An Atheist on Judgement Day

§outh§tar said:
Agnostics are atheists. Either you believe in God or you don't.

Im not agnostic or atheist. I believe in the Creator. And I love him for giving me my life. Thats it.
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Im not agnostic or atheist. I believe in the Creator. And I love him for giving me my life. Thats it

All due respect, but it was your parents who gave you life, not some guy in the sky, leprechaun or stork. Having questioned a lot of religious people, the results show that most say they 'love' this creator being even more so than their parents or children- which frankly I find disgusting.

Remember, it was your parents 'free will' and 'choice' to have you. god had no part in it whatsoever. He no longer kills people for spilling their load, so think about how many 'would-be-people', have not been given the chance to exist thanks to the human need to masturbate. You however are different.. You didn't end up on the carpet, or on some toilet roll, but in the correct place. You can call it luck of the draw, but if you want to assign love and thanks, give it to your parents.

I also find it rather bias. While you'll say "I love god for giving me life", nobody will ever hear you say "I love god for giving me incurable lung cancer".

I wonder why that is.. :bugeye:
Agnostics are atheists. Either you believe in God or you don't.

Nope. Agnostics can believe in a God or not, they just believe that there isn't any knowledge of God or that it'll be obtainable since God is so above us. An agnostic can believe in a God, they're just not going to define something they know nothing about unlike most other relgions do.

There is only one truth (concerning the matter of who is "wrong" and who is "right") therefore you must admit all can't be "right".

And that's where agnostics come into play. They believe nobody is right in their knowledge about God since it's all unknowable. In that case, religion then becomes philosophy in that it's all thoughts and assumptions of the unknown.

Remember, it was your parents 'free will' and 'choice' to have you.

In many cases, but not all. It was just their free will (or at least the free will of one person) to have sex. I guarantee you that most people cross their fingers and knock on wood (heh) in hopes of NOT having a child in most times of intercourse.

All due respect, but it was your parents who gave you life, not some guy in the sky, leprechaun or stork.

He probably means for creating mankind period so that some day he would be able to live the life of a human. Without the creation of mankind, his parents would have not been able to bump uglies to bring him into existance.

- N
SnakeLord said:
All due respect, but it was your parents who gave you life, not some guy in the sky, leprechaun or stork. Having questioned a lot of religious people, the results show that most say they 'love' this creator being even more so than their parents or children- which frankly I find disgusting.

Remember, it was your parents 'free will' and 'choice' to have you. god had no part in it whatsoever. He no longer kills people for spilling their load, so think about how many 'would-be-people', have not been given the chance to exist thanks to the human need to masturbate. You however are different.. You didn't end up on the carpet, or on some toilet roll, but in the correct place. You can call it luck of the draw, but if you want to assign love and thanks, give it to your parents.

I also find it rather bias. While you'll say "I love god for giving me life", nobody will ever hear you say "I love god for giving me incurable lung cancer".

I wonder why that is.. :bugeye:

Ok now lets keep this in "perspective" here ok.... Your drifting on me..... I thank him for everything..... if it wasnt for the creator you nor I would be here.....Period. If I get lung cancer it is my own doing.... doesnt take anything away from being created. Im not talking biblegod.... not Allah...... Im talking about an unknowable unimaginable creator..... he could be watching..... or he could be creating another universe somewhere else... hell I dont presume to know anything about it - he - she - or whatever. I just know with every ounce of my being that we were created , dont know how or why. And never will. What happens in death - I dont know - I dont know if I will when I understanding man ? Im not trying to be rude. Just trying to explain is all. Im not very good at it I know... :bugeye:

Life is a gift. A wondrous gathering of atoms and molecules into an incredible being, capable of experiencing our own existence. While we live this experience we must be thankful for it, and live it fully. When it ends, we return to what we were before it began. What we create and leave behind is our gift to those who will follow us. We return to the universe as we came from it, to be recreated, and recycled into the infinite all.

Theres an idea..... :cool:
OliverJ said:
Life is a gift. A wondrous gathering of atoms and molecules into an incredible being, capable of experiencing our own existence. While we live this experience we must be thankful for it, and live it fully. When it ends, we return to what we were before it began. What we create and leave behind is our gift to those who will follow us. We return to the universe as we came from it, to be recreated, and recycled into the infinite all.

Theres an idea..... :cool:
M*W: It's a beautiful one!
§outh§tar said:
There is only one truth (concerning the matter of who is "wrong" and who is "right") therefore you must admit all can't be "right".

There are those who love Christ and there are those who don't. Agnostics, atheists, polytheists.. do these do the will of the Father?

Either you accept Him or reject Him. I fail to see how there is middle ground in that for by saying He might not be, you are rejecting Him. I might be wrong though.. let's see what other folks say.

The atheist/agnostic distinction is covered here:

And I thought all atheists were Satanists, anyways.
Ok now lets keep this in "perspective" here ok.... Your drifting on me..... I thank him for everything..... if it wasnt for the creator you nor I would be here.....Period. If I get lung cancer it is my own doing.... doesnt take anything away from being created. Im not talking biblegod.... not Allah...... Im talking about an unknowable unimaginable creator..... he could be watching..... or he could be creating another universe somewhere else... hell I dont presume to know anything about it - he - she - or whatever. I just know with every ounce of my being that we were created , dont know how or why. And never will. What happens in death - I dont know - I dont know if I will when I understanding man ? Im not trying to be rude. Just trying to explain is all. Im not very good at it I know...

It's bizarre that you use so many "or's" and "don't know's" but then try to state something as an absolute by using the word "period". That is quite simply silly. You should be a tad more honest with yourself and just narrow your whole text down to "I don't know".

I'm not trying to be rude, but simply trying to point out that there's no point telling me something and adding "period", when it's quite obvious you just don't know. I can't make claim that I know any more to it than you do - but then I rarely go around saying "we were created.. period", or any variant thereof.

There might be a god, the crew of the Mary Celeste might have been abducted by aliens, and we might all get reincarnated as frogs when we die.. but attempting to give an absolute is pointless and naive.

You understanding man?

Sure, we can come up with a million and one "might be's", but that is why man seeks proof and facts, because without them - all 50 gazillion trillion squillion "might be's" are inherently worthless.

I find it offensive that you'd try to give me an 'absolute' over our existence, when in your own words: "I dont presume to know anything about it".

From now on might I suggest you just stick to that line.
SnakeLord said:
It's bizarre that you use so many "or's" and "don't know's" but then try to state something as an absolute by using the word "period". That is quite simply silly. You should be a tad more honest with yourself and just narrow your whole text down to "I don't know".

I'm not trying to be rude, but simply trying to point out that there's no point telling me something and adding "period", when it's quite obvious you just don't know. I can't make claim that I know any more to it than you do - but then I rarely go around saying "we were created.. period", or any variant thereof.

There might be a god, the crew of the Mary Celeste might have been abducted by aliens, and we might all get reincarnated as frogs when we die.. but attempting to give an absolute is pointless and naive.

You understanding man?

Sure, we can come up with a million and one "might be's", but that is why man seeks proof and facts, because without them - all 50 gazillion trillion squillion "might be's" are inherently worthless.

I find it offensive that you'd try to give me an 'absolute' over our existence, when in your own words: "I dont presume to know anything about it".

From now on might I suggest you just stick to that line.

I cant, cause I know we were created. But....."I dont presume to know anything about it" -- :D
What I don't really understand is how God can punishing people for thought crime - those who don't believe in him.

Since our modern society no longer punish people for thought crime, there are two possibilities. Either we are wrong or God is wrong.

Let's say if we are wrong, that means we should start punishing people for thought crime? We should start jailing people who believe in communism?

That doesn't make any sense at all. I think we are right, God is right, but Christians are wrong.
Joeman said:
What I don't really understand is how God can punishing people for thought crime - those who don't believe in him.

Since our modern society no longer punish people for thought crime, there are two possibilities. Either we are wrong or God is wrong.

Let's say if we are wrong, that means we should start punishing people for thought crime? We should start jailing people who believe in communism?

That doesn't make any sense at all. I think we are right, God is right, but Christians are wrong.

Makes sense to me... :)
StarOfEight said:
The atheist/agnostic distinction is covered here:

And I thought all atheists were Satanists, anyways.

Yes, but my question was do these do the will of the Father?

I must admit perhaps accusing them of Satanism was going too far.. this should accurately describe them however:

Romans 1
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
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§outh§tar said:
Yes, but my question was do these do the will of the Father?

I must admit perhaps accusing them of Satanism was going too far.[/B]

If you want someone to listen to you, you need to stop acting like an asshole. Seriously, this has been scientifically proven. people are more receptive to ideas from people who show them respect, unless you are just interested in seeing your own writing and hearing your own thoughts. I know some people on internet post because they are obssessed with their own writing, their own ego, and exchanging ideas are not important.

Accusing anyone of Satanism is going too far.

Being so arrogant with your own religion and saying heresy this and heresy that is unnecessary and uncalled for.

Fundamentalists often believe they are fundamentally right and therefore non negotiable with their belief, but since religion is not scientifically proven, nobody can be fundamentally right.
Joeman said:
If you want someone to listen to you, you need to stop acting like an asshole. Seriously, this has been scientifically proven. people are more receptive to ideas from people who show them respect, unless you are just interested in seeing your own writing and hearing your own thoughts. I know some people on internet post because they are obssessed with their own writing, their own ego, and exchanging ideas are not important.

Accusing anyone of Satanism is going too far.

You must then see the way MW addresses me. I did however givethe text to show my point.

Being so arrogant with your own religion and saying heresy this and heresy that is unnecessary and uncalled for.

Would you rather I allowed people to blaspheme and kept my mouth shut?

Fundamentalists often believe they are fundamentally right and therefore non negotiable with their belief, but since religion is not scientifically proven, nobody can be fundamentally right.

And thus science is the means of showing what is "fundamentally right" and what is fundamentally wrong?
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful

Surely you can't agree with that tripe? It's just rather shocking that you happily concur with such blatantly stupid stereotyping. While I can understand it coming from the thoughts of nomads several thousand years ago, I never thought I would see such pig ignorant manner from a modern day human. I guess your parents just neglected to teach you the basics of life. I'm sure you'll grow out of it eventually.

Oh, one other thing..

haters of God

This is quite simply false. It's like me saying you hate leprechauns. To an atheist, god doesn't exist and as such there is no god to hate. I guess you can't quite grasp that very simple concept yet. Give it time.
§outh§tar said:
Would you rather I allowed people to blaspheme and kept my mouth shut?

It is fine to state you beliefs, and have a debate on them, but I think people becom agitated with your evangelical fundamentalist attitude. You cannot prove, scientifically or not, that God exists. Therefore you cannot use him, his "word", or anything else of this nature to fundamentally prove that something is "right" or "wrong".

§outh§tar said:
And thus science is the means of showing what is "fundamentally right" and what is fundamentally wrong?

Since things in science are proven, as much as they can be, to be either correct or incorrect, then yes, it is a GOOD basis for what is "right" and "wrong". Science, like everything else that is created by humans, is not perfect though, and does have it's pitfalls. Therefore even it cannot be used to prove if something in fundamentally "right" or "wrong". :bugeye:
§outh§tar said:
I must admit perhaps accusing them of Satanism was going too far.. this should accurately describe them however:
Matthew 6:1
"Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven.

29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
Think that sums it up, im a murderer because im an atheist, but remember love your neighbour southstar, even if he's a satanist or atheist.;) By the way if god exists he's the inventor of evil things not atheists.
Raithere said:
Matthew 6:1
"Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven.


Matthew 7
2For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
3"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?

SnakeLord said:
Surely you can't agree with that tripe? It's just rather shocking that you happily concur with such blatantly stupid stereotyping. While I can understand it coming from the thoughts of nomads several thousand years ago, I never thought I would see such pig ignorant manner from a modern day human. I guess your parents just neglected to teach you the basics of life. I'm sure you'll grow out of it eventually.

Oh, one other thing..

This is quite simply false. It's like me saying you hate leprechauns. To an atheist, god doesn't exist and as such there is no god to hate. I guess you can't quite grasp that very simple concept yet. Give it time.

You are missing the point. I gave you the text so that you could interpret it for yourself. I try not to explain it as such, but rather just give the scripture with little explanation as possible so that you are not forced to see it through my "viewpoint" or interpretation or whatever.

Seemingly this diplomatic way of presenting Scripture is construed by many to me being ignorant, narrow minded and so on. Perhaps I should be like most others and feed you lines about what I personally think it means, but alas, eitherway I am condemned. :(
funny story.

God being blamed for something human beings have done to themselves is blasphemy of the HIGHEST order
but god made me to do it. from the picosecond of my conception, i have had one path and only one path that i could travel, one that was plotted for me. god knew that path, and did nothing. does that make what i did his fault? some would say yes. what did i do by the way?

There are those who love Christ and there are those who don't. Agnostics, atheists, polytheists.. do these do the will of the Father?
oh ho! the will of the father eh? you mean like how they act toward other human beings? how they live their lives? do i need to believe in god or even enter a church to lead a "good" and "moral" life?

and the word is biased folks. one can exhibit bias, or one can be biased, but one cannot be bias unless they literally are prejudice itself.

and the only real problem with punishing people for thought crime [beyond not being able to read people's thoughts] is that we really don't know which thoughts are "right." but then, i would guess god doesn't have that problem.

but since religion is not scientifically proven, nobody can be fundamentally right
and this is assuming science yields something more than theory and models of reality.

Would you rather I allowed people to blaspheme and kept my mouth shut?
say whatever you like southstar. not like atheists care about blasphemy anyway.