Alien's Real or Not?

But I disagree—if you look a bit beyond the colors of the stories, there are similarities: procedurally, manipulatively, operatively, and consequentially (to name a few): telepathic participation during an occurrence; mind games during contacts that consistently follow similar methods; emotional responses before, during, and proceeding an abduction, a contact, or an experience, such as anxiety for one group, fear for another group, inarticulateness for some, or a sense of well-being for the more uncommon individual; a traceable and often innocent commencement stage in the lives of an abductee/contactee/experiencer, followed by an aftermath that points to a full-throttle immersion and/or an engrossment of events too industrious to follow; there are similar dream patterns of similar scenarios or situations, or similar musings of similar concepts, or similar symbols and icons; in many cases the lives of an abductee, a contactee, or an experiencer will be affected by changes that are often mysteriously occasioned out of the blue; complaints of harassment by questionable characters for these individuals are often reported or observed, or non-threatening but curious approaches for others; abductees are people who will identify themselves as such and are practically begging to be released, contactees are people who will identify themselves as such and profess curiosity and adventure, experiencers are people who will identify themselves as such and will drop into an almost spiritual state of transmission and interplay; abductees/contactees/experiencers are rendered prudent, apprehensive, almost paranoid—or abandon themselves to no longer caring. They know this and discuss these feelings amongst themselves.
Assuredly: but that's a psychological study. It's not looking at the phenomenon itself, it's a study of the individuals who have experienced the event. It does not (and probably cannot) say that the UFO itself is genuine.....
three levels in this affair by three different parties
Only three levels? Most probably more. For one my "approval" or otherwise doesn't come into it. If something happened I want to know what it was. A rock's existence does not depend on my approval or otherwise.... As for the "them" that don't don't care for an involvement with me (I assume you meant me personally?); who are the them? Are you talking about the supposed "inner sanctum" or whatever that supposedly run the secret projects? For your information there are certain people whose job it is to keep me as up to date possible on technological advances of this sort. :cool:
Consider how a rape victim will be psychologically affected, or how bankruptcy will throw a person in a state disarray, or how homelessness will affect a state of numbness, etc—you can't possibly expect people to waltz unaffected! And isn't that, how ‘crazy’ people become, the very proof why this issue is being kept under official wraps?
Aah, some people become "crazy", so that's "proof" that there are secret technologies? Good thinking. Further information for you - I am currently bankrupt, and have been homeless. So what, shit happens, life goes on.
Even in the middle of redundancy, finding out my wife had been having affairs, two deaths in the family and moving house I still retained the presence of mind to distinguish between what was happening to ME personally and what was "real" - some strange occurrences prompted me to take notes so that I could have an "objective" look at them, at no time was I ever tempted to run around declaring that there was something untoward happening. Or maybe that was my craziness?
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When one finds out that they have been being deceived intentionaly, questions arise.
When one finds out WHY they were being decieved, new questions arise.
When one learns it is about the whole human race, who what and why we are, then comprehension can set in.

Read the bible, with out religion, but with a 21st century understanding of our cosmos.

When one believes they have been deceieved they ask questions
When one convinces themself they were deceived intentionally they invent reasons
When one cannot find evidence they invent that also and lose all comprehension
It's called paranoia.
It’s called the incompetency syndrome, a prime example of a judgment.
In other words, your fucked.
Tic Toc
Assuredly: but that's a psychological study.
Psychology isn't all about mental illnesses. Currently, people are rather curious about George W Bush's psychology. What sort of upbringing, social-background, milieu, prejudices, esteem, etc, can be deduced from his style of the presidency? Psychology reveals how a person is affected by something, how a person responds to something, how a person interacts with something, how a person epitomizes something. It's that something, here, that is consistent yet evasive and shrouded but has a nature—and a nature will point more conspicuously at a certain tilt for something, just as George's nature tells me that I would be dealing with a perfect snob.

It's not looking at the phenomenon itself, it's a study of the individuals who have experienced the event. It does not (and probably cannot) say that the UFO itself is genuine.....
It doesn't need to. We're not dealing with something straightforward and harmless from afar but with something in the neighborhood that, if real, insists on being concealed: that, already, says so very much about its motives! Granted, the shroud remains, but at least the shroud now has a nature—a thin layer of the mystery is beginning to peel off.

Only three levels? Most probably more. For one my "approval" or otherwise doesn't come into it. If something happened I want to know what it was.
I was being broad and general. Of course there would be shades of grey in between, and of course we all want answers, but it's not by denouncement and censorship and ridicule that we will exercise an open mind for ourselves, for it is only an open mind that will promote the needed tilt.

As for the "them" that don't don't care for an involvement with me (I assume you meant me personally?); who are the them?
God, I thought I was being obvious. Them are the ones looking down on us. Rings a bell? From above? Everything you wanted to know about sex but were afraid to ask?

Aah, some people become "crazy", so that's "proof" that there are secret technologies?
An indicator, then, that clearly indicates why our officials would rather deal with a minority than a majority. You know, your attitudes (I said "you, the sane majority"—not you, the sane one) your attitudes towards yourselves astound me: it's never quite the Homo sapiens species, but the rich species, or the homeless species, or the black species, or the athlete species, or the poor species, or the liberals' species, or the corporate species, or the blue collar species, or the environmentalist species, or the red neck species, or the woo-woo species, blah blah blah. And then you (the sane majority) complain that the UFO/ET phenomenon is, darn it all, too complicated to be genuine!

[...] at no time was I ever tempted to run around declaring that there was something untoward happening. Or maybe that was my craziness?
Kudos. And I noticed you are bothering to reply to my posts. You'd make a fine abductee... Lol.
Psychology isn't all about mental illnesses.
I didn't say it was - I've done psychology at degree level :D
It doesn't need to. We're not dealing with something straightforward and harmless from afar but with something in the neighborhood that, if real, insists on being concealed: that, already, says so very much about its motives! Granted, the shroud remains, but at least the shroud now has a nature—a thin layer of the mystery is beginning to peel off.
No, we're dealing with peoples' belief that they've seen a physical phenomenon.. and some of those people assume it's real and attempting to hide.
but it's not by denouncement and censorship and ridicule
the "denouncement, censorship(?) and ridicle (mea culpa)" arrive when those who insist that it's a genuine physical phenomenon attribute UNPROVEN or UNPROVABLE aspects to it - i.e. it's from out there, they're trying to hide etc. Now it may well be actual craft, but there's no proof that it is and no indication at all, save speculation, where it comes from IF real, still less why...
Them are the ones looking down on us.
Okay, I thought you meant the "them" here that supposedly make them and operate them... But you mean the "assumed them out there". There is no proof that "they" exist.
You'd make a fine abductee... Lol.
Kicking and screaming... I don't like to be away from home for too long, I'd miss my books. :D
craterchains (Norval:
When one finds out that they have been being deceived intentionaly, questions arise.
That's a tricky one because sometimes the masquerade must endure and eclipse.

When one finds out WHY they were being decieved, new questions arise.
Or new roles are assigned in haste and the masquerade shifts its act, quickly, in order to befuddle and intoxicate—as it should.

When one learns it is about the whole human race, who what and why we are, then comprehension can set in.
Sometimes too much knowledge for a given role is too conspicuous. So is the cloaking that requires—not knowledge—but consciousness.

Read the bible, with out religion, but with a 21st century understanding of our cosmos.
“To that end, I must descend into the depths: as you do at evening, when you go behind the sea and bring light to the underworld too, superabundant star!

“Like you, I must go down—as men, to whom I want to descend, call it.

“So bless me then, tranquil eye, that can behold without envy even an excessive happiness!”—thus spoke Zarathustra. Nietzsche.

<hr size="1" color=#7E7E7E ="noshade"/>

Sample of my musings. Just that.
No, we're dealing with peoples' belief that they've seen a physical phenomenon.. and some of those people assume it's real and attempting to hide.
But you can't stop what's "happening", even though there's no "proof"; you know, "the show must go on".

Now it may well be actual craft, but there's no proof that it is and no indication at all, save speculation, where it comes from IF real, still less why...
It doesn't from your perspective. But it most certainly does from the other guy's perspective. Like, what happens in the privacy of one's own bedroom is no business of mine... In other words, there's some hanky-panky going on in there... I think... I would suppose... perhaps, perhaps not, I don't know. But he knows.

There is no proof that "they" exist.
And no proof that they don't, no?

Kicking and screaming... I don't like to be away from home for too long, I'd miss my books. :D
You wouldn't feel a thing.
There is a wealth of evidence suggesting your so cold "aliens" from outer space did visit earth. in fact they lived here for hundreds probably thousands of years pre-dating suggested theories when humans first started to migrate across the continents.
Ancients civilizations usually depict them in their writings and stories to simplify their understanding of a very intelligent race of beings,. Most cultures depict them as gods having come down from the skies, the bible

If you did read the first book of genesis of the bible it is quite clear that in the scriptures there is a uncertain similarity between what is told and what is described. So the people of that era couldn't understand the logic and science so therfore built fables and stories of life experiences to connect to a particular event of that encounter. why do most ancient cultures believe in gods??..well thats because they have seen them come from the sky,..what they interpret is what their minds could only understand at that time.

The technological advancement throughout ancient civilizations like pyramid building and astronomical knowledge without the aid of instruments were taught by their gods what we know and call "Alien beings"

Check out this link,..they show civilizations who encountered aliens
In other words, there's some hanky-panky going on in there... I think... I would suppose... perhaps, perhaps not, I don't know. But he knows.
And if he's gone down to the shops and left the curtains closed you'd still think there was hanky panky going on... but there's nobody home.
And no proof that they don't, no?
Correct. If there's no proof either way, go for the simpler option until more data arrives... There's no proof that elephants sneak into my flat while I'm out at the library, but there's no proof they don't. I suspect they don't.
The technological advancement throughout ancient civilizations like pyramid building and astronomical knowledge without the aid of instruments were taught by their gods what we know and call "Alien beings"
Good grief, the pyramids were built by the Egyptians, stories of gods were used to explain natural phenomena and there is NO EVIDENCE for aliens visiting the Earth, especially for your "living here for hundreds or thousands of years".
It's not aliens - it's "explanations" of nature, that wasn't understood and therefore ascribed to "gods".
Vega said:
There is a wealth of evidence suggesting your so cold "aliens" from outer space did visit earth. in fact they lived here for hundreds probably thousands of years pre-dating suggested theories when humans first started to migrate across the continents.
Ancients civilizations usually depict them in their writings and stories to simplify their understanding of a very intelligent race of beings,. Most cultures depict them as gods having come down from the skies, the bible

If you did read the first book of genesis of the bible it is quite clear that in the scriptures there is a uncertain similarity between what is told and what is described. So the people of that era couldn't understand the logic and science so therfore built fables and stories of life experiences to connect to a particular event of that encounter. why do most ancient cultures believe in gods??..well thats because they have seen them come from the sky,..what they interpret is what their minds could only understand at that time.

The technological advancement throughout ancient civilizations like pyramid building and astronomical knowledge without the aid of instruments were taught by their gods what we know and call "Alien beings"

Check out this link,..they show civilizations who encountered aliens

I think it's possible that the 'neanderthals' could have been aliens. They just couldn't figure out how to put their space ship back together again after it crashed landed here about 200,000 years ago.:D
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neanderthals were genetically engineered to become homo sapiens thus explaining your missing link" Aliens" who gave a part of their genes to produce humans..
You'd have to prove that
A) Aliens exist
B) Aliens came here
C) Aliens had the capability for genetic engineering
D) That the Aliens were genetically compatible with neaderthals
and then after that you'd have to prove that it was actually done.
Vega said:
neanderthals were genetically engineered to become homo sapiens thus explaining your missing link" Aliens" who gave a part of their genes to produce humans..

Why else would neanderthals mysteriously die out and humans suddenly emerge??

Close Vega but still twisted logic. Animal based genetic manipulation. You're forgetting the deluge and sun radiation factors.
Neanderthal could have died out because of the evolution or creation of the first racists. It could have been deliberate genocide.
MetaKron said:
deliberate genocide.

Interesting wording MetaKron.

Yes, Norval, it seems they are so busy with fighting each other, creating lies, hiding behind other lies and in their incompetency, they won't know enough to get off the surface fast and have no contact with any humans. Oh Well!!