Ancient Astronauts, The bible, Hollow Earth, Easter Island, The pyramids, Atlantis...


Teenaged Transhumanist
Registered Senior Member
All these things seemingly have to do with aliens! Aliens visited pre-historic humans, aliens lived at Atlantis, aliens live inside the Earth according to the Hollow earth theory, aliens built easter island, aliens built the pyramids, aliens were mentioned in the bible (i forget how exactly - something about tall people from the heavens).

Now, assuming all of these stories are more or less true ( a big assumption), how do you try to connect all the stories? What the relationship between the dudes who lived at Atlantis, and the dude who built the pyramids? Etc, etc. Has anyone ever tried to integrate all these stories with eachother?

If you have any links, post em! Any thoughts? Post em!
Integrating The Unknowns

Popular culture has promoted all of these things as being linked by an underlying belief in aliens. They are not logically linked in any other way. I am not saying that I do not believe in alien lifeforms, because I cannot see how we could be the only intelligent creatures in a universe as vast as this one. That way of thinking is not only statistically unlikely, but arrogantly illogical.
The general assumption of most people is that humanity was not capable of developing advanced technologies before the modern era, and therefore must have had some'outside' help. As far as I know, there is no way to put all of these events and civilizations into one, neatly wrapped package. On an individual basis there are some very interesting features about all of the cultures and theories you mentioned. Individually, MY thoughts are as follows:

Aliens: They do exist, though I have my reservations as to some of the claims some people present. I do, however think that we are, by far, NOT one of the oldest species in the universe, and therefore do not own the 'Cutting-Edge' in technological development capabilities.
Atlantis: I do not believe that we are the first civilization to see some of the technologies we take for granted today. There are to many 'Unexplained' anomalies in our historical records. The Atantis myth is at the bottom of this list. I do think it is probable that an advanced civilization existed before recorded history, but I do not see the necessity of aliens being included in the equation (but this doesn' t exclude them either).
Egyptians: Again, I don't see the necessity of including aliens, but I do also lean toward the fact that there is a lot of weird facts associated with the Egyptian and Sumerian (which existed about the same time) civilizations. According to Zechariah Sitchin ,nd others, these civilizations were the product of information recieved from 'The Gods'. Being that the Sumarian civilization appeared very suddenly with features of highly advanced civil concepts (such as: astronomy, mathematics, medical, architechtural, governmental, etc...), I also am very curious as to how this could happen without some sort of intervention by an outside source.
The Bible: The 'Aliens' you refer to are the 'Nefilim' in Genisis. This term was originally mistranslated as 'Giants', but actually meant 'Those who from heaven to earth fell'. These were apparently a group of 'Angels' whose job was to 'Watch' mankind and report their activities to "God'. This is how they got the name os 'The Watchers' (which, interestingly enough, was the same term in which the Egyptians refered to their 'Gods'). These guys found 'the daughters of men' 'favorable' and impregnated them. Their offspring were '..the great men yore...' (i.e.: Hercules and other 'Hybrids').
There is always more, but time is short...
Welcome to Sciforums Darkin. :)

You are coming in with a very good post. Keep 'em coming...

So, you learned something new today, too? ;)

Surely you won't kill the messenger in your haste to appear in total control? :p
Back ontopic?!
Okay. The non-existant really exists! Really. Send me a self-addresseed, stamped envelope, and a check for US$50 and I'll send you the proof.
Surely evidence is not needed to show Atlantis isn't real as there is no evidence that it is real
Aliens: Possible, likely even based on the size of the universe. But i think that if they were anywhere nearby and as advance as people like to say then we would have seen them.

Atlantis: I think it was based on truth but blown out of proportion. I seem to remember reading about a civilization on some mediterranian island that got wasted by a tidal wave set off by a massive volcano. Suposedly the atlantis myth was based on this. I don't think aliens tie in very well.

Hollow Earth: You are joking right? I mean you do realize that if the earth was hollow and moving at its present speed that it would fly out of orbit right?

Easter Island: Ah I see the aliens came to the most remote location on earth and built a bunch of stone statues. The only real question is why did they bother. Oh well nobody said aliens have to be smart.

Pyramids: No need for aliens there. Fully explainable with just humans.
But he was a smart, educated man. He was just a few sandwiches short of a buffet. But some renouned scientists are trying to prove the exsistance of the hollow Earth and some even go as far to claim that 'Aliens' live in the hollow Earth.