Alien Abductee Criteria

And THAT is why you see countless young men at his concerts, throwing themselves at him.

Because he represents release from the primitive system that has shackled them.

Now, if only Buddha1 could understand Mozzer! He may very well see the relevance.
like i've said many times... there is no one but you and me here... everyone here are just my different personalities...

duendy said:
i hate LOATH teir philosophy. it influenced Cristianity, and of course you can see tis horrendous distrust of natrualness wit them too

this is why yous so miserable all the time......! you are divided against yourself

yes... humans separated from themselves... from god... you may not like that philosophy, but it doesn't mean it's not right... we think we are 'bodies', but we are actually spirits... the body is made of 'spirit'... or spirit is made of body... same thing... there can be only one truth...

just like there are male and female... they are only one truth... it doesn't mean that male is female or female is male... male and female are one... they are Human...

you know... bodies separate... and since we think we are bodies, we are separate... eternally lonely, sad... but if we recognize that there is only one existence... one self... in all things... we are united... we become nothing.... all religions and mythology teach that we should try to become nothing...

but how do you know i'm miserable? just cause i say so?

anyway... existence is misery... it has nothing to do with my philosophy... infact... it gives me hope... i can always hope that there might be non-existence... i only want to believe in true things... if i see that i'm wrong about something, i'll no longer believe in it...

this is so offtopic...
Giambattista said:
And THAT is why you see countless young men at his concerts, throwing themselves at him.

Because he represents release from the primitive system that has shackled them.

Now, if only Buddha1 could understand Mozzer! He may very well see the relevance.
ok, question, do you have a favourite song of M's which encapsulates all you just said he means...?..i am intrigued now
c7ityi_ said:
like i've said many times... there is no one but you and me here... everyone here are just my different personalities...

yes... humans separated from themselves... from god... you may not like that philosophy, but it doesn't mean it's not right... we think we are 'bodies', but we are actually spirits... the body is made of 'spirit'... or spirit is made of body... same thing... there can be only one truth...

just like there are male and female... they are only one truth... it doesn't mean that male is female or female is male... male and female are one... they are Human...

you know... bodies separate... and since we think we are bodies, we are separate... eternally lonely, sad... but if we recognize that there is only one existence... one self... in all things... we are united... we become nothing.... all religions and mythology teach that we should try to become nothing...

but how do you know i'm miserable? just cause i say so?

anyway... existence is misery... it has nothing to do with my philosophy... infact... it gives me hope... i can always hope that there might be non-existence... i only want to believe in true things... if i see that i'm wrong about something, i'll no longer believe in it...

this is so offtopic...
i know.

so all i will reiterate is is i really do not like that belief you believe. it is divisive and dangerous for Nature and community, which has been evidenced since its sorry rse hit te scene. AND continues. are free to believe it of course.

will challenge you you know where. anytime
And likewise, I will always say things. To the effect of...

Barnabas! Barnabas Collins! Welcome to the Altered Beast attitude.
duendy said:
so all i will reiterate is is i really do not like that belief you believe.

i don't believe what you believe i believe.

it is divisive and dangerous for Nature and community, which has been evidenced since its sorry rse hit te scene.

your belief is divisive and dangerous for reality and community, which has been evidenced since its sorry rse hit te scene. AND continues. are free to believe it of course.
c7ityi_ said:
i don't believe what you believe i believe.

your belief is divisive and dangerous for reality and community, which has been evidenced since its sorry rse hit te scene. AND continues. are free to believe it of course.
now you are just being silly

now PROVEto me you aren't Gustav...go on

Observe yesterday's rantings. You responded to at least two posts that were meant for Gustav, and you certainly spoke as if you were one and the same person.

Your excessive use of ellipses (...) very much suggests that you and Gustav share at least ONE thing in common.
pitiful mortals... so simple minded... i am what i am... i do what i want... that's just the way i am...
so... you deny your affiliation with Gustav???
Or you are admitting to it???

Be straight, ye hooligan.
There once was a fat bellied Charlie
Who dreamed of riding a Harley
His secret demeanour
Had made him no leaner
So he soon went the way of Bob Marley
Depends on weather the aliens are the goodies or the badies..

The goodies look for defencies in our DNA code and overrall health and try to repair and restore them all the while studying our genetic makeup.

The baddies inject desieses into us, alien-human hybrids (that we don't know about) and sleeping desieases that they can release at a later date.

For instance, if HIV-AIDS can only be gotten from another human - then how did the first carrier get it? :bugeye:
