Ancient Astronauts, The bible, Hollow Earth, Easter Island, The pyramids, Atlantis...

Alien visitors at any time ?

If alien visitors are capable to visit us at any time, they must have

either a very long lasting civilization without any bad catastrophic backdrafts like thermonuclear war, or asteroid impacts etc...


the technique of time travel for their visits on Earth

to visit mankind at any instant of it's evolution and master the enormous distances between solar systems or galaxies ....

In that case the visitors could even be from an alien civilization from Mars, far in the past or in the future.
We simply don't see ithem because their world does not exist at this moment !
Interesting thoery. Never thought of it like that

Oh yeah. Welcome to Sciforums
As sun gets hotter over the last billion years and continues for another billion years, the temperate zone for life has shifted from Venus to Earth now and towards Mars in the future. (saw in the discovery channel)

So, take your pick of time zone to the planet...Venus in the past and Mars in the future....
Originally posted by kmguru
That is what I have been saying all along....that our 100,000 year eve theory is just a bump.

I think humanoid civilizations have been here for over 200 million years off and on. If any one got out to stars, they could return and see latest group tinkering with science.....

The problem is if they look different than us, then would they interact with us? Like as in slider - cromags or elongated heads....

Something to consider: over the last 10,000 years or so virtually all of the earth's easily accessible metal deposits have been stripped away. We're now mining ore veins that we never would have bothered with even a few hundred years ago because all the rich , easily accessible metallic deposits are gone. I'm not a geologist, but I'm sure a consultation with a geology textbook will confirm that these kinds of metal deposits take a very, very long time to form.

To me this would seem to indicate that we're the first, since it's pretty unlikely that any 'advanced civilization' that came before us could have gotten along without metal. I suppose it's possible that they kept their population very small and thus never used much metal, but again this seems unlikely - humans seem to have a natural tendency to expand and reproduce, especially in the favorable conditions that an advanced civilization would provide.
Originally posted by Nasor
Something to consider: over the last 10,000 years or so virtually all of the earth's easily accessible metal deposits have been stripped away. We're now mining ore veins that we never would have bothered with even a few hundred years ago because all the rich , easily accessible metallic deposits are gone. I'm not a geologist, but I'm sure a consultation with a geology textbook will confirm that these kinds of metal deposits take a very, very long time to form.

That is an excellent point...However, if you look at the 600 million year cycle of our planet, you can see how continents shifted. I am sure it accompanied volcanos and asteroid impacts to for stuff to rise to the top. The other part is, we really dont know if all the continental mass area has been above sea level all the time or they just move up and down. Also, heavy industries is not a pre-requisite for nanotechnology and computers. One does not need a lot of metal to produce lasers or super conductors.

The previous civilization could have used water, gravity, lasers, fusion, organic computers etc which has a lower requirement for metals. Most of our metal uses are in military hardware, trains, planes, automobiles and some in building industry for a skyscrapper civilization.

If our computer technology keeps improving the way it is going, plus say we develop site to site transport and atomic assemby of products using nanotechnology- our requirements for major expressway, trains, and downtown buildings will disappear. Then if we learn to use hydrogen and oxygen from water as energy source, then the demand for metals from earth will reduce significantly as well as a network of roads...

I am not saying that is what happened - and it is more like the simple answer is the right one....but it is possible that humanoid societies all over the galaxy do not evolve the same way.... and it is an intellectual exercise to see if such is possible....for fun...
Originally posted by kmguru
The previous civilization could have used water, gravity, lasers, fusion, organic computers etc which has a lower requirement for metals. Most of our metal uses are in military hardware, trains, planes, automobiles and some in building industry for a skyscrapper civilization.


I am not saying that is what happened - and it is more like the simple answer is the right one

I think it's a given that to get to the higher technologies you first have to develop lower technology. Else an Amazonian native indian could design and build an organic computer. That means developing the industrial revolution first. Which in turn involves heavy use of base metals and hydrocarbon fuels or similar. If there was a previous, native, highly advanced civilization on this Earth they would have exhausted natural resources first. The ready abundance of these resources are good evidence this putative civilization never existed. They may have used some other resource but again there would be ample evidence of that.

You could argue it came here from outer space. In which case they built a whole load of low tech monuments with high tech implements and left no evidence for it. They where environmentally aware and picked up every bit of rubbish but leaving clues to make it look like the natives done it?
Does that mean World war I and II is a pre-requisite to the Information society too? Think of the amount of metals used in War machinary....

200 years from now, when we lose all our roads, trains, large ships and major steel mills, do you think the students at the time will still think, industrial revolution in a major way was a necessity...(a la Futureshock) ...hindsight is 20/20....

Look at the destruction at WTC tower. One could not find a single computer, telephone or any physical item. Everything turned to dust. Now imagine a major asteroid impact. Do you think, all the cars, trains and everything will still remain intact?

Oh! BTW, many years ago I read that a group of settlers came from Mizar star system and got dropped off on Earth with a tricorder type device to record the pharmaceutical properties of local herbs and its actions/ indications on human body that is listed in the 3rd Veda. If we document such information today, it will take more than 500 years with our HPLC and computers and reagent labs.
Originally posted by thed

If there was a previous, native, highly advanced civilization on this Earth they would have exhausted natural resources first. The ready abundance of these resources are good evidence this putative civilization never existed. They may have used some other resource but again there would be ample evidence of that.

Of course maybe all the previous civilizations used some fantastic resource that was better than metal, but we've never been able to find it because they used it all up!

Seriously though, I agree that it seems highly unlikely that a civilization would be able to develop advanced technology like integrated circuits or lasers without first progressing through things like steam power or internal combustion engines. All other reasons aside, you need some level of automation to free up people to be scientists instead of serfs.

A good example of this is the indigenous population of Central America. According to Jared Diamond's book 'Guns, Germs, and Steel' they didn't have access to any metal that was suitable for tool making, so they were forced to rely on wood, glass, and stone. Even though their society was older than the Europeans who eventually conquered them, they weren't able to make any appreciable technological advancement because they just didn't have the raw materials - there's only so much you can do when you're working with rocks. They made impressive advances in mathematics and astronomy, but they couldn't compete with the Spanish, who’s society had easy access to copper and iron and were much more highly developed. You see the same thing on various isolated Pacific islands.
So, should we conclude that the use of Uranium should be the highest form of civilization then? And a space fairing civilization should be using a lot of Uranium?

Or are we going the otherway using nanotechnology, cabon tubes, ceramics, polyalloys etc...?
Originally posted by kmguru
So, should we conclude that the use of Uranium should be the highest form of civilization then? And a space fairing civilization should be using a lot of Uranium?

Or are we going the otherway using nanotechnology, cabon tubes, ceramics, polyalloys etc...?

What do you mean by 'highest form of civilization'?
A civilization that can support over 6 billion people, feed and clothes them, provides instant communication across the globe, provides knowledge about the universe around us and let you physically see your dear ones across the globe in a matter of few hours.

OR something like that...
Uranium use isn’t necessary for our society – it’s just helpful. Metal, on the other hand, is quite necessary.
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The question of using metal ... for UFO's

In what concerns UFO construction material and the need of metal,

you can remember the movie "mission alien" some years old ...

There was an UFO constructed ( or "grown" ? ) of organic vegetal meterial.

But this is an extreme idea.

Maybe not impossible but i don't know how that could support high speed which causes hot temperatures when entering atmosphere ... ?

But there are bacteria which live in hot spots on earth so organic material can support heat !
Originally posted by kmguru
As sun gets hotter over the last billion years and continues for another billion years, the temperate zone for life has shifted from Venus to Earth now and towards Mars in the future. (saw in the discovery channel)

So, take your pick of time zone to the planet...Venus in the past and Mars in the future....

Hey genius. Sorry this is late ...
I believe that the Sun is cooling. IF in fact the "face" on our favorite Martian planet was created by another civilization then they likely moved inward toward the sun to Earth.
The closer you get toward the Sun the more solar energy there is to collect and utilize for travel.
Question: when the Sun REALLY cools where do we go? Pray for a star gate of some sort because it's gonna be cold.
Sun could be cooling or getting hotter depending on where you get your information. So we look to Venus or Mars depending...

September 30, 1997

Sun Is Getting Hotter, Satellite Data Indicate
ASHINGTON -- The Sun is getting hotter, adding heat to the global warming that has been linked to greenhouse gases that trap heat in the atmosphere.

Solar radiation reaching the Earth is 0.036 percent warmer than it was in 1986, when the current solar cycle was beginning, said a study published on Friday in the journal Science. The finding is based on an analysis of data from satellites that measure the temperature of sunlight.

The increase is only a small fraction of the Sun's total heat, but over a century, it would be enough to seriously aggravate problems of global warming, said Dr. Richard C. Willson of Columbia University's Center for Climate Systems Research.

One might conclude that as the sun consumes itself it would cool. But as the mass gets denser the rate of atom smashing increases and consequently the heat increases, he said.

About the year 5,000,001,939 when the sun reaches its maximum illumination, it will be about one hundred times as bright as it is today, he said. The earth will have become a cinder.
Read My post: "How convincing does that sound..." for the answers

Answers are here:

I found this to be the most coherent set of information that covers not only all the stuff in your post (like Easter Island, pyramids, atlantis) but much much more.

If it sounds too incredible, it's probably because it's actually true...
Originally posted by Avatar
regarding Atlantis.
It is said in the scriptures that it was located in the mddle of the ocean.


And also consider the maps of Piri Race (sp) know about what I'm talking about...There is shown Antartica and south america exactly like it was 15 000 b.c. Before the ice covered antartica. The maps was copyed from another mapp in some year 15XX. Such a detailed map with no ice cover we were able to make ourselves only in the late 50s with the help of the sonar. Besides there is shown a thin land crossing (connection) between Antartica and S America, just as it was atleast 15 000 b.c.

What scriptures? Do you mean Plato.

As for Piri Re'is's map, people need to read Greg McIntosh's book if they want to know about it. It doesn't show Antarctica.

There are some articles linked to my web site on this map:

Originally posted by Banshee
Sorry to come in between your conversation about Atlantis. :) I think this belongs in this thread though. :)

The ruins of temples dated at 12,000 years old have been found near Bimini, Bahamas. Megalithic structures are not supposed to be in the Bahamas.

Preliminary analysis has revealed that the original structures, although smaller in size than the Great Pyramid of Giza, appear to have been more advanced.

Casing stones have been measured which are of the same unique angle as those at the Great Pyramid.

- Miami Museum of Science

Total nonsense. Note the lack of references, except the highly misleading mention of the Miami Museum of Science, which my parents and grandparents helped found.

You will find on some websites the suggestion that an Egyptology Society affiliated to the Miami Museum of Science backs this. The Miami Museum of Science let the speaker on these hoax stones rent a lecture room -- that was their affiliation!


and Christopher Dunn's web page on them, where he writes "
Dunn's last words on this in the url below:
Unsubstantiated reports such as these can harm serious researchers who accept the evidence that prove advanced civilizations existed in prehistory. They tend to muddy the water and give strength to the orthodox status quo."

The whole story by Dunn:
