aliens i think not

Wonder what they say about this the book heads i mean

Isufos, you disappoint me quite honestly. You must decipher fact from fiction, while your video may have "real video of flying saucers," you still think they are extraterrestrials. The MOST likely origin of such flying machines is MAN.... think about it, they are top secret, thats all dude. (however, it is some bad-ass technology which could easily be mistaken as "alien," as far as most witnesses of flying saucers are concerned, it is "alien," but mostly alien because they have never seen such before..... think about it Isufos)
Meanwhile said:
Ah. Pop-logic deluxe. Adeptly applied specifically during exigencies for high-class logic in demand. But once upon a time you did believe there was no life in space. Then too was a fun time choking with popular and narrow minded logic.
Don't put words in my posts. You have no idea what I have ever believed about life in space.
Meanwhile said:
Still always the popular—and safe—course of logic. Until proven otherwise. Of course. But who should be doing the proving? And the approving? And disapproving? You? Please. How could you? Why not... them? Why not use a different logic here, a different approach? Why not turn the tables and see things differently from a different perspective? Their game. Their application. Their concept. Their logic. Their time. Their approach. Their overture.
The burden of proof lies with the claimant. Or at least the responsibility to provide any evidence. The rest of your post is just silly drivel.
Meanwhile said:
But contact doesn't necessarily require proof, does it?
Oh yes, contact most certainly does require proof. Or if you wish to even be taken seriously then you must at the very least supply evidence
I didn't put words in your post -- I logically deduced from your viewpoint, which you worded for yourself, a general standpoint, that is, the conventional standpoint. As to, what you "have ever believed about life in space", I'm sure it holds absolutely no interest to me in regards to this topic.
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snake river rufus
The burden of proof lies with the claimant. Or at least the responsibility to provide any evidence.
We're talking about two types of "evidence". I was being specific about what type I was referring to:

But who should be doing the proving? And the approving? And disapproving? You? Please. How could you? Why not... them? Why not use a different logic here, a different approach? Why not turn the tables and see things differently from a different perspective? Their game. Their application. Their concept. Their logic. Their time. Their approach. Their overture.

Their contact.

But contact doesn't necessarily require proof, does it?​

The nonterrestrial who initiates contact, and the terrestrial who intercepts a contact, have no "burden of proof" to claim!

snake river rufus
The rest of your post is just silly drivel.
snake river rufus said:
Oh yes, contact most certainly does require proof. Or if you wish to even be taken seriously then you must at the very least supply evidence

Why must you (you, as in the general population) require proof? For whose benefit? Your own? Can't you see? It. Does. Not. Matter. What. You. Believe. In.

Or do you actually believe extraterrestrial beings would give a shit what you believe in???
Theoryofrelativity said:
Meanwhile, on subject of aliens, you do realise of course that if aliens ever do pay us a visit they will most likely round us all up like cattle, farm us and eat us?

As this is what intelligent life forms do with lesser ones.

I shan't be rolling out the red carpet to any alien in green wellies that's for sure.

-- I know you're not addressing me 'cuz you use "meanwhile" all over the place. Gets on my nerves: you're the only one here using my intervening adverb! But I'll address this 'cuz it's of interest.

I disagree. It would be a lesser intelligent life form that would blindly intervene and get hopelessly involved with another societal structure and be stuck with a fierce responsibility -- or a bad conscience -- because of it.
Meanwhile said:
Why must you (you, as in the general population) require proof? For whose benefit? Your own? Can't you see? It. Does. Not. Matter. What. You. Believe. In.
So, you have no proof at all then?
Dreams. Dreams cascading down the rock fall of ineptitude and ignorance, plummeting into the basin of banality and the pool of pathos, before insipidly flowing to the sea of irrelevance.
Meanwhile, why do you believe with no evidence? How do you choose a bizaree thing to believe in? What mechanism of self deception do you employ? What triggers the waves of self delusion? In short, why are you such a prat?
Heres ma dug, big ears

A dinnae read a lot, bit ah will hiv a wee gander tae include some stuff aboot intelligent book heeds.
Ach ah suppose it's aboot ma wee dug big ears yoos yins ken is gonnae be a wee stoater

Intelligent life forms If ah feel like it ah might shoot ma gob aff aboot it.

Sorry that you can not see what others can may be just somthing in your head that do that or may be you have nothing to believe in.

But it will not stop anyone with a belief as to what you have to say with a outdated look on belief spooks.

Never ever said that or made that claim.
But if the goverment say it is not them then what are they going do with this bad-ass technology as you say.
Sorry guys. I'm giving up on the simultaneous translation of lsufos drivel. The only parts that are well constructed and intellgible to me or those part in faux Scots. They contain nothing of value. {Come to think of it, we should honour consistency.}

lsufos - why believe that for which there is no compelling evidence?
Never ever said that or made that claim.
But if the goverment say it is not them then what are they going do with this bad-ass technology as you say.

Nevermind, Im done trying to explain this
Communist Hamster said:
So, you have no proof at all then?

"Proof" is not <em>my</em> urgency, nor "claimant" my objective, nor "burden" my responsibility -- words SnakeRiverRufus so kindly pointed out for you all. The absolute demand for "proof" seems to preoccupy you more like a nervous twitch in your psyche than does a genuine <em>concern</em> for something that is a viable plausibility. You're not dealing with certainty here, but with a disadvantage. You're not dealing with a thesis, but with an unfurling circumstance. Truth versus Proof will not always conform, align, be compatible. Testimony versus Evidence will not always adapt. Demand is your law. Concern is my advantage.

So, Isufos, why aren't the government covering up your posts here as well? Why don't they take down your crappy website?

No need alien life forms are not on the agenda.

But they passed three new laws though.

Three new Acts become law
30 March 2006

The Terrorism Act 2006, the Identity Cards Act and the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act all received royal assent on Thursday 30 March, becoming law.

Terrorism Act 2006
Powerful new measures in the Terrorism Act 2006 will help the police and law enforcement agencies tackle the threat of terrorism. The Terrorism Act 2006 makes it a criminal offence to:

encourage terrorism, including to glorify terrorism
disseminate terrorist publications, including by extremist bookshops and through internet activity
prepare or plan to commit a terrorist act, or to assist others to do so
give or receive terrorist training, or to attend a terrorist training camp
More information about the Terrorism Act 2006.
lsufos said:

Why believe that for which there is no compelling evidence?

You would have to be a right dimwit to not believe that there no life othere planets.
Even MARS.
Life on Mars Likely,Scientist Claims

Now that is near but they Scientists will be wrong in your eyes though.


The opening Title of "Life on Mars Likely, Scientist Claims" isn't actually stating that the entire scientific community believes life likely but actually just one scientist. You totally missed: said:
Other scientists are cautious to point out that the presence of water does not guarantee life. Rather, it means one crucial ingredient exists.
Issue 1:
lsufos said:
You would have to be a right dimwit to not believe that there no life othere planets.
Pay close attention here lsufos. There is an outside chance you could learn something.
First, I presume you did not mean what you typed above, but meant this:
You would have to be a right dimwit to believe that there is no life on other planets.

No. You wouldn't. There is almost no evidence for life on other planets. The single exceptions are two controversial, and generally discounted, instances relating to Mars. [See below for a fuller discussion.]

There are several well considered reasons to suspect that life may exist elsewhere. These are different from evidence. Attempts have been made to estimate the probability of intelligent life existing elsewhere in the Universe, or in our Galaxy. These estimates are often expressed in terms of the Drake Equation.

A reasoned discussion of these probabilities by Ward and Brownlee in their book Rare Earth concludes that while primitive microbial life may be commonplace, complex lifeforms will be rare, and intelligent life may even be unique.

So, you would not be a dimwit to doubt the existence of life on other worlds, merely sceptical in the absence of any objective data to support that contention.

Issue 2:
Even MARS......Now that is near but they Scientists will be wrong in your eyes though.
As noted above Mars has provided the only evidence for life on other planets:

a) The nanobacteria allegedly present in the meteorite ALH84001.
b) The disputed positive responses to the Viking experiments on the surface of Mars in the 1970s.

Both are rejected by the scientific community at large. I go along with the rejection of the ALH84001 bacteria: far too tenuous an interpretation. On the other hand, I strongly suspect that the Viking tests did reveal dormant microbial life forms in the Martian soil. Future Mars exploration will reveal the truth.

What does this say about the possibility of widespread life on planets in other systems? Unfortunately, almost nothing. The planets of the solar system routinely exchange material as a result of impact. Life could have originated on Earth or Mars and travelled to the other inside ejecta.

Issue 3:

Life versus intelligent life versus intelligent life visiting this planet versus intelligent life visiting this planet today

I am fairly certain that life is widespread throughout the Universe. That does not mean intelligent aliens are visiting the Earth today.

I consider it possible, even probable, that intelligent life may be found elsewhere in the Universe. That does not mean intelligent aliens are visiting the Earth today.

I consider it possible, though of questionable probability, that intelligent life forms have visited our solar system in person or with robotic craft in the past. That does not mean intelligent aliens are visiting the Earth today.

To assess the likelihood of any and all of these possibilities requires an objective assessment of the evidence. You, lsufos, seem incapable of that.

Issue 4:

Sonny, I suspect I had an interest in ET before you even existed. [If I have underestimated your age I have also seriously overestimated your intelligence.]
Do you even know about Project Ozma (without running to do a quick google?)

You say I would not go looking for ET:
I fully support the various SETI projects currently underway.
I applaud the plans to build telescopes large enough to resolve continents on extra-solar terrestrial sized planets, and to detect atmospheric composition.
I favour investigation of our solar system for evidence of robotic observation devices left or sent by alien intelligences.​

None of the above require that I believe in alien intelligences, only that I acknowledge their possibility and their importance.

And none of this has any relationship to purported alien spacecraft. Has it occured to you that the scientists who are engaged in the various SETI programs, and research into life on Mars, or any aspect of exobiology, all of them are quite dismissive of the UFO phenomena.

If you seriously have an interest in alien worlds and alien life then stop jamming up the airwaves with UFO noise. It distracts from the serious business of proper research.
Meanwhile said:
"Proof" is not <em>my</em> urgency, nor "claimant" my objective, nor "burden" my responsibility -- words SnakeRiverRufus so kindly pointed out for you all. The absolute demand for "proof" seems to preoccupy you more like a nervous twitch in your psyche than does a genuine <em>concern</em> for something that is a viable plausibility. You're not dealing with certainty here, but with a disadvantage. You're not dealing with a thesis, but with an unfurling circumstance. Truth versus Proof will not always conform, align, be compatible. Testimony versus Evidence will not always adapt. Demand is your law. Concern is my advantage.
I agree that there is a possibility of alien life, and even intelligent alien life. However they are not near Earth. This is the nub of this thread.
Isufos said:
You would have to be a right dimwit to not believe that there no life othere planets.
I don't think anyone ever claimed that.