aliens i think not

Hey, i love it when the skeptic talk throwing it back at me.

Sorry if you can not see and read the truth.

The lost boy/girl one day you will find your truth.

The daft thing is when your nutter mates believe you.

Guess it's time to post this again :rolleyes:
The Last Will and Testament of Philip J. Klass

To UFOlogists who publicly criticize me…or who even think unkind thoughts about me in private, I do hereby leave and bequeath THE UFO CURSE: No matter how long you live, you will never know any more about UFOs than you know today. You will never know any more about what UFOs really are, or where they come from. You will never know any more about what the U.S. Government really knows about UFOs that you know today. As you lie on your own death-bed you will be as mystified about UFOs as you are today. And you will remember this curse.
I like it.
Just like the CURSE of life all have eyes but not all can see
do any of you remember this curse.

May be not well that it is.

Ok, so lets pretend some planet other than ours has intelligent life, let us also pretend that they have sent a ship to earth to investigate. I would think that these aliens would TELL EVERYONE THEY WERE HERE AFTER THAT LONG OF A F*CKING TRIP. But wait a second, the aliens are PRETEND.

Point Made.
Why not PRETEND your one in that silly looking ufo you fly about in.
Then we all can come see what a alien would look like how about

May be not it may be plug

It is not my site, i will ask my friend if he can put more evidence on for you.

Sorry about that we all just go out hunting.
At the end of april there will be a update may even be what you look for actual evidence,

But are you.

lsufos said:
I like it.
Just like the CURSE of life all have eyes but not all can see
do any of you remember this curse.

May be not well that it is.

Please see my first post in this thread :rolleyes:
And your website could use any evidence not "some more".
Yes but not any evidence some old most new and it will be added.
The site has only just started and with work and been away we got alot to do.
lsufos said:
That governments have the capability to cover up this phenomenon.

Yes they have.

That is just an unsupported statement. To make your point, you need to refute my assertion that with a digital camcorder, digital camera, broadband connection, and DVD burner, that I could disseminate photos and videos of aliens, if I could aquire them. You'd have to show just how the world goverments would intercept every email, every parcel that I sent, somehow showing precognition that an innoccuous CD, or file transfer, contained such information. Bearing in mind, that I could have this information sent to dozens of people I know in many countries, and post it on public forums too, and have my friends also do the same, just how would it get stopped? Maybe you've seen too many films, such as Mission Impossible, where 'the disk' is a sought after commodity, and pursued by some govt agency. It's simple, you make copies. Dozens. You email copies. Hide info on ftp servers. It cannot be stopped. You also failed to address the requirement that ALL world govts need to agree to conspire, or the cat gets out of the bag. As world govts don't agree on every single issue, how do you explain them agreeing on this one?

How are the govt going to stop me distributing concrete proof of alien life.

Well some would use the SPOOKS.

Nobody follows me around checking what I put in the postbox, how would the spooks know what I'm posting? You really think that the MIB exist? Or do they tail you UFOlogists? Maybe that's just your paranoia?

Wrong this phenomena been on going from time began.

OK, so you make this statement, but ignore the problem I raised with it? You really aren't much good at debate are you? You cannot just ignore inconvenient details hoping I will forget. IF aliens have been visiting for a long time, predating organised governments, WHO was conspiring to cover this up back then? We've had organised Police forces for less than 200 years. So, before then, there were medieval MIB on horseback were there? Talk sense, and deal with the issue I raise, or you just look like a deluded fantasist.


What a stupid question. I see no reason why there would not be intelligent life on other planets. That is not what we are talking about though is it? We are talking about that race being able to concquer the HUGE issues with travelling PHENOMENAL distances in space, and then, when they get here, instead of making themselves known, they are kept hidden by the government. By all world governments, and they abduct and anally probe people with psychological problems, but have NO interest in sitting down with a scientist and discussing clean energy, or whatever they came here to aquire or achieve. What is their purpose here, then?
lsufos said:

What, in particular? Lots of people believe in god, and write lots of crap about god too, but a large volume of crap written on a subject, does not make a subject true. God, UFO's it doesn't matter. Quality evidence is all that counts.

Anyway, address my points, please, stop trying to divert attention from the flaws in your argument.
lsufos said:

All the files prove located on the site is that the NSA keeps an eye on what is said about itself, or at least did. This is understandible though because any of those that wrote about UFO's and involved them in some form of NSA conspiracy could of been seen as trying to create negative propaganda towards them at that time. (That time being the imfamous coldwar period)

As mentioned throughout most of these threads, uneducated/poorly educated people can draw conclusions and generate conspiracies that are just as damaging or potentially threatening as any Espionage agent under command by a foreign power. Which in turm means that those uneducated types were often investigated to make sure they weren't agents just playing dumb.
These uneducated are typically referred to as "mystery-mongers" and "significance-junkies."
SkinWalker said:
NONE of the alleged photos of ufos have turned out to be anything more verifiable than stars, planets, gas, clouds, headlights, streetlights, planes, etc.

What a load of crap!
How come all you intelligent boy/girls never see anything in any picture or footage.
May be you got somthing wrong in your head that can make you blind.

Not sure about you goverment are right book junkies
SkinWalker said:
That's what I said! Its good to see you agree with me for a change.

I did not agree with you, nor do I recall a time when I ever did.

You are easily the most arrogant AND ignorant poster on this board. Although Phlog certainly gives you a run for your money on most days.

To say that EVERY photo/video has been fully explained is flat out FALSE. But I have no doubt you believe this.
Hey Isufos, you shouldn't POLLUTE the flying saucer conspiracy with ideas of aliens from space!

Because the facts of reality remain: The flying saucer is a MANMADE TOP SECRET TECHNOLOGY which was invented by Nikola Tesla, and seen in the skies of WWII and deamed foo-fighters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lsufos said:
How come all you intelligent boy/girls never see anything in any picture or footage.

Well, you answered that one yourself; It's because we are intelligent.

May be you got somthing wrong in your head that can make you blind.

No, we see well enough to see that there's nothing out of the ordinary. Lights in the sky do not equal extra terrestrials.

Not sure about you goverment are right book junkies

Meds wearing off? You're mumbling.