Ancient Astronauts, The bible, Hollow Earth, Easter Island, The pyramids, Atlantis...

That is what I have been saying all along....that our 100,000 year eve theory is just a bump.

I think humanoid civilizations have been here for over 200 million years off and on. If any one got out to stars, they could return and see latest group tinkering with science.....

The problem is if they look different than us, then would they interact with us? Like as in slider - cromags or elongated heads....
Aliens: Who's to say we haven't already seen them? Every year there are numerous reports of strange lights in the skys from all over the globe.
I suppose its possible but i still think that if there was some super-advanced visiting us than we should be able to detect them. (like mabey see them comming toward us) However it may be possible that they are trying to avoid detection but im not sure why. Why come all the way to Earth for no other purpose than to look around and mabey grab some guy that no one will believe and do "experiments" on him.
Atlantis: The Mediterranian Island you speak of was in the confines of the Mediterranian Sea, which would put it to the EAST of the Pillar's of Hercules. According to the legend, Atlantis was to the WEST of this structure ( which is the opening on the East to the Mediterranian Sea). And I still do not see the neccesity of 'Aliens' being in the picture.
But at the time history was passed down orally so mistakes are likely. The civilization i was refering to did exist. It was probally wiped out by a tidal wave. It was slightly more advanced than most of its neighbors. Its possible that a storyteller/historian got the location wrong.

And can anybody tell me how the hollow-earth theory actually started?
Originally posted by Banshee
Edgar Cayce predicted that just this sort of thing would be discovered. These findings not only match Cayce's predictions but Plato's writings There are exact orbital plots of the planets and what seem to have been intricate star shafts, metal-coated walls, and intermingled stones of various colors (including red, white and black).

- Miami Museum of Science [/B]

...A portion of temples[of Atlantis] may yet to be discovered under the slime of ages of sea water- near what is known as Bimini, off the coast of Florida. Edgar Cayce on Atlantis, P90.

The site was discovered by Dr J Manson Valentine 1968.

Cayce believed that Bimini was actually part of the island of 'Poseidia'. Cayce also predicted 'that when the time was right
a secret chamber would be found at Bimini... And in time two others, one at the Sphinx and the other in the ruins of the Iltar temple in the Yucatan'. Cayce predicted that all three chambers would indeed hold records relating to the final destruction of Atlantis at approxiemately 10,500BC.

Cayce also predicted that climatic changes on Earth, around the new millennium; would cause Europe to freeze(further):D and large areas, each side of America To sink.
Cayce also predicted that climatic changes on Earth, around the new millennium; would cause Europe to freeze(further) and large areas, each side of America To sink.

No prediction as to the date?

Too many psychics have predicted that Utah will be beach front property and bottom half of Louisiana along woth coastal Texas will be gone.

That is possible in 10, 100, 1000, or 10,000 years....

We shall see....
Mr Cayce made those Predictions on the 28th June 1940 not five years before he died.

Any guesses:D as to how he got so close to the mark on Bimini?
America still floats... Don't worry!:D

I mean it's not like my 'stab in the dark', see 'Date for official Alien landing'.:)
Mediterranean Megalithic Structures

Originally posted by Banshee
Sorry to come in between your conversation about Atlantis. :) I think this belongs in this thread though. :)

The ruins of temples dated at 12,000 years old have been found near Bimini, Bahamas. Megalithic structures are not supposed to be in the Bahamas.

Preliminary analysis has revealed that the original structures, although smaller in size than the Great Pyramid of Giza, appear to have been more advanced.

Casing stones have been measured which are of the same unique angle as those at the Great Pyramid.

The ruins are megalithic and bear a remarkable resemblance to ancient sites in Egypt. So called "quarry marks" found in the Aswan quarries and also on the Great Pyramid, itself, appear to be identical matches with those found on the Bimini temple stones.

One major difference, however, between the Egyptian sites and these stones is that on The Bimini stones you find a great number of sky maps which have recorded the paths of various heavenly bodies. The major concern of the mysterious ancient civilization that produced these heavenly maps seems to have been Saturn and Jupiter - with the oldest records reflecting an
emphasis in Saturn.

Some of the stones are under water and some of them are under the sand under water. They are not in their original formation.

It appears that the most important or revered numbers associated with these ruins were the numbers five and nine. These numbers were also of great significance to the ancients of Egypt and Meso-America.

Evidence indicates that a "checkerboard" calculator system was being used. Examples of this system were found on top of the Great Pyramid and were long used for numerical calculations in Meso-America.

This same checkerboard pattern shows up on the lintel stones of temples built by Celts of Iberian origin. Also, according to some astronomers, this pattern served as a calendar regulator to measure the sunrise and sunset directions on solstices and equinoxes.

Other characteristics closely match features at megalithic sites in Peru, the Yucatan, Ireland and Scandinavia.

Analysis of these enigmatic ancient temples built near Bimini over 12,000 years ago has only just begun.

Although many maps of the heavenly realm adorn various walls of these mysterious Bimini temples, there is an almost complete lack of other markings. Of the limited glyphs that do exist, however, several match those found in the famous Altamira Cave in Spain (known as the Sistine Chapel of pre-history) which contains the well-known bison painting. In addition, there are exact orbital plots of the planets and what seem to have been intricate star shafts, metal-coated walls, and intermingled stones of various colors.

One of the unique features of the ancient temple ruins, built near Bimini by an unknown advanced civilization which apparently was thriving while most of the rest of the world was plodding through the Stone Ages, is that these stones may be far more likely to yield an accurate account of their true age than most of the famous megalithic sites around the world.

There are also instances in which lava has flowed in between some of the temple stones which may give scientists an approximate date when submitted to testing.

The antiquity of the stones almost leaps out at you upon first glance. There are hollows which have been left in certain broken stones which have undergone such an extensive amount of crystal growth upon their inner surfaces that they now look like the inside of a geode!

In many cases, the cement that once held the huge stones together is now completely crystallized. Some of the massive granite blocks, themselves, now exhibit significant portions, which have metamorphosed over the ages to the point where they are no longer even granite.

But perhaps, most significant of all is the fact that organic matter has been found within a hermetic seal; along with unrusted, worked iron. The iron began to rust soon after the seal was opened, however, which would indicate that the seat had prevented the entry of oxygen for thousands of years. The organic matter was in pristine condition and should prove to be
an interesting target for dating procedures. Other hermetic seals, which have yet to be opened, are know to exist as well.

Edgar Cayce predicted that just this sort of thing would be discovered. These findings not only match Cayce's predictions but Plato's writings There are exact orbital plots of the planets and what seem to have been intricate star shafts, metal-coated walls, and intermingled stones of various colors (including red, white and black).

- Miami Museum of Science

Way cool! If you could give some source material, I would be very grateful. These discoveries are new to me and I would definitely like to read more about this.
I am sure you are also aware of the 'New' discoveries of under-water structures (including pyramids...) between the Yucatan and Cuba.
Any info you could provide would really tickle my brain.
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Originally posted by kmguru
Any new discoveries in archeology in the last 10 years? We have not heard anything that are anamolous?

On the otherhand we are finding planets out there which was just a theory a few years back....

Truth is sometimes stranger than fiction (or pseudoscience...) :D

I do not know if it is anomalous, but recently it was announced that submerged structures (including pyramids) have found between the Yucatan Peninsula and Cuba at depths of around half-a-mile. The claims are that the area could be older than 6000 years.
There are rumors that the US Navy knew of these structures decades ago (around the same time I heard the rumor...Hmmm?..)
I do not believe that this a 'New' discovery (except in that this info has just been released... to the Public...)

Sometimes truth is ALWAYS stranger than fiction. (What spurred the bureaucratic fears of releasing this information to the Public so many years ago?
if we follow the same logic, then a contact with aliens could have been established in 40s (not that I believe it)...

Human skeleton found to be 6 000 000 to 7 000 000 million years old.......ruins of a lost civilization 6000 and 15 000 (by the coasts of India) years old....what next our history has prepeared for us....:cool: :) and what is known but kept secret...:mad: :eek:
Old Link - Dec. 2001...

I can only provide *this link* at the moment. I will look for a more up to date link, because this one is from six months ago. After this there's been new discoveries off the coast of Cuba and India either...
Nibiru, Middle Earth, Agorath, and the 12 Races?!?!

Originally posted by BobG

And some people believe instead of commiting suicide he fled to the south pole and went to live inside the Earth. Hollow Earth has to be the most ridiculous an far fetched theory.

One site said the 12 races of humans bred by the aliens from Nibiru all escaped to the middle of the Earth to join the Agorath

Please tell us the website this information came from. I have read ALL of Sitchens books and have never read anything that supports this 'Theory'.
Please do not take this in the wrong way. Zecharia Sitchen has some very interesting ideas, and some of them are worthy of further thought. But I have never heard or read anything pertaining to the matters you just presented as being part of his theories....
Hollow Earth

:cool: Hopefully, my friend, I may just have what you are inquiring about (or a close facsimile thereof).
I have a book: The Hollow Earth/Dr. Raymond Bernard,A.B, M.A., Ph.D. / First Carol Paperbacks Edition (cpy-writ)1991.
It is one of those 'Conspiracy Books' about government cover-ups.
The credit goes to: Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd in a statement he made in 1947: "I'd like to see that 'Land Beyond The (North) Pole'. That area is the center of the 'Great Unknown' ". This was the the statement he made before his 'Seven-Hour, 1700 mile flight BEYOND the North Pole'!
I have more, but it is easier to look it up on the net...
And can anybody tell me how the hollow-earth theory actually started
Russian nuke tests

This adds another twist to the 'Hollow Earth Theory'. Hypothetically, this would either get the attention of the 'Innerearth Civilization', or open the 'Door' for us Surface Dwellers'.

Avatar; please tell us more about the Russian tests....
Well, I stumbled on this info concerning a "location" of Atlantis...

Plato said that Atlantis was beyond the Straits of Gibralter (Hercules) but did not cite a cardinal direction from that point, i.e., north, east, south, or west. He did not say to take a left- or right-hand turn or go straight through the Atlantic beyond the Straits of Gibralter.

As a matter of rigor, the devastation of a land mass the size of Atlantis would leave some physical evidence. Geologist Otto Muck found that tectonic structure showed a "fit" between different areas, except in one location in the Atlantic where a "piece" appeared to be missing in the geometric (predictable) movement of tectonic / continental drift.

The missing piece in the tectonic structure is towards the Americas, and the Americas are certainly beyond the Straits of Gibralter in the Atlantic. This, of course, fits Plato's general description.

Logically, there would have been signs of sinking for a long period of time before Atlantis disappeared beneath the water line. This would have given, and undoubtedly did give, residents the opportunity to relocate. Remnants of a base-line culture are seen in ancient landmarks around the Atlantic rim, in Nova Scotia, British Isles, Africa, Brazil, and America. One must assume that residents of Atlantis acted in the interests of self-preservation, which, on a sinking continent, would mean finding stable land.

The idea that the people of Atlantis would helplessly watch their home sink without migrating to more stable grounds is silly. Thus, we find remnants of an ancient culture scattered around the Atlantic rim.

Now, I am not sure whether this is posted before and do not really have the time to re-read the whole thread at the moment. If this is spoken of already, then please, ignore it. Or better yet, tell it, so I can remove it again. Thanx...:)
Where ET comes into it all - ET "game plan"...

Once we get the idea that the pilots who shut down nuclear missile sites from orbiting unidentified flying objects (UFO) are comparable, if not identical, to the olden gods reported to travel in sky boats, mysteries of the ages make a little more sense. The sudden appearance of civilization amid the company of olden gods acquires a new lens of observation. The magic and mystery of mighty gods can be translated as science and technology when extraterrestrial scientists lived side-by-side with primitive humans. Modern UFO’s are reported with similar features as ancient sky boats, drawing continuity into the background of radically changing human culture.

If the ancient gods were really extraterrestrial scientists who have been continuously active in the backdrop of developing civilization for thousands of years, some people suggest they should land on the White House lawn to prove the reality of their existence. The extraterrestrials anciently recognized as gods and modernly known as ET’s apparently don’t want to prove their existence to the President of the United States, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, or the media. ET’s attitude seems to be that s/he knew humankind when the specie was still hunting and gathering along glacial melt lines and will visit this planet long after the last human has packed off to parts unknown. ET comes and goes when ET wants and doesn’t worry too much about the White House and, in doing this, ET controls belief in UFO’s by the number and proximity of sightings and contacts.

While ET does not play with the same political rules as modern civilization and has never offered an exclusive interview with any recognized media network, there’s consistent method to UFO appearances and contacts. The big picture of ET’s method is drawn from the long version of history with special attention on the factor of human foible in reported contacts. Once probable elements of human ambition, fantasy, and ignorance are extracted from historical accounts, there’s not much solid data about ET left. Only broad strokes remain in the big picture of ET’s method over several thousands years. Using the machinations to appropriate and obscure data from crop circles in recent years as an index of the human factor, very little historical knowledge about ET can be considered reliable. Zecharia Sitchin’s Earth Chronicles provide the most detailed information with any hope of reliability, while Sitchin has the records of only one ET faction among many who may have had contact with Planet Earth.

Accounts of separating humans and confounding language made by Zecharia Sitchin as well as several cultural accounts indicates that ET’s / gods once organized a division of the earth into domains and segmented a once complete body of knowledge into regions. Hebraic literature indicates this was done as a result of Man’s evil, and Sitchin interprets this to mean that humans were attempting to develop technology that challenged the gods at an early date. The reasoning that supports this hypothesis is too lengthy to deal with here, and the likelihood of this pivotal event is addressed in “The Twelfth Planet” by Zecharia Sitchin.

The larger body of knowledge that enabled ET to colonize a distant planet was widely known among the gods and a handful of human initiates when human civilization was too new to pose a threat. With human culture separated into distinct regions, each region getting a portion of a larger body of knowledge, the challenge of the future would be bringing diverse cultures into global community when the development curve mandated that discovering “the others” was inevitable and cooperation was necessary. That’s where we are now. The power of the whole body of knowledge anciently encoded in pyramid centers around the globe that was later segmented into lesser portions is the bedrock of this scenario.

Diverse cultures built on fragments are conditioned to seek dominance over cultures that contain fragments others have lost. The only way to excavate the lost body of ancient knowledge is to identify the earliest roots of key branches of culture and strip out thousands of years of human foible to reveal what ET had to say when civilization was first seeded. To reveal hidden knowledge to any modern faction, giving it a scientific superiority over its neighbors, would be devastating at this time in human evolution.

Pragmatically, we cannot go back to the beginning of culture anymore than we can go to anything exactly as it was in an earlier time. An ET source from TimeStar calls efforts to hang onto the past getting “stuck in the past”. Since the era when ET scattered humans and confounded language, ET and humans have changed. The only thing worth having from this critical path is knowledge gleaned that can be applied to something better in the present, that is capable of surviving into the future in a worthy way.

Some ET elements modernly associated with Planet Earth work to direct attention into recovering lost knowledge and synthesizing it into newly viable understanding. After testing the data Sirian George offered in a UFO contact for a decade, TimeStar concludes that the primary focus of an ET source and his associates is to restore lost knowledge and evolve new applications to better serve all of humankind.

This ET source & Associates are convinced that we humans are going to do the job ourselves and do not need external intervention. They are willing to show us how to fish but are not willing to do our fishing for us.

Written and commented by TimeStar - Krsanna Duran.

This is posted in another thread, here in Pseudo Science also, because of a question from a new member. It was easier to do it like this. This new member:Look up to the skies, has not visited this thread and this reply may be of use. Or not of course...;)

Originally posted by Banshee
Sorry to come in between your conversation about Atlantis. :) I think this belongs in this thread though. :)

The ruins of temples dated at 12,000 years old have been found near Bimini, Bahamas. Megalithic structures are not supposed to be in the Bahamas.

Preliminary analysis has revealed that the original structures, although smaller in size than the Great Pyramid of Giza, appear to have been more advanced.

Casing stones have been measured which are of the same unique angle as those at the Great Pyramid.

The ruins are megalithic and bear a remarkable resemblance to ancient sites in Egypt. So called "quarry marks" found in the Aswan quarries and also on the Great Pyramid, itself, appear to be identical matches with those found on the Bimini temple stones.

One major difference, however, between the Egyptian sites and these stones is that on The Bimini stones you find a great number of sky maps which have recorded the paths of various heavenly bodies. The major concern of the mysterious ancient civilization that produced these heavenly maps seems to have been Saturn and Jupiter - with the oldest records reflecting an
emphasis in Saturn.

Some of the stones are under water and some of them are under the sand under water. They are not in their original formation.

It appears that the most important or revered numbers associated with these ruins were the numbers five and nine. These numbers were also of great significance to the ancients of Egypt and Meso-America.

Evidence indicates that a "checkerboard" calculator system was being used. Examples of this system were found on top of the Great Pyramid and were long used for numerical calculations in Meso-America.

This same checkerboard pattern shows up on the lintel stones of temples built by Celts of Iberian origin. Also, according to some astronomers, this pattern served as a calendar regulator to measure the sunrise and sunset directions on solstices and equinoxes.

Other characteristics closely match features at megalithic sites in Peru, the Yucatan, Ireland and Scandinavia.

Analysis of these enigmatic ancient temples built near Bimini over 12,000 years ago has only just begun.

Although many maps of the heavenly realm adorn various walls of these mysterious Bimini temples, there is an almost complete lack of other markings. Of the limited glyphs that do exist, however, several match those found in the famous Altamira Cave in Spain (known as the Sistine Chapel of pre-history) which contains the well-known bison painting. In addition, there are exact orbital plots of the planets and what seem to have been intricate star shafts, metal-coated walls, and intermingled stones of various colors.

One of the unique features of the ancient temple ruins, built near Bimini by an unknown advanced civilization which apparently was thriving while most of the rest of the world was plodding through the Stone Ages, is that these stones may be far more likely to yield an accurate account of their true age than most of the famous megalithic sites around the world.

There are also instances in which lava has flowed in between some of the temple stones which may give scientists an approximate date when submitted to testing.

The antiquity of the stones almost leaps out at you upon first glance. There are hollows which have been left in certain broken stones which have undergone such an extensive amount of crystal growth upon their inner surfaces that they now look like the inside of a geode!

In many cases, the cement that once held the huge stones together is now completely crystallized. Some of the massive granite blocks, themselves, now exhibit significant portions, which have metamorphosed over the ages to the point where they are no longer even granite.

But perhaps, most significant of all is the fact that organic matter has been found within a hermetic seal; along with unrusted, worked iron. The iron began to rust soon after the seal was opened, however, which would indicate that the seat had prevented the entry of oxygen for thousands of years. The organic matter was in pristine condition and should prove to be
an interesting target for dating procedures. Other hermetic seals, which have yet to be opened, are know to exist as well.

Edgar Cayce predicted that just this sort of thing would be discovered. These findings not only match Cayce's predictions but Plato's writings There are exact orbital plots of the planets and what seem to have been intricate star shafts, metal-coated walls, and intermingled stones of various colors (including red, white and black).

- Miami Museum of Science
I am, also, very intrigued by the artifacts around Bimini. Please help me here. I cannot find any leads on the information you present.
Would you please provide a source or link to the information you have provided?
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Mmmm, interesting thread! I'm a disbeliever, though.

Ancient astronauts: Of course, Earth might have had visitors from space at some time, but why is it that every time we see evidence of ancient humans doing something remotely like what we acieve today, we claim that alens must have helped them? For at least 150,000 years human beings have been every bit as intelligent, inventive, inquisitive as us. "Plodding through the stone age" --- all evidence shows that stone age cultures all over the world were complex and advanced. True, their technology was fairly primitive compared to ours, but they achieved great things with it. They did not need outside help.

The Bible: Well, I've actually read it, all of it (surprisingly few people have), and it is an interesting historic and religious document, but it is really just a collection of legends. Most of the ppropheties are extremely vague, others are self-fulfilling.

Hollow Earth: I think it originates in the old belief of the Underworld; most mythologies deal with an underworld. Without a scientific insight, underground seems a logical place for such a thing to be located. However, we now know that the idea is as close to impossible as anything can get from a scientific point of view; any concieveable system runs into impossible problems of instability, energy balance etc. There exists a nice sattelite picture showing a very large black hole at and around the North Pole: If this picture was true, there would be no difficulty finding it! -- And the interiour would be pitch black. But the picture is not true. It isnt a fake either, it shows the entire Northern Hemisphere and has been composed of hundreds of individual pictures taken from a low-flying sattelite. This sattelite's orbit doesnt take it over the North Pole, however, hence the left-out area there.

Easter Island: This is really a very typical example of how such myths are created; you take some obeservations, preferably citing early explores who will be asking a lot of questions, then you ignore any answers later found, and thus you have a big mystery that can be used as basis for fantastic theories. When Easter Island was colonized, it was a close call from Paradise; densely forested, in a sea teeming with fish, it could support a surprisingly big population for its size. This population, isolated as it was, developed its own peculiar religion, which led it to create and erect strange statues al over the island. After a time, the island became deforested, the strange culture collapsed and its rites were forgotten. An early example of ecology disaster. We have discovered how they made the statues, we have found out how they moved them and erected them, and we have calculated that the island used to have the ressources for doing it. The Easter Island culture is still highly intriguing, but it is not that mysterious.

Pyramids: Egyptians have been building pyramids for about 3,500 years (they still do it), and the pyramid technology has evolved steadily, with the Ghiza complex as the apex [sic]. There are distinct stages in this development, and we can see how the technique gets more and more advanced. We see also failed pyramids that have collapsed within decades after their completion.

Atlantis: Santorini has been named as a good candidate for Atlantis; it housed an important and dominant culture, it was situated in the middle of the ocean (to the ancients, the Mediterranian was the ocean), it effectively sank into the sea at approximately the right time. -- It was not west of the Pillars of Hercules, but geographic statements in legends are notoriously unreliable.
