Alien's Real or Not?

depends if yer asking a human, or only a humanoid.
And the difference (genuine difference I mean, not the one that obtains in the fevered little darkness that you call a brain) would be?
And please; stop falling off your chair laughing, you obviously keep banging your head.
Dope it out brainiac,,,
Don't do dope, but you apparently do.
Just as a matter of interest which category do you consider me to be in?
Stunning. So according to you I'm an alien, and also according to you I (and my associates whoever they may be) deny I exist.
The reasoning you use gave you away.
I can accept that. The fact that I'm capable of reasoning, as opposed to the wishful thinking and supposition that you indulge must have come as a shock to you.
Allmost like a friends pet iguana.
You have a lot of conversations with your friend's iguana?
Why? Do you want to hold a conversation with a lizard? Go ahead.

I only observed its habits.

(insert the rolling eyes smilie here)
So you observe its habits in a non-native environment and make "deductions" about its reasoning. And then assign the assumed "reasoning process" to me based on the posts I make here.
Wow. No wonder you came up with your crater chains theory. You must have spent a hell of a long time observing the habits of craters. My hat's off to you. :rolleyes:
Of course aliens exist, what a waste of space otherwise. I know a few myself.
There are all kinds, whatever you can imagine. Some are timetravellers from future Earth, some are not.
If given the proof, what would that mean for you, what would change for you?

Some christians mean that it's such an amazing miracle, that we, just think about it( they use this kind of phrasing too) , are the only ones in the universe, oh such precious bliss.
Idiots. Egotistical idiots. Life is not less precious just because it exists outside of our solar system.
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Never because "humanity as a whole" is a fiction. It's all individuals, some of whom temporarily have the same goals in common.
I think individuals, more or less, fall into three categories: A: the uninhibited eccentric (only if they're loaded, otherwise they degenerate to category C); B: the movie star (accomplished, and able to hatch up their own contracts); C: the outcast (the one no one wants to be like).

Most "individuals" have scant individuality anyway -- their individualism is buttressed more by an essential clique that can never be lived without; they take their cues from each other.

But you're right that it's an interlocking system. Without the "small fry" around there's no point in being a "big fish", but very few big fish acknowledge that fact.
The system is, in the end, a very sensitive one: no earth quakes preferred; no revolutions please; no more Woodstocks!; gun down any Lenins -- including Lennons; including any JFKs (character-assassination now feasible); no tiresome environmentalists by all means; also, no upright scientists with a conscience; no blabbermouths; no liberal press; no self-sustaining collective farmers; no free-energy, absolutely not; etc.

Oh. I forgot: no aliens, never.
I'm sure the aliens have some lap tops or something similiar on board their space ships. Maybe just to send and recieve some personal emails from back home I guess. I hope they don't have server problems once they ever land here. If they do, they're in trouble. Right?
They probably get flooded with spam and porn and giggle every time they crack into Nasa and the Pentagon. Lol.
think individuals, more or less, fall into three categories: A: the uninhibited eccentric (only if they're loaded, otherwise they degenerate to category C); B: the movie star (accomplished, and able to hatch up their own contracts); C: the outcast (the one no one wants to be like).

Most "individuals" have scant individuality anyway -- their individualism is buttressed more by an essential clique that can never be lived without; they take their cues from each other.
Try going into the big blue room more often - there's some nice people there. :D
Yeah, if they land here, we'll blow them to hell without studying their biology, man is too stupid to seriuosly consider studying aliens that don't actually exist. erm... uhh.... hmm
Bebelina said:
Of course aliens exist, what a waste of space otherwise. I know a few myself.
There are all kinds, whatever you can imagine. Some are timetravellers from future Earth, some are not.
If given the proof, what would that mean for you, what would change for you?

It would certainly change my perception of those making such claims as not blowing smoke out their a$$es.
Once again Norval presents snide remarks as opposed to evidence. Do you realise how hard it is to deny evidence when it's not presented?
PS I'd get a new chair if I were you - that one seems to drop you on the floor too often.

There are all kinds, whatever you can imagine. Some are timetravellers from future Earth, some are not.
If they're from a future Earth that would make them NOT alien wouldn't it?
So give us the proof...
STDD Same Tactics Different Day. Threads full of evidence and "they" cant see it.
Do a search for the evidence right here at SciFoolems.
You will find most of the threads LOCKED,,,, geeeee now why is that?

Stryder gets very skittish when truth starts to come out.

Big Cheesy Grins
Oh yes. Wheel out the STDD comment.
The "evidence" you have presented in those threads has been argued over many times. And you claim it's ignored or not seen.
Like the fact that you pick only those ocurrences that support your view and ignore the rest.
Like the fact that you feel qualified to open threads on "alien tactics" several thousand (million?) years after the claimed war.
Like there is not one shred of hard evidence except in your own head.
Like the fact that whenever anyone asks for numerical backup your answer is "work it out yourself" - meaning you haven't done it, or are incapable of doing it, or have done it but it doesn't bear out your fractured view of things so you ignore it.
I agree completely there is ignorance, deceit, cover-ups and an unwillingness to face facts - but it's all on your side.
The threads were locked because you presented the same lack of evidence in each one, therefore there was no point to them. I mistakenly assumed that your return heralded new "evidence" to discuss, but nope, just the same b*llocks over and over again.
It'll get to the stage that a thread will be locked as soon as you demonstrate you have nothing new to offer, but never mind. It'll be "proof" that you have it right and you're being deliberately suppressed....
Oh yes. Wheel out the STDD comment.
The "evidence" you have presented in those threads has been argued over many times. And you claim it's ignored or not seen. That is a lie.
Like the fact that you pick only those ocurrences that support your view and ignore the rest. That is a deceptive lie.
Like the fact that you feel qualified to open threads on "alien tactics" several thousand (million?) years after the claimed war. No we do not claim it was millions of years ago, another deceptive lie.
Like there is not one shred of hard evidence except in your own head. Deceptive denial.
Like the fact that whenever anyone asks for numerical backup your answer is "work it out yourself" - meaning you haven't done it, or are incapable of doing it, or have done it but it doesn't bear out your fractured view of things so you ignore it. Another lie about our research, we post the scientists own admissions of "it aint possible mathmaticaly."
I agree completely there is ignorance, deceit, cover-ups and an unwillingness to face facts - but it's all on your side. Just another deceptive lie.
The threads were locked because you presented the same lack of evidence in each one, therefore there was no point to them. I mistakenly assumed that your return heralded new "evidence" to discuss, but nope, just the same b*llocks over and over again. And you are who's sock puppet? Pluggers?
It'll get to the stage that a thread will be locked as soon as you demonstrate you have nothing new to offer, but never mind. It'll be "proof" that you have it right and you're being deliberately suppressed.... FOCLMFAO, , , like we dont all ready have enough evidence of those tactics? ROFLMFAO, , yer a hoot ! !