Ancient Astronauts, The bible, Hollow Earth, Easter Island, The pyramids, Atlantis...

Originally posted by Darkin
I do not know if it is anomalous, but recently it was announced that submerged structures (including pyramids) have found between the Yucatan Peninsula and Cuba at depths of around half-a-mile. The claims are that the area could be older than 6000 years.
There are rumors that the US Navy knew of these structures decades ago (around the same time I heard the rumor...Hmmm?..)
I do not believe that this a 'New' discovery (except in that this info has just been released... to the Public...)

Sometimes truth is ALWAYS stranger than fiction. (What spurred the bureaucratic fears of releasing this information to the Public so many years ago?

There are sonar readings that have been interpreted to be manmade structures. This hasn't been verified. The people involved haven't claimed that the structures were found before, and the US Navy involvement may be a Chinese whispers tale based on work the explorers had done on the US Navy Battleship sunk during the war with Cuba.

These sonar readings have been well publicised. National Geographic has made tentative offers of interest.