Alien's Real or Not?

sderenzi said:
1. Just because people make personal comments doesn't really disprove their statements, this is a BS way the scientific community can justify anything. People were saying concentration camps were real but everyone was like "where's the proof of the showers being poisoned?" It's moot, people are saying something.

With regards to concentration camps there was probably aerial photography of the sites held by a number of governments, there were accounts from Survivors, accounts from the actual guards that didn't necessarily agree with what was being done or were haunted by what they had been apart of and the actual numbers of people that were unaccounted for after the war.

Evidence of the disappeared was found in the mountains of person effects, occasional findings of mass burials and even soil samples from such sites that did mass cremations could find a high levels of certain chemicals that are only found in/around burial sites.

2. Aliens could spread throughout the galaxy traveling at the speed of light in around 100,000 years. This isn't that slow an would easily allow them to find us. That's just around the length of time they'd need in order to build the type of technology which we see.

The real moot point is this whole Scifi perspective that mass can travel at light speed. In essense it can't and is suggested to be impossible both mathematically and in theory by many relevant scientists.

However this doesn't suggest that space can't be bent or manipulated to enduce the distance of travel, but such systems would require massive arrays to tap into the artificially created universal scheme which is not something you find the whole universe filled with.

3. You are right about the space travel, it's extremely dangerous. I wasn't entirely certain what the method was they used to come here could be. I have however thought about it an the fact these beings can actually walk through walls then abduct people in beams of light is a key. If they can phase matter or cause their ships to phase through it then travel in space would be less dangerous, more just a question of speed. An in fact we see people claiming that they can.

This is all stories people dream up. For years "ghosts" walked through walls, then Aliens became the popular fantasy so they now do the same. You should perhaps analyse what makes up a wall and what can penetrate it. For instance radio signals obviously can to an extent, however the greater the thickness and Density of the wall will lessen the amount of radiation that can penetrate.

Again such radiology to be controlled would and does require massive arrays and neural networks to process all the data of the footprint being analysed. Such systems would be useless light years away and would suggest that IF such apparitions were real then they are utilising very human systems and operated by very real humans.
There is a problem with your assumption that they do not eat or breathe or drink or whatever it was you said (I don't remember it entirely as it was pure nonsense) Every living being requires energy to move, most biological creatures digest food, or take in a liquid, in order to get that energy in a chemical form and then turn it to kinetic energy to move. Everything absorbs energy somehow and uses it, end of story.
Let's hope that the next group of aliens that visit Earth are a bunch of beer drinkers. Hopefully, they will land in Germany and leave with a good impression and one-hell-of- a hangover.
Oh you mean the figments of your imagination? The same argument we have for God. "Just look around, the evidence is there you just don't see it".
Denial is so unbecoming of those purported to be inteligent.
Only more advanced technologicaly, or at least WAS.

Oh how far they have fallen, those that have been cast down to the earth.
To even have to deny ones own existance, how embarassing, how embarassing.
craterchains (Norval said:
Denial is so unbecoming of those purported to be inteligent.
Only more advanced technologicaly, or at least WAS.

Oh how far they have fallen, those that have been cast down to the earth.
To even have to deny ones own existance, how embarassing, how embarassing.
We are not the aliens. Do you think we are the aliens because we continually refute your claims?
At a wild guess (the way Norval does his "reasoning") he thinks we're ALL aliens - probably the descendants of the survivors of his little war. But those of us that deny it don't realise it. Whereas he, of course, does.
Yes, and its a similar story for my side of the theory. (consider my sci-name)

I'm going to explain the time-line of my "human saucer theory." Please just consider it.

Nikola Tesla says he is working on a flying machine with: "No wings, propellers or ailerons." Some people thought that maybe he was refering to rocketry, but Tesla was not into rocket science, he was into electricity. And before Dr. Tesla was an electrical engineer he was a mechanical engineer. If you combine these two fields with Tesla's genius you get "electromechanical engineer."

Tesla developed his flying machine and took it to the U.S. Govt, they thought he was crazy. Motivated to get his invention out, he took it to the nazi (or maybe it was stollen) and next thing you know, allied bomber pilots and gunners start seeing "foo-fighters" (as they called them). These were metal ovoid balls which were seen in the sky, but the germans didn't have the ability to put weapons on these yet, because the hull is charged with some very high voltage currents. But they did use them to draw fire from the gunners, because they couldn't be hit, they were far too manueverable. Anyway, Tesla dies, then the Roswell Alien Hoax crash is carried out by our lovable CIA to make it look like aliens invented these craft, which craft civilians and people all over the world had been seeing in the skies. These people thought it was a matter of time before it would be declassified, but before the public had too much time to think about it, they came out with the sci-fi channel, and other entertaining/propaganda material. Like the "World News."

Ive seen these craft in the air, and my father saw one up close, it was clearly made of metal, and it is most likely to be manmade.
"Working on" something is not the same as "making it work".
they thought he was crazy
- because he couldn't get it to work.
But they did use them to draw fire from the gunners
You mean apart from the standing orders that they weren't to be fired upon?
Foo fighters were not of German manufacture.
they came out with the sci-fi channel
And I suppose that the pre-existing B movies don't count for anything or the pre-war burgeoning of SF publications... or Jules Verne etc?
manmadeflyingsaucer said:
These were metal ovoid balls which were seen in the sky, but the germans didn't have the ability to put weapons on these yet, because the hull is charged with some very high voltage currents.
So they put up their brand new shiny craft in the sky, totally defenceless and without the ability to attack? (apart from their manoeverability)
manmadeflyingsaucer said:
But they did use them to draw fire from the gunners, because they couldn't be hit, they were far too manueverable.
Do you have a source for any recorded incident where a gunner or pilot opened fire on a foo fighter?
craterchains (Norval said:
Denial is so unbecoming of those purported to be inteligent.
Only more advanced technologicaly, or at least WAS.

Oh how far they have fallen, those that have been cast down to the earth.
To even have to deny ones own existance, how embarassing, how embarassing.

Without seeming to be in the know, but simply considering your scenario, I would ask:

But entities who have been "cast down", are they not recessed deep within their hosts, in an almost subliminal state? And are there not other earthlings hosting other entities, in a more semi-conscious state?
There was some information on some television show not so long ago about "saucers/foo fighters", however Tesla's name was never mentioned even though both the US and Soviet programs that had allegedly began after seizing information or grabbing up enloping scientists during and towards the end of the second world war.

They made out that obviously a saucer design worked for this and that reason, yet the modern day helicopter is produced and used in the commercial field, which suggests either the saucer flight controls were just too radical to make it effective or it wasn't a simple design to replicate.

Otherwise we'd have saucers instead of helicopters, imagine that... people thinking they see helicopters in the sky.
Not so fast to dismiss the rotary-wing aircraft, Stryder. The helicopter had a distinct history dating back to 400 BC with a Chinese concept of a flying top -- not a Chinese flying saucer!
even though both the US and Soviet programs that had allegedly began after seizing information or grabbing up enloping scientists during and towards the end of the second world war.
The US/ Brit programme for grabbing information and personnel was called "Paperclip". Something the woo-woos do manage to get right.
They made out that obviously a saucer design worked for this and that reason,
A good(?) proportion of so-called-Nazi flying saucer information was "manufactured" after the war.
The helicopter had a distinct history dating back to 400 BC with a Chinese concept of a flying top
Which reinforces Stryder's point. We'd be using flying saucers and the woo-woos would be screaming about "ancient secret technology" in the form of helicopters, "which is beyond our capabilies even with the technology we have today" :D
manmadeflyingsaucer said:
Yes, and its a similar story for my side of the theory. (consider my sci-name)

I'm going to explain the time-line of my "human saucer theory." Please just consider it.

Nikola Tesla says he is working on a flying machine with: "No wings, propellers or ailerons." Some people thought that maybe he was refering to rocketry, but Tesla was not into rocket science, he was into electricity. And before Dr. Tesla was an electrical engineer he was a mechanical engineer. If you combine these two fields with Tesla's genius you get "electromechanical engineer."

Tesla developed his flying machine and took it to the U.S. Govt, they thought he was crazy. Motivated to get his invention out, he took it to the nazi (or maybe it was stollen) and next thing you know, allied bomber pilots and gunners start seeing "foo-fighters" (as they called them). These were metal ovoid balls which were seen in the sky, but the germans didn't have the ability to put weapons on these yet, because the hull is charged with some very high voltage currents. But they did use them to draw fire from the gunners, because they couldn't be hit, they were far too manueverable. Anyway, Tesla dies, then the Roswell Alien Hoax crash is carried out by our lovable CIA to make it look like aliens invented these craft, which craft civilians and people all over the world had been seeing in the skies. These people thought it was a matter of time before it would be declassified, but before the public had too much time to think about it, they came out with the sci-fi channel, and other entertaining/propaganda material. Like the "World News."

Ive seen these craft in the air, and my father saw one up close, it was clearly made of metal, and it is most likely to be manmade.
So the fundamental that electromagneticism doesn't effect gravity doesn't apply to you? Also why do people always pick on Tesla? he was merely a plasma physicist.