Animal cruelty


People often brand PETA as 'nutcases' and 'extremists'. I find this to be absolute bullshit. Their FAQ gives a very calm, rational and logical overview of why they support animal rights.

Please read this before attempting to attack the position of vegetarians.
mountainhare said:
The last time I checked, the yolk inside an egg doesn't have a brain, or a CNS.

Check again:


disclaimer: only if the egg is fertilized of course.
mountainhare said:
Not sentient beings. James R's entire contention is that we should not kill/torture animals unnecessarily because they are SENTIENT BEINGS. The last time I checked, the yolk inside an egg doesn't have a brain, or a CNS.

Eggs are future chickens that are stored in refrigerators in order to prevent it from developing into a chick. Technically, it is not a sentient being. And technically a human fetus isn't a sentient being, so I guess it's okay to eat an aborted fetus? To bring animals to the same level as humans lends itself to disgusting conclusions, vegetarians who chastise people for eating meat are exactly the same as people who chastise others for not believing in their messiah. They pick and choose what to oppose and what to support, ignoring the consequences of it.

'You kill animals, so don't condemn us when we murder human beings, hypocrite!'

That argument only works in your mind, because you raise an animals worth to the same level of humans. There is a difference between animal cruelty and realizing that animals are not equal. Again, it lends itself to bizarre conclusions when you do that.

Vegetarians generally don't wear leather shoes, because it involves the unnecessary killing of sentient beings.

All sneakers and boots contain leather. If he wears either kind of shoe, he has worn leather, and that goes against his "moral standards". Hypocrite.

If it involves the unnecessary killing and/or torture of sentient beings, then vegetarians won't support it.

And how do you define necessary and unnecessary? You are picking and choosing what you want to argue because you realize your position lends itself to hypocrisy in every sense of the word.

I call the nutrients I recieve from eating meat (ever heard of the Food Pyramid?) as necessary, but than it all becomes arbitrary which leaves your position on incredibly weak grounds.

1. Eggs and dairy products aren't sentient beings, nor do sentient beings need to be killed/tortured to obtain them.

Do you know how eggs are harvested? Do you know why chickens even lay eggs? Most of the eggs we eat (at least here in U.S.) are harvested by chickens who have done nothing but lay eggs since maturity, many have never even set foot on the ground.

2. Eggs and dairy products are necessary in order to obtain B-12, and remain healthy. Once again, vegetarians do not seek to eliminate ALL suffering, but only unnecessary suffering. Just because you hit a person unintentionally with a car, does not give you the right to engage in vehicular homicide.

Again, picking and choosing parts of your position. I can do the same, I find it necessary to eat meat for many nutrients, who are you to tell me it isn't? As you can see, it is necessary to consume animal products in order to get a suffecient amount of Vitamin B12.

Oh, and you missed this part of my post: "It may also be advisable to supplement a very small amount (DRI/RDA) of the active form of Vitamin B6 (pyridoxal-5-phosphate), since vegetarian sources of Vit B6 only supply the inactive form (pyridoxine), which will have to be converted to the active form by the liver, however the efficiency of the liver to do so may be compromised with certain types of liver diseases."

And while you continue to eat meat and gloat, vegetarians on here will point out that you are condoning the unnecessary torture and murder of sentient beings. I'm sorry that you don't like such facts pointed out to you, but that's the way it is. People who are engaging in immoral acts often don't like to be challenged.

"Necessary", "unnecessary", "immoral", who are you to say your interpretation of such things is the right way while everyone else is wrong? Animals are not equal to Humans, animal products are a part of many things in our lives including tooth brushes, and their meat provides and abundant amount of nutrients. Sorry, but your views aren't very solid.
mountainhare said:

People often brand PETA as 'nutcases' and 'extremists'. I find this to be absolute bullshit. Their FAQ gives a very calm, rational and logical overview of why they support animal rights.

Please read this before attempting to attack the position of vegetarians.

I have no problems with PETA, mainly because I choose not to acknowledge their existence. But as soon as they try to invade my personal life like the religious "nutcases" out there, that's when I will oppose them.
Eggs are future chickens that are stored in refrigerators in order to prevent it from developing into a chick. Technically, it is not a sentient being.
Congratulations. You just strengthed James and my arguments.

And technically a human fetus isn't a sentient being,
While the human fetus doesn't have a brain, no. However, once a human fetus develops a brain, then whether it is a sentient being becomes questionable. I prefer to err on the side of caution, and say 'Yes, it probably does, hence we shouldn't kill it.'

so I guess it's okay to eat an aborted fetus?
If it doesn't have a brain, then there would be nothing morally reprehensible about it. Although I find it physically disgusting. You would be much better off using its stem cells for research.

To bring animals to the same level as humans lends itself to disgusting conclusions,
Which is funny, since I don't bring animals up to the same level as humans. I clearly stated in my previous post that if the death of an animal is required to save the life of a human, then it is morally justified. If two humans are trapped on a deserted island with no food, then cannibalism is morally justified. If you need to kill an animal or human in order to survive, then that act of killing is justified.

vegetarians who chastise people for eating meat are exactly the same as people who chastise others for not believing in their messiah.
People who chastise people for eating meat are exactly the same as people who used to chastise others for keeping slaves.

They pick and choose what to oppose and what to support,
Yes, that's called 'forming an opinion', Quarkmoon. Morality is a little more complex then people like you would have us believe. I 'pick and choose' because I realize that there is a huge difference between 'sentient beings' and 'non-sentient beings'. Sentient beings can experience pain and discomfort, and experience basic emotions. Non-sentient beings cannot. So it would be absurd for me to defend the rights of a non-sentient being.

And how do you define necessary and unnecessary?
A necessary animal death is one which is required to rectify serious physical or mental ailments in a human being, IF no other 'less cruel' alternatives are available.

You are picking and choosing what you want to argue
Once again, it's called 'realizing that the world is complex.', and 'realizing that there is a huge difference between sentience and non-sentience'. And it's interesting to note that you 'pick and choose' when you condone the murder of animals for human consumption, but not of human beings for human consumption. Why?

because you realize your position lends itself to hypocrisy in every sense of the word.
1. There is no hypocrisy in a vegetarian's position. I made my position quite clear. Please demonstrate where I am engaging in hypocrisy. I never claimed that I defended ALL life, but merely SENTIENT life.

2. Even if I am being hypocritical, that does not immediately make your immoral actions moral. If a paedophile priest claims that the rape of an innocent woman is immoral, is his claim of immorality immediately nullified? Is rape suddenly moral, because the priest is engaging in hypocrisy?

Your claim that I am 'hypocritical' is nothing more than a whopping red herring.

Do you know how eggs are harvested? Do you know why chickens even lay eggs? Most of the eggs we eat (at least here in U.S.) are harvested by chickens who have done nothing but lay eggs since maturity, many have never even set foot on the ground.
Factory farming is deplorable, which is why I buy eggs from free range chickens.

As you can see, it is necessary to consume animal products in order to get a suffecient amount of Vitamin B12.
And as I have explained, eggs and milk aren't sentient beings. You can't give a 'right to not suffer' to a 'being' which cannot suffer, can you now?

Necessary", "unnecessary", "immoral", who are you to say your interpretation of such things is the right way while everyone else is wrong?
Who are you to say that the murder of another human being is wrong? The value of an opinion is judged by the merit of the arguments in its favour. So far, you have failed to provide any arguments to justify your unnecessary murder of sentient beings. Instead, you resort to ad hominem attacks, red herrings and strawmen, while screaming 'HYPOCRITE!'
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The last time I checked, the yolk inside an egg doesn't have a brain, or a CNS.
I was talking about the chicken eggs that we eat. I guess I was a little vague, although I thought it was obvious that I was talking about supermarket chicken eggs, given the context of the debate.
I know there are humans that are truly animals inside and there are animals that are more sentient inside. The animalistic humans degrade the real sentient humans and try to 'dehumanize' them, their focus is not on animals since they are not seen as a 'threat' or competition though they are not above the abuse of animals if need be. These vicious beings use their brutality and projection of their lower nature and immoral violence to justify their actions and may believe they are sentient and you are not through a type of transference, a manipulation to dump on or scapegoat another, an identity theft. A refusal to take responsibility for who and what they are based upon their personal values and actions. This is a very grave, sick and horrific situation when it occurs. It is done in a most devious, soul-wrenching and heinous way. These humans are not sentient. I've had pets more sentient than them. Life here is not fair but insane as well.
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razz said:
what values do you place on an animals life?
Depends. On cats, and other predators, quite a bit. One everything else, not as much.

what rights does an animal have ?
When they evolve the ability to use thier vocal cords to articulate speech, then we'll talk.
mountainhare said:
While the human fetus doesn't have a brain, no. However, once a human fetus develops a brain, then whether it is a sentient being becomes questionable. I prefer to err on the side of caution, and say 'Yes, it probably does, hence we shouldn't kill it.'

You would have no problems eating an aborted Human fetus as long as it "doesn't have a brain"? That's a great example of the mindset of a lot of vegetarians.

Which is funny, since I don't bring animals up to the same level as humans.

You don't? Than explain why you constantly compare acts against Humans with acts against animals:
'You kill animals, so don't condemn us when we murder human beings, hypocrite!'
Just because you hit a person unintentionally with a car, does not give you the right to engage in vehicular homicide.
People who chastise people for eating meat are exactly the same as people who used to chastise others for keeping slaves.
If a paedophile priest claims that the rape of an innocent woman is immoral, is his claim of immorality immediately nullified? Is rape suddenly moral, because the priest is engaging in hypocrisy?
Who are you to say that the murder of another human being is wrong?
Hmmm...sounds like you are putting animals on the same pedestal as Humans. But that's just me using my reading comprehension abilities, perhaps I shouldn't when dealing with irrational arguments.

Once again, it's called 'realizing that the world is complex.', and 'realizing that there is a huge difference between sentience and non-sentience'. And it's interesting to note that you 'pick and choose' when you condone the murder of animals for human consumption, but not of human beings for human consumption. Why?

Very simple, I don't place animals on the same level as Humans. You claim the samething, and yet you felt it necessary to ask that question while continuosly comparing Human on Human acts with Human on animal acts.

And again, how are you to say eating meat is not necessary? Tell me, why is it that vegetarians on average have more health problems than non-vegitarians? Why is it that doctors reccommend a balanced diet of both meat and vegetables? Why is it that the Food Pyramid we grew up with contains a "meats" section if it was totally unnecessary to eat meat?

And as for picking and choosing, you are using technicalities to justify the consumption of egg and dairy products. They are both animal products, eggs are the result of chickens laying eggs thinking it will result in a chick but instead we take it and make sure it will never develop. But since it isn't technically a sentient being, it's okay to eat it. Like I said, I can do the samething in regards to morality. Animals are not on the same level as us, so technically there is nothing immoral about it, plus it provides important nutrients for me. I can play the technicality game too. :cool:
I have nothing against vegetarians, I just think they are depriving themselves of delicious food by not eating meat. I am against such animal cruelty as was in the first post.
Exactly, I really don't care about vegetarians. The only reason I'm even responding is because they have the nerve to chastise others for eating meat. If you want to deprive yourself of highly nutritional and just plain delicious foods, you're the one missing out, not me. :cool:

(It is interesting that you dropped out of our abortion discussion. I wonder how long it will take you to run away from this new animal rights discussion...)

"There are only animal, but no vegetarian sources of Vitamin B12, which is why herbivores (i.e. rabbits) meet their Vitamin B12 requirements by eating plants that are infested with insects, or by eating their own feces."

This has already been addressed by others.

And get off your moral high ground, I'll stop eating meat when you stop wearing leather shoes. I'll stop eating meat when you no longer eat or use any of the products on this list:

Interesting. You refuse to act morally until I am a paragon of virtue. How does what I do affect your actions? Should you not take responsibility for yourself, to act in an ethically blameless fashion?

You're quite transparent. You obviously know that what you are doing is wrong, at some deep level, but you're clutching at any straw to try to absolve yourself of acting on your moral responsibility.

Even your enthuiasm to trumpet your own immorality is a dead give away. You hope that if you shout loudly enough, others will come to your rallying cry. There is safety in numbers, and if you gather enough meat eaters in one place you can all enjoy the solidarity of being equally blameworthy. Then you will be better able to ignore that niggling conscience inside.

Oh, and there is another reason why I eat meat, it tastes good!

Rapists probably enjoy raping, too. Do you really think the fact that you enjoy your depravity makes it better, on ethical grounds?

What are eggs? James R's position is that killing sentient beings is wrong. That belief lends itself to many hypocritical scenarios, including wearing leather shoes, using any product that contains animal parts, and especially eating eggs and dairy products.

I know mountainhare has already commented on this, so I won't repeat what he said.

But I will point out that you are actually making an argument here that everybody ought to be vegan. So, who is the bigger hypocrit, Quarkmoon? You, who says people should be vegan, yet eats meat and uses animal products, or the vegetarians who at least have gone part-way to the level of morality you say you advocate?

But when [James] castigates people for eating meat because he feels he is on a higher moral plane, I'll continue to point out his hypocrisy.

I may well be hypocritical, Quarkmoon. Let's assume I am. Are you then willing to concede that my argument that it is morally right to be vegetarian is correct? That is, leaving my personal actions out of the equation, do you agree with the inevitability of my ethical argument? And if not, why not?

That argument only works in your mind, because you raise an animals worth to the same level of humans.

Is it necessary to say that animals are equal to humans to recognise that animals suffer unnecessarily when used for food?

Or, perhaps you're so naive as to believe that the steak you ate last night did not involve any animal suffering. Fact: an innocent animal was bred, raised and killed just because you love the taste of steak. No other reason. I doubt you know much about the details of how the cow that died for your pleasure was raised or killed, or much about the conditions and treatment it had to endure in its brief life. If I'm right, then maybe you should stop trying to justify yourself so loudly and get an education.

I call the nutrients I recieve from eating meat (ever heard of the Food Pyramid?) as necessary, but than it all becomes arbitrary which leaves your position on incredibly weak grounds.

As has been pointed out, there are vegetable and other sources available for all the nutrients you get from meat.

But why so defensive all of a sudden, Quarkmoon? I thought you were proud that you eat meat just because you like the taste. Why not just say "To hell with morality! I eat meat and I don't care that I'm evil!" Be honest with yourself.

Or, is your conscience niggling just a little? Maybe you're flailing around and trying to find another reason for eating meat which sounds more righteous. If so, we can discuss nutrition in more depth, if you like.

Or, do you want to try some other supposed justification? Or just change the subject?

o you know how eggs are harvested? Do you know why chickens even lay eggs? Most of the eggs we eat (at least here in U.S.) are harvested by chickens who have done nothing but lay eggs since maturity, many have never even set foot on the ground.

Correct. So, do you eat eggs as well as meat? If so, why? Do you condone battery farming? Do you think it is a good thing? Do you want to defend it?

Before you start, let me make it clear that I am totally against battery farming of chickens. And I'm against the cattle feedlots which produce your steaks. And the killing of lambs because you won't eat mutton (ever thought about why it's called "lamb"? Yes, you eat baby animals, whose lives are cut tragically short because you like the taste of their flesh).

I can do the same, I find it necessary to eat meat for many nutrients, who are you to tell me it isn't? As you can see, it is necessary to consume animal products in order to get a suffecient amount of Vitamin B12.

For a start, let's assume you're right here. Do you then agree that eating of adult animals and baby animals (as opposed to unborn animals) is unnecessary? Or do you think you need to eat your lamb, too?

"Necessary", "unnecessary", "immoral", who are you to say your interpretation of such things is the right way while everyone else is wrong?

Ah, the moral relativism argument. What's right for you is good enough for you, and nobody can be "more moral" than you, because everybody has their "own morality".

I'm sure rapists think rape is fun, or at least justifiable, by their own standards. Do you have any problem with indiscriminate rape, on ethical grounds? I assume not, if you want to be consistent with your moral relativism argument. Please clarify your position for me.

Animals are not equal to Humans...

I'm not sure what you mean by "equal". Do you mean just "not the same species"? That's obvious, but provides no grounds for arbitrary cruelty, as far as I can see.

Or maybe you really mean "not worthy of moral consideration"; but you've given no reason for anyone to adopt that position, yet. Please tell me if you actually believe this.

Maybe you mean "animals are not sentient". All the obvious evidence says they are, but let me know if you want to argue that point.

Or maybe you mean "animals are just property, not worth of rights such as the right not to be eaten, so humans are morally justified in treating them as consumables". If that's the case, I want to hear your moral argument.

So, you have some explaining to do.

...animal products are a part of many things in our lives including tooth brushes, and their meat provides and abundant amount of nutrients.

Are you arguing that we should maintain the status quo just for reasons of "tradition" here? Humans have always eaten meat, so that makes it ok? Please clarify. Or is this just a repeat of your "nutrition" argument?

I must say, your views on abortion seem to be morally inconsistent with your views on vegetarianism, Quarkmoon. On the one hand, you say a human foetus is entitled to all the rights of a human child, while on the other hand you say animals have essentially no rights at all. (Note: a "right to be killed humanely for food" is not the kind of right I'm talking about.)
Communist Hamster:

I have nothing against vegetarians, I just think they are depriving themselves of delicious food by not eating meat. I am against such animal cruelty as was in the first post.

Now, you just have to progress to the ethical stage where you start to recognise that killing animals just because you like the taste of their flesh is "animal cruelty".

The animals you eat are bred and live out their (usually) short and miserably lives solely so you can chow down on their tasty flesh. And yet you claim to be against animal cruelty. How do you reconcile those two facts?
James R said:
(It is interesting that you dropped out of our abortion discussion. I wonder how long it will take you to run away from this new animal rights discussion...)

Were you actually following that discussion, or just responding to the new posts and ignoring everything that came before it? The discussion was going in circles, argument points being repeated on numerous occasions only to have them ignored and repeated again. I wouldn't even call it a discussion, just pointless post count multipliers and a huge waste of time.

Interesting. You refuse to act morally until I am a paragon of virtue. How does what I do affect your actions? Should you not take responsibility for yourself, to act in an ethically blameless fashion?

It has nothing to do with my acting immorally or not. It has everything to do with the hypocrisy of calling other people immoral for partaking in acts you do yourself but in different ways. Hypocrisy is the only thing I was arguing.

You're quite transparent. You obviously know that what you are doing is wrong, at some deep level, but you're clutching at any straw to try to absolve yourself of acting on your moral responsibility.

Huh? How did you come to this conclusion? I see nothing wrong with eating meat, all I see is nutritional benefits and hunger satisfaction (not to mention it tastes good!). I enjoy eating meat any chance I get, and I savor every bite of a juicy steak. Damn it, now I'm hungry again.

Even your enthuiasm to trumpet your own immorality is a dead give away. You hope that if you shout loudly enough, others will come to your rallying cry. There is safety in numbers, and if you gather enough meat eaters in one place you can all enjoy the solidarity of being equally blameworthy. Then you will be better able to ignore that niggling conscience inside.

Again, you make the fatal assumption that everyone is a crackpot. No one except vegetarians such as yourself care about eating meat, we do it because it makes us healthy and we are omnivores by nature. We think nothing of it, there is no guilty conscience or some imaginary moral responsibility granted to animals.

Rapists probably enjoy raping, too. Do you really think the fact that you enjoy your depravity makes it better, on ethical grounds?

Again, comparisons to Human on Human acts. Like I've said many times, I do not consider animals equal to Humans, your comparisons are moot.

But I will point out that you are actually making an argument here that everybody ought to be vegan. So, who is the bigger hypocrit, Quarkmoon? You, who says people should be vegan, yet eats meat and uses animal products, or the vegetarians who at least have gone part-way to the level of morality you say you advocate?

No, I am making the argument that your position is highly hypocritical, and that to alleviate that hypocrisy you would have to be a vegan, or just a person who abstains from the use of any animal products. If you continue to preach morality about consuming or using animal products, than you continue to be a hypocrite.

I may well be hypocritical, Quarkmoon. Let's assume I am. Are you then willing to concede that my argument that it is morally right to be vegetarian is correct? That is, leaving my personal actions out of the equation, do you agree with the inevitability of my ethical argument? And if not, why not?

I concede nothing, because eating and using animal products is not immoral. I see nothing but benefits to the Human race. The leather on my shoes protects me, the bristles on my tooth brush clean my teeth, the meat, dairy products and eggs provide nutrients as well as satisfaction of hunger. On the contrary, I believe everyone should be eating meat, and plan to feed my children as much meat as required for proper health and growth.

Is it necessary to say that animals are equal to humans to recognise that animals suffer unnecessarily when used for food?

No, because they do not suffer unnecessarily, and their "suffering" doesn't concern me. I need to get my B12 and B6 somehow. :cool:

Or, perhaps you're so naive as to believe that the steak you ate last night did not involve any animal suffering. Fact: an innocent animal was bred, raised and killed just because you love the taste of steak. No other reason. I doubt you know much about the details of how the cow that died for your pleasure was raised or killed, or much about the conditions and treatment it had to endure in its brief life. If I'm right, then maybe you should stop trying to justify yourself so loudly and get an education.

No, that cow also provided more leather to make shoes, it's hairs provided more bristles for tooth brushes, it's meat provided valuable nutrients, it's milk provided me calcium, same with the cheese made from it's milk. That cow helped a great many ways, not just for the steak. I would say that cow died for a very good cause, and if it were intelligent in anyway, it would be proud of itself (which it is not so who cares).

As has been pointed out, there are vegetable and other sources available for all the nutrients you get from meat.

Again, there are some nutrients only found in meat. And the nutrients that are present in meat are more abundant within meat than a jar of nuts, and products made from the parts of animals make my life more convinient, safe and healthy. I love animals!:D

But why so defensive all of a sudden, Quarkmoon? I thought you were proud that you eat meat just because you like the taste. Why not just say "To hell with morality! I eat meat and I don't care that I'm evil!" Be honest with yourself.

Not just because of the taste, read my comments above.

And about getting defensive, you misunderstand. I am just annoyed at the casitgation toward meat eaters because you feel you are on a higher moral plane. The castigation and insuing hypocrisy is my only contention.

Do you condone battery farming? Do you think it is a good thing? Do you want to defend it?

Now who said that? If there is a better way to farm animals, than I'm all for it. I have nothing against animals dieing to make me healthy, safe, and to satisfy my hunger, but I do sometimes have a problem with how they are killed. A more humane way is certainly a good thing.

I'm not sure what you mean by "equal". Do you mean just "not the same species"? That's obvious, but provides no grounds for arbitrary cruelty, as far as I can see.

Or maybe you really mean "not worthy of moral consideration"; but you've given no reason for anyone to adopt that position, yet. Please tell me if you actually believe this.

Not equal, as in not worthy of the same moral consideration I would give toward a Human. That's why the Human on Human acts you guys like to use don't work here, unless animals were on our moral plane. They are not, they are beneath us, therefore they are not granted the same moral consideration.

However, that does not exclude animal cruelty. Cruelty of any life is wrong, however eating meat is not cruel, it's quite necessary for our health and well-being.

I must say, your views on abortion seem to be morally inconsistent with your views on vegetarianism, Quarkmoon.

Nope, because animals are not equal. That's where your argument falls through the floor.
well the way the do it in slaughter houses they guide the animal
into a stall and a mechanical device lifts their head
then a knife cuts their throat
the above applies to cattle
James R said:
Now, you just have to progress to the ethical stage where you start to recognise that killing animals just because you like the taste of their flesh is "animal cruelty".

The animals you eat are bred and live out their (usually) short and miserably lives solely so you can chow down on their tasty flesh. And yet you claim to be against animal cruelty. How do you reconcile those two facts?

Maybe I don't want to reconcile those two facts. Maybe I'd rather keep eating lesser lifeforms.