aliens i think not

lsufos said:
Great eh?

Get this kid,you are so intelligent you must know.

Radio waves that travel at the speed of light, how can a craft have got here, ahead of any signal?


Last post to told you on last thread PH

Don't you comprehend the problem? It's quite simple. The speed limit for objects with mass is c, the speed of light. Radio waves travel at the speed of light also.

A civilisation develops radio communication, and starts broadcasting, those transmissions zooming across space for us to eventually pick up with our radio telescopes.

Many decades later, they become a spacefaring nation. Somehow, they must overtake their radio signals, to arrive here before the signal. Of course, nothing with mass can travel faster than the speed of light, according to current physics. BUT even if it could, using a wormhole, it still doesn't answer how we were targetted. Space is big, very big, and homing in on OUR transmissions would be a good way to detect us. BUT that means our signals have reached them, but despite them being more advanced, and probably therefore having started transmissions earlier than us, their signal has not been detected by us, .... hmmmm

So, fix the holes in this and get back to me, kid. Oh, and please include a feasible mechanism for FTL travel too.
Mrhero54 said:
Aliens exist.

I would not be surprised if they visited.

And the government does and would cover up UFO phenomena.

Like the original post said, if 98% of the sightings are fakes, then why hasn 't the government divulged the mystery of the other 2% to the public so we may make our on decisions?

Have you ever heard of the government coming out and saying "Yeah, we had five UFO sightings yesterday, four of them were easily explained but the last one...we don't know." "Despite having analyzied it from every possible angle, we are unable to determine what type of craft is seen is this video..." "If have any ideas please call..1-800-Help-Gov"

Yeah right, the government has covered up 1000's of unexplained encounters and continues to do so.

If there is anything I am sure of in this mystery, it's the gov'ts complete willingness to cover up and lie to the public about UFO sightings.

I think you need to re-read this thread, and actually understand the problems
with a so called 'cover up' scenario. IE, that it is totally unfeasible. Please, go read the three points I raised with it, and answer them fully, if you are going to persist with the notion.
Now lets face the truth here if alien race was like you and the rest of you intelligent book heads here then they may never reach here.
They would be much like you on computer, ass geting fat nothing in life but coming on to threads with no belief in anything trying to put a outdated point of view across to the rest of us GEE what a outlook.
But if they the alien race was more like humans with a belief, that they are not alone then they would look for life outhere.

Aliens arrive here before the signal may be not may be it was sent out billions of years before we arrived, the earth is a young planet so may be left and found us already.

But you will be right in thinking there is nothing and no one has a belief in anything.

Last reply to PH
Isufos, your argument for space-aliens boils down to a "believe and it'll be true" strategy. Its fine to want space-aliens to be visiting us, but just believing they are doesn't make it so.

A half-assed website of blurry photos also does not make them true.

What *is* your point in this forum? You're saying space-aliens are UFOS, but you are showing us any evidence, discussing any evidence, or offering any arguments other than "I believe, therefore its true."

That's my daughter's argument for the Easter Bunny, of whom there is far more evidence.

By the way, your last reply to PH was on the 3rd page. How many "last replies" does he get?
LAST REPLY TO YOU AS WELL another with no belief.
Sorry that you can not see what others can may be just somthing in your head that do that or may be you have nothing to believe in.

But it will not stop anyone with a belief as to what you have to say with a outdated look on belief.
Government coverups.... well just look at peoples reactions in regards to Iran and their nuclear program, the Popular press was asserting strategic reactions for a nuclear conflict. The press would of made the world believe both that Iran was about to launch nuclear missiles and that the US was about to wipe them out before they could do it, such fear mongering is caused by misinterpretation of data.

In the past during the coldwar, there would have been any number of things occur between superpowers that could have caused a conflict. The reason that any coverups existed was incase the press started a campaign of fear mongering which would result in an actual conflict, civil unrest or worse still war.

I know someone mentioned something to me who posts here, during the coldwar such potential catalysts for everything to go down the pan was really down to "Dares". all it takes is one pilot or commander to decide to play a bit of capture the flag, tag or hide and seek. (Anyone ever played "Knock and run" when younger?)
I, like others with critical thought abilities, choose to believe in that which can be demonstrated with evidence.

There are those, however, who would believe in the fantastic: the mystery-mongers and significance-junkies. They bury their heads in the sands to critical questions and thought, as if this, or sticking their fingers in their ears and humming, makes the questions and criticisms go away.

In other words, you're engaging in intellectual dishonesty. Then again, this is perhaps giving you too much credit, allow me to rephrase. You're engaging in dishonesty.
lsufos said:
Now lets face the truth here if alien race was like you and the rest of you intelligent book heads here

Yep, intelligent, got that right, as I studied physics at University, and then worked with a bunch of rocket scientists and astronomers for several years.

then they may never reach here.

I doubt that, as my former 'book head' colleagues made satellite instruments, and had them launched, and analysed the data. I was part of an organisation that made and used tools to discover the mysteries of the Universe. I met a real astronaut, and rubbed shoulders with some pretty intelligent people (and my IQ ranks me as a genius, and these guys were phenomenal). So I think my 'book head' chums might be actually doing something about achieving knowledge, and furthering us with space travel. What are you doing, exactly? Oh yes, you have a half arsed web site.

They would be much like you on computer, ass geting fat

I'm hardly fat! I'm at the top end of my BMI, but that's muscle, as I used to lift a lot of weights, and do martial arts. I run two or three times a week, and damned nearly have six pack. Not bad for a guy pushing 40, I think!

nothing in life but coming on to threads

And your great life consist of what? Ah, yes, you are made complete by your half arsed web site!

with no belief in anything

Now, pay attention, I know comprehension isn't your forté, but you really, really should try and digest what people write, because otherwise, well, you start to look stupid. I already told you I believe there is no reason to doubt the existence of alien life elsewhere in the Universe. See that? It's a belief in something.

trying to put a outdated point of view across to the rest of us GEE what a outlook.

If it's 'outdated', then maybe you could find a refutation?

But if they the alien race was more like humans with a belief, that they are not alone then they would look for life outhere.

I believe alien life exists too. I just believe it isn't visiting. Now, please feel free to address the points I raised vis the latter!

Aliens arrive here before the signal may be not may be it was sent out billions of years before we arrived, the earth is a young planet so may be left and found us already.

Billions of years? May I remind you that the Universe is only ~14Bn years old, and life requires a planet around a 2nd generation star (you know what one of those is, right?), so do you have any candidates in mind?

But you will be right in thinking there is nothing and no one has a belief in anything.
Last reply to PH

That last sentence was really poor and meant very little. You really do need to work on your composition. On the 'SAD' part, it's very sad that you are so poorly educated, inarticulate, and are wasting your life believing in nonsense. Maybe you'll grow up and look back at your folly, and have learned something from it. I hope.
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lsufos said:
Wonder what they say about this the book heads i mean

What is 'secret' about that? Seen it before, and it was just as unconvincing the first time.

Ex-Soviet cosmonauts appearing at UFO conventions does not surprise me. They will get paid to preach to the converted, and as long as they aren't too outrageous in their claims, will be allowed to continue. Most ex-cosmonauts however, have a bit more respect, and restrict their activities to book and photograph signings. If you hadn't noticed, the Russian space program isn't exactly well funded, and cosmonauts need to do something to make a buck. Telling people what they want to hear included.

You really do need better sources than TV documentaries!
I wish to publicly apologise for the illiteracy, stupidity, rudeness and general lack of connection with reality displayed by lsufos. As far as I can determine he is the first idiot poster on sciforums who originates in Scotland. As a proud Scot it offends my sensibilities that a cretin like him exists in this noble country. I just wish to assure you that the vast majority of us are wholly unlike him: for the most part we are arrogant, humorous, drunken bastards with hairy balls, large intellects and a penchant for whipping the English. (Since I am half English this involves a good deal of self flaggelation.)

Now, lsufos, which of the following are you going to do?

a) make an effort to write coherent English
b) claim you are educationally subnormal
c) piss off home to mama
d) make me follow you around picking up dangling participles and discarded punctuation
lsufos correction post:

I will pick d). You can be ma dug. (This is Lalan' Scots: it translates as 'You can be my dog'.)
I must do some work. I shall be back later, though.
Has anyone seen my dog? Big ears. I think I lost him.
Meanwhile, on subject of aliens, you do realise of course that if aliens ever do pay us a visit they will most likely round us all up like cattle, farm us and eat us?

As this is what intelligent life forms do with lesser ones.

I shan't be rolling out the red carpet to any alien in green wellies that's for sure.
Theoryofrelativity said:
Meanwhile, on subject of aliens, you do realise of course that if aliens ever do pay us a visit they will most likely round us all up like cattle, farm us and eat us?

As this is what intelligent life forms do with lesser ones.

I shan't be rolling out the red carpet to any alien in green wellies that's for sure.
To the Bofors!
A dinnae read a lot, bit ah will hiv a wee gander tae include some stuff aboot intelligent book heeds.
Ach ah suppose it's aboot ma wee dug big ears yoos yins ken is gonnae be a wee stoater

Intelligent life forms If ah feel like it ah might shoot ma gob aff aboot it.

Sorry that you can not see what others can may be just somthing in your head that do that or may be you have nothing to believe in.

But it will not stop anyone with a belief as to what you have to say with a outdated look on belief spooks.