Ancient Astronauts, The bible, Hollow Earth, Easter Island, The pyramids, Atlantis...

maybe aliens have a secret base down there, who knows. I don't , you don't .
but hollow earth theory is complete bs. we havve zonded earth and found no hollowness. bullshit
Apparently, sattalite imagery has shown a black are in one of the poles (I forget which one). Many scientists believe that this is the entrance, but I think its just volcano ash or something. But it will be a hard task to actually find this enterance. You'd have to comb the Earth.
The thoery about the hollow earth is quite far fetched. If the earth was hollow, it would collapse upon itself due to gravity
The Earth's core contains the following radioactive items to keep it super hot. No life forms can survive there....

Nucleus....................Half-life (billions of years)
Lutetium-176........... 36
Hafnium-174............ 2,000,000
Rhenium-187............ 40
Platinum-190............ 600
Platinum-192............ >60,000,000
Thorium-232 ............ 14.1
Uranium-235 ........... 0.7038
Uranium-238 ........... 4.468
Originally posted by Zoidberg
Hitler believed in Hollow Earth. He set out a massive campaign to find the entrance.

And some people believe instead of commiting suicide he fled to the south pole and went to live inside the Earth. Hollow Earth has to be the most ridiculous an far fetched theory.

One site said the 12 races of humans bred by the aliens from Nibiru all escaped to the middle of the Earth to join the Agorath
...coming in...

Originally posted by Banshee
Welcome to Sciforums Darkin. :)

You are coming in with a very good post. Keep 'em coming...


Thank-You and I Hope that I live-up to at least some of the expectations of the members of this forum...
Originally posted by Mr. G
id10t = idiot

Computerati jargon = real world example ;)

I am thankful for your enlightenment. My only other question is who you directed it towards...? and why?...
I dont think that the Hollow Earth theory says that the Earth is really hollow. Its only saying that aliens could be living in bases deep underground, not in the Earth's core.
Originally posted by Neutrino_Albatross
Aliens: Possible, likely even based on the size of the universe. But i think that if they were anywhere nearby and as advance as people like to say then we would have seen them.

Atlantis: I think it was based on truth but blown out of proportion. I seem to remember reading about a civilization on some mediterranian island that got wasted by a tidal wave set off by a massive volcano. Suposedly the atlantis myth was based on this. I don't think aliens tie in very well.

Hollow Earth: You are joking right? I mean you do realize that if the earth was hollow and moving at its present speed that it would fly out of orbit right?

Easter Island: Ah I see the aliens came to the most remote location on earth and built a bunch of stone statues. The only real question is why did they bother. Oh well nobody said aliens have to be smart.

Pyramids: No need for aliens there. Fully explainable with just humans.

Aliens: Who's to say we haven't already seen them? Every year there are numerous reports of strange lights in the skys from all over the globe.
If you are talking about face to face encounters, I concede that there is no concrete evidence to support the acutual viewing of these 'Aliens', (except in the alien abduction senario's that leave a lot to be desired as far as actual proof of these events really happening).
I, for one, am not saying these events do not happen. I am only saying that we need some sort of physical proof to corroborate the stories.
Atlantis: The Mediterranian Island you speak of was in the confines of the Mediterranian Sea, which would put it to the EAST of the Pillar's of Hercules. According to the legend, Atlantis was to the WEST of this structure ( which is the opening on the East to the Mediterranian Sea). And I still do not see the neccesity of 'Aliens' being in the picture.
Hollow Earth: I am in total agreement with you here. I have read numerous books on this subject and have been intrigued by some of the theories, but the physics just do not work. If the earth was hollow with a central core similar to a star, the star would essentially have to be so dense that it would have to be either a star composed of only neutrons, quarks, or the dense dark matter of a relatively good sized black-hole. Otherwise, there would not be enough matter to hold together the 'Shell' of the Earth orbiting above it. Plus, Given the density, plus the speed at which the Earth orbits the sun, it would, as you say, not be able to maintain a stable orbit. (Unless, of course, the Earth DOES have a super dense object for a core...hmmmm?...)
Cool theory, but it just doesen't hold water (or together, even...)
regarding Atlantis.
It is said in the scriptures that it was located in the mddle of the ocean. Peple have scanned Atlantic and Pacific ocean beds and found no signs of Atlantis. But the thing is that in greek and previous times, people didn't devide world in oceans like we do today. THere was only one ocean and technically it is correct. We have one world ocan and the middle of it is Antartica. So if we are to look for any lost civilization it is under the ice of Antartica. Like in the legend Antartica consists of several islands (the rest is just ice). And also consider the maps of Piri Race (sp) know about what I'm talking about...There is shown Antartica and south america exactly like it was 15 000 b.c. Before the ice covered antartica. The maps was copyed from another mapp in some year 15XX. Such a detailed map with no ice cover we were able to make ourselves only in the late 50s with the help of the sonar. Besides there is shown a thin land crossing (connection) between Antartica and S America, just as it was atleast 15 000 b.c.
Originally posted by Avatar
regarding Atlantis.
It is said in the scriptures that it was located in the mddle of the ocean. Peple have scanned Atlantic and Pacific ocean beds and found no signs of Atlantis. But the thing is that in greek and previous times, people didn't devide world in oceans like we do today. THere was only one ocean and technically it is correct. We have one world ocan and the middle of it is Antartica. So if we are to look for any lost civilization it is under the ice of Antartica. Like in the legend Antartica consists of several islands (the rest is just ice). And also consider the maps of Piri Race (sp) know about what I'm talking about...There is shown Antartica and south america exactly like it was 15 000 b.c. Before the ice covered antartica. The maps was copyed from another mapp in some year 15XX. Such a detailed map with no ice cover we were able to make ourselves only in the late 50s with the help of the sonar. Besides there is shown a thin land crossing (connection) between Antartica and S America, just as it was atleast 15 000 b.c.

Yes I know of the 'Piri' map, I have a reproduction (I lucked-up one day at the flea-market and finagled around ten map reproductions for the paltry sum of seven dollars; boy, was I happy!...). But, I diagree with your assessment that Antarctica is a series of islands. Ground penetrating radar studies of this landmass shows it to be an actual continental plate. Studies from core-drilling also confirm this.
Being that this landmass split from the supercontinent of Pangea a few hundered MILLION years ago (at which time Antactica lay in an area called Gondwana), the time-tables you submit do not coincide with the time in wich Atlantis was suppossed to exist.

On an earlier post, I mentioned a book, 'The Mayan Prophies' (I have the book sitting infront of me), by Adrian Gilbert and Maurice Cotterell.

Seemingly off subject, but I noticed the request for info on any attempts to link it all together. 1/2 of this book is theory. But the conclusions drawn are not entirely illogical or are they an extended stretch of belief. And it does attempt to link a lot together, I'm sure there are others.
quick ref- The Olmecs and Atlantis. P180.

Remember seeing that on a doco somewhere, any links?

As I said before... An interesting flick.:)
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Any new discoveries in archeology in the last 10 years? We have not heard anything that are anamolous?

On the otherhand we are finding planets out there which was just a theory a few years back....

Truth is sometimes stranger than fiction (or pseudoscience...) :D
Originally posted by Darkin

But, I diagree with your assessment that Antarctica is a series of islands. Ground penetrating radar studies of this landmass shows it to be an actual continental plate. Studies from core-drilling also confirm this.
yes it is one plate, but it is and was like TWO (not three) big islands.
Antarctica consists of two major regions: W Antarctica (c.2,500,000 sq mi/6,475,000 sq km), a mountainous archipelago that includes the Antarctic Peninsula, and E Antarctica (c.3,000,000 sq mi/7,770,000 sq km), geologically a continental shield.


the numbers show million of years

about Piri's maps

after reading this I must admit that the map has its flaws, but it is too precise to be just a draw from imagination.
Sorry to come in between your conversation about Atlantis. :) I think this belongs in this thread though. :)

The ruins of temples dated at 12,000 years old have been found near Bimini, Bahamas. Megalithic structures are not supposed to be in the Bahamas.

Preliminary analysis has revealed that the original structures, although smaller in size than the Great Pyramid of Giza, appear to have been more advanced.

Casing stones have been measured which are of the same unique angle as those at the Great Pyramid.

The ruins are megalithic and bear a remarkable resemblance to ancient sites in Egypt. So called "quarry marks" found in the Aswan quarries and also on the Great Pyramid, itself, appear to be identical matches with those found on the Bimini temple stones.

One major difference, however, between the Egyptian sites and these stones is that on The Bimini stones you find a great number of sky maps which have recorded the paths of various heavenly bodies. The major concern of the mysterious ancient civilization that produced these heavenly maps seems to have been Saturn and Jupiter - with the oldest records reflecting an
emphasis in Saturn.

Some of the stones are under water and some of them are under the sand under water. They are not in their original formation.

It appears that the most important or revered numbers associated with these ruins were the numbers five and nine. These numbers were also of great significance to the ancients of Egypt and Meso-America.

Evidence indicates that a "checkerboard" calculator system was being used. Examples of this system were found on top of the Great Pyramid and were long used for numerical calculations in Meso-America.

This same checkerboard pattern shows up on the lintel stones of temples built by Celts of Iberian origin. Also, according to some astronomers, this pattern served as a calendar regulator to measure the sunrise and sunset directions on solstices and equinoxes.

Other characteristics closely match features at megalithic sites in Peru, the Yucatan, Ireland and Scandinavia.

Analysis of these enigmatic ancient temples built near Bimini over 12,000 years ago has only just begun.

Although many maps of the heavenly realm adorn various walls of these mysterious Bimini temples, there is an almost complete lack of other markings. Of the limited glyphs that do exist, however, several match those found in the famous Altamira Cave in Spain (known as the Sistine Chapel of pre-history) which contains the well-known bison painting. In addition, there are exact orbital plots of the planets and what seem to have been intricate star shafts, metal-coated walls, and intermingled stones of various colors.

One of the unique features of the ancient temple ruins, built near Bimini by an unknown advanced civilization which apparently was thriving while most of the rest of the world was plodding through the Stone Ages, is that these stones may be far more likely to yield an accurate account of their true age than most of the famous megalithic sites around the world.

There are also instances in which lava has flowed in between some of the temple stones which may give scientists an approximate date when submitted to testing.

The antiquity of the stones almost leaps out at you upon first glance. There are hollows which have been left in certain broken stones which have undergone such an extensive amount of crystal growth upon their inner surfaces that they now look like the inside of a geode!

In many cases, the cement that once held the huge stones together is now completely crystallized. Some of the massive granite blocks, themselves, now exhibit significant portions, which have metamorphosed over the ages to the point where they are no longer even granite.

But perhaps, most significant of all is the fact that organic matter has been found within a hermetic seal; along with unrusted, worked iron. The iron began to rust soon after the seal was opened, however, which would indicate that the seat had prevented the entry of oxygen for thousands of years. The organic matter was in pristine condition and should prove to be
an interesting target for dating procedures. Other hermetic seals, which have yet to be opened, are know to exist as well.

Edgar Cayce predicted that just this sort of thing would be discovered. These findings not only match Cayce's predictions but Plato's writings There are exact orbital plots of the planets and what seem to have been intricate star shafts, metal-coated walls, and intermingled stones of various colors (including red, white and black).

- Miami Museum of Science
As I see the map develop from 300 million years and to the present, it occurs to me that advanced life forms if any say 200 miilon years ago will show up as fossils in Central, Noth-east Russia, Central China and India.

So may be digging should start in those areas....

Didnot they find some type of topo map in Russia (posted elsewhere)...

Has anyone done any simulation as to what the earth will look like in another 50 and 100 million years to the future?
Latest findings from Nature...(Are they really primitive or developed specis that perished or taken off the planet?)

The search for the earliest fossil evidence of the human lineage has been concentrated in East Africa. Here we report the discovery of six hominid specimens from Chad, central Africa, 2,500 km from the East African Rift Valley. The fossils include a nearly complete cranium and fragmentary lower jaws. The associated fauna suggest the fossils are between 6 and 7 million years old. The fossils display a unique mosaic of primitive and derived characters, and constitute a new genus and species of hominid. The distance from the Rift Valley, and the great antiquity of the fossils, suggest that the earliest members of the hominid clade were more widely distributed than has been thought, and that the divergence between the human and chimpanzee lineages was earlier than indicated by most molecular studies.

who will doubt now anymore that there has been an ancient civilization. what is our pesky 12 000 years of recorded civilised society (Egypt - 10 000b.c.) compared to the 6 000 000 years of our existance.