magnifying glass. I will attempt a better video later this timeusing a magnifying glass so you can see better what I see.

unfortunately this place does not accept my video's so I'll have to come back with a link after downloading to youtube. :rolleyes:

All I can say is if your going to post BS, it better be entertaining. :D
Hello, How do people feel about bringing something that has been dead for several days back to life? I did this by accident one day sitting down and letting out my breath. On the counter next to me my breath blew a dead ant around across the counter. Than it started to move around. It look for all appearances alive.

I did this again with a friend to show him what I did and see what they thought. So I found another dead ant that had been laying around for days and blew on it. I was embarassed at first as a dead body just moved around by my breath this still body around. Suddenly though it popped up, its head started to move around and body started to move as it went up on its little legs.

Could I have somehow brought this critter back to life?

Does anyone else have another idea what could be happening?

I since tried this on something dead two weeks. It blew around and than its head came off seperating from the body. Not good, no such luck!:eek:

I misunderstood your OP . . . I thought . . . you died after holding your breath for a while! . . . .

You know . . . . Jesus reportedly did the same thing . . . . maybe I'll start following your posts more closely . . . just in case!

Perhaps the ants were 'sleeping' and your odorous breath was like an alarm clock!
Unless you also videotaped yourself killing the ant I don't think that this is going to be worth much.
:D that breath thing and the alarm clock had me rolling.

Yeah! Maybe the critter that had been laying in the same spot for days was just playing posseum with me. I ended up somehow giving it mouth to mouth with my breath. lol!

maybe i am dillusional and spreading it...

I decided don't want people creeping me out with , can you breath on this too.. and seeking me out. :rolleyes:

Some people on here seem to not give people a chance to prove anything before they open their mouths..maybe they need to chill and :m: something.
Maybe the critter that had been laying in the same spot for days was just playing posseum with me.

Did you ever consider the possibility that maybe it wasn't the same ant you saw each time? You said it happened on the counter, food gets prepared on the counter, it makes sense that ants would like to go there to look for food.
I decided don't want people creeping me out with , can you breath on this too.. and seeking me out.

Of course you did. Why bother with revolutionizing science or perhaps providing a vital medical insight which could save billions of lives? No, your comfort is far more important than that.
well the counter was in the bathroom were there is no food, but water.

It was in the same spot dead for days while ants moved around it.

I've attempted to share video here, but if won't accept my video. Even the short one.:shrug:

Probably get picked apart anyways.:rolleyes:

I need to get a better video of this, because I need to use a magnify glass in order to see such a small object and how still it was being moved around. I blew it around for about 10 minutes this time before anything happen. I had the video stop on me and than I had to record the rest after the fact. So they would say, I can't see if its twitching and well you put another ant in its place.

the only good I could do if is someone wanted to take this serious and put me in a controlled lab for testing. I would be willing to do this.:D
Of course you did. Why bother with revolutionizing science or perhaps providing a vital medical insight which could save billions of lives? No, your comfort is far more important than that.

So you think there could be vital medical insight. How so?

Would it really be worth a possible finding to give up not just my life privacy but my family's as well. :rolleyes::confused:

I'm not sure I agree with you, even though I like the idea of saving lives, even though alot of times I talked angerily about taking some. :p
So you think there could be vital medical insight. How so?
Bringing the dead back to life. I wonder what possible medical insight there could be in that? Nope, escapes me completely... :rolleyes:

Would it really be worth a possible finding to give up not just my life privacy but my family's as well.
I agree. To hell with the rest of the world, to hell with the possible advances to science. You keep your privacy. :rolleyes: