Alien Abductee Criteria

i hear a fat cock in the ass does wonders for one's complexion and demeanor
try it, c7
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Light said:
You mentioned gullibility and yes, that seems pretty prevalent - much like a lot of the posters in these forums. And as matter of fact, another thing they seem to share with some of the people here is is being fairly undereducated. They also seem to belong to the lower economic strata.

The average Internet user though is still far from reflecting the average American demographic profile on several variables. Research on the Internet population has found that Internet users, in the aggregate, have nearly 50 percent higher household earnings than the general public. Internet users also tend to be better educated and younger than the general population. They are also fluent and comfortable in their use of English, an important factor since most Web pages are written only in that language.

perhaps sci is an anomality?
i bet it is the fucking americans that lower the threshold
ban the fuckers i say

In the 60's abductions or attempted abductions were initially extremely rare, numbering about one a year, but they began to increase during the 1973 wave, and have multiplied in recent decade. In the 1970s, abductees often reported encountering UFOs on lonely roads, and later recalled under hypnosis that they had been abducted. The first report of a bedroom abduction occurred in 1973, and nowadays bedroom encounters are standard.

The very earliest reports of entities involved primarily humanlike beings. And while the human types in the form of the blond 'Nordics' were once responsible for about a quarter of the total cases, since the 1960s they have not been quite as common. Similarly, the hairy dwarfs that were reported so frequently in the 1950s are rather infrequent in contemporary accounts.

Prior to 1987, when Whitley Strieber's Communion and Budd Hopkins's Intruders were published in England, less than a quarter of the entities reported in Britain's abduction cases were of the small, bald-headed entities. But after the books appeared there, more than half of the cases involved the 'American standardized alien' ... Because American abduction cases get more publicity than any other such cases, it seems as if the image of the Gray has been more or less imposed on the rest of the world as the standard alien type.

The fact that the mass media and popular culture (books, films, TV programmes, etc.) have influenced the appearance assumed by 'aliens' clearly shows that we are not dealing with purely physical manifestations; popular beliefs and expectations play a major role in shaping the UFO phenomenon. It is also interesting that, on the whole, the UFO phenomenon has tended to keep one step ahead of human technology, progressing from aerial ships to dirigibles to ghost rockets to flying saucers, with aliens' current activities including biogenetic engineering.
c7ityi_ said:
Another major problem facing the ET hypothesis is the incredible diversity of UFOs and their occupants.

in the realm of scifi not ufology
if you wish to claim otherwise. i demand substantiation for.....lets start with all listed skin tones ;)

ja? nein?
what say you, troll?
Giambattista said:
Not sure about the chat, exactly, but if you insist...

Oh, not at all. We can leave that matter entirely to your discretion for the time being - let's just stick to business first:

Giambattista said:
My exact purpose with this thread was twofold: since I know there are (or at least seems to be) people who may be familiar with the subject of abductions, that maybe they would have heard speculation about who is chosen and why. Or what the purported purposes are behind it. Reproduction seems to be a recurrent theme.
Secondly, when I said "what if YOU were an alien" I was more assuming that these aliens are actively snatching victims, so what could they possibly be hoping to accomplish?
While I don't mind discussing the validity and absurdity of what these aliens appear to be up to, that wasn't really the point of this.

I figured I wasn't going to get anything but the usual nonsense. I don't know why I bothered in the first place. Just being a fool, I guess.

First off, simply because I responded in the negative with regards to the notion of aliens abducting anyone in the first place doesn't indicate the "usual nonsense" as you put it is at all being proffered by this particular respondent - you seem predisposed to discern debunkery when infact non is either offered on my part or infact put forward.

You asked the question: "if YOU were an alien...." My response as stated "There is no sane reason for aliens abducting people in the manner people who claim to be abducted describe" is duly considered and posited accordingly - If I were an alien specifically my visiting this world and dicking around with Humans wouldn't be much of an option.

If I was interested in any of the biological aspects of humanity, any at all, and I was advanced enough to make the journey and wanted to focus on one individual set or group of Humans specifically all I'd need is one epithelial skin cell from each of the individuals concerned - a rinse an spit into a beaker with a saline solution would in practice yield all the genetic material pertinent to the individual subject specifically I could ever reasonably use. Reproductive cells wouldn't give me anything in the slightest useful regarding any form of Genetic Research - both sperm and egg wild-card genetic markers pertinent to the individual I'd be studying, not preserve them in original sequence unlike every other cell in the human body, which does.

With one strand of human hair, I'd have not just the individual exactly, I'd have a key into every ancestor that ever went into making them, including elements that extend beyond Humans as a species specifically.

I would never need live subjects. If I knew enough about DNA to be able to undertake research into the make-up of life on this planet in the first place I'd be knowing enough in that first place to know this.

Abductee's, on the otherhand, generally don't seem to understand the first fuck about biology - but then again, that statement would only be addressing the surface of the Abduction Scenario. You've never actually read an Abductee's first hand account of their own personal experiences directly - it's like the Disclosure Project.

Ostensibly, what you have in such a document pertains to be the accounts of hundreds, perhaps thousands of individual people's testimony's pertinent to certain relative facts - however, as with any such document of its kind, what one has in fact is not the first hand accounts of many - what one actually has in practice is a document produced exclusively by one individual, the author, pertaining to be the product exclusively of multiple instances of individual statement.

You'll never read the actual "source material" as it occurred in its original context the document on the whole pertains to be based upon, only the authors version of what they claim infact has been relayed.

Abduction Scenarios are in no way any different. Always there is an author, one. Not many but one individual claiming to speak on behalf of many others.

It's always there in plain black and white and written in English. One only has to ever read.

Now, where was I....? Ah, yes. I'm an alien.

I wouldn't dick with Humans because there's no eventuality in which I would in anyway genuinely need to dick with Humans. They'd only give me problems, the possession of live subjects wouldn't give me the slightest advantage towards any form of research I'd be in the slightest inclined to want to wrap my big swishy grey brain around. Discarded biological samples found in just dust and air would provide me with everything I could conceivably need.

Whitney Stryber - surplus to requirements, utterly.

Lets say though that my presence here on Earth however inadvertently caused the unforeseeable - an accident, some event random and not at all planned leading to either injury or infact death of a member of what to me is this emerging, sentient species - what then?

Morally and ethically speaking, my concerns are not in the slightest that of your own. If you asked me honestly, as an alien, I'd be afraid I'd have to respond that the notion of a human being dying really wouldn't be of the slightest concern to me per say - however: I've crossed vast tracts of both Time and Space to physically be present here on this strange, blue green bauble redolent in all manner of life forms to myself completely alien - the technologically advancing species only but one of billions of individual species, all with their unique place in a world which isn't mine and fascinating as a consequence because, in my travels, I've certainly seen things which correspond to the form and function of say Tree's for example - but I've never in my life, nor in the history of all the people on my world ever actually seen a Pine Tree, for example, or indeed a Cheery Tree in blossom at that juncture of your planets orbit and inclination you petroleum consuming ape babies call "Spring".

Which part exactly of the word "alien" exactly is it those of you that believe in such things as "aliens" and use the word with such reckless abandon as if in actually using the word it means something specific and exact really have the hardest part actually understanding the most?

I'm an alien, not from round these hair parts. Hair's actually something I can't fathom out in the slightest - I mean, sure, I know what it is and what function it probably used to serve biologically speaking, but it's something that never occurred round my neck of the woods and the things you people can find to do with the stuff frankly beggars belief....

Anyway, digression aside, the point is I'm an alien and I'm here - and what that means for me, personally, is that rather than being my personal play thing, Humans specifically present me with a very fundamental physical problem.

Y'see, in order to get here in the first place I had to travel across some not inconsiderable distance with regards to space - even relatively speaking short distances such as a few light years present a formidable physical problem. Crossing that distance takes time and doing something to address that and make that journey fundamentally a viable undertaking to achieve means consequences for me, personally, as that visiting individual.

Risk, not at all inconsiderable. To me, personally, as an individual. Not Humans, me. And I don't know about you lot, with your hybrid engine cars and your 64 bit AMD microprocessors and sitting their thinking that in terms of the sort of technology it takes to undertake interstellar travel on a viable basis somehow you know the first fuck about anything, presuming of course (as an alien) I ever actually get my head around the notion of fucking in the first place - the point is, even though you're not as a culture, smart enough to do what I can do with relatively little difficulty, you are smart enough to see the problem, figure out what remains necessary to over come in order to undertake travelling these sorts of distances as y'know full damn well remain problematic in order to traverse as a viable undertaking and one day possibly stick around long enough to actually do it for yourselves.

And that, for me, as a visitor to your world, makes you a fundamental physical problem.

I had to physically displace chronological Time in order for me to be here. For me, as an alien, Earth at this point isn't just an alien world - it's also part of the Past. Possibly mine. I've got very little means of knowing for a fact exactly, but it's a probable risk I can't in any way shape or form act inconsistantly with or in anyway to ignore.

Your species may very conceivably, at some subsequent point in your future development, either advertently or else inadvertently had some consequential effect on the developmental process of life as it originated on our world - the scenario your species has of us visiting your world at sometime in its past and having had an effect on the course of evolution as a scenario remains exactly as conceivable for us as it does for you - as successful space farer's we know this as fact - we can't say for certain that it actually happened, but when a species such as Humans remain concerned, technology capable, inquisitive, aspirational - we can't know for a fact that you haven't and we can't afford the risk of finding out one way or the other for the very simple expedient that because, if we do, we don't have a home to go back to.

Not the one we left at anyrate.

So, we (us aliens) are left with a bit of a quandary - on the one hand we're explorers, scientists, we produce technological solutions that allow us to over come certain physical limitations - in these regards we're not very different from you. In order for us to be here, we have to be in these ways at least tottering on along the same lines - but in being present of a world with creatures like you in it (Humans) our curiosity, the things that both drives us and allow us to do what we do, fundamentally risks undermining our own personal safety.

There are rules as a consequence that rather go with that, procedures if you will we as aliens aren't in the slightest either inclined or indeed interested in finding out what happens if we inadvertently break with what for us is simply operational protocol. We're not driven by moral or else ethical motivations in what we do - we're simply looking our for or own necks whilst at the same time ensuring that the job we've elected to do gets done and we get to go home and live to tell the tale to anyone who gives a fuck we went out and explored in the first place.

A human astronaut wouldn't, during the course of a standard EVA, under any circumstances pop the visor on their helmet just to see what happens. There are many things one would wish to avoid, fucking ones self over just for the sake of it turns out to be a Universal given.

Direct intervention with detrimental consequences as far as Humans are concerned, that's not just popping the visor - that's popping the visor and popping a couple of 9mm rounds through your face just to be certain.

If we're fucking around here on you world, minding our own business, doing our own shit, doing what for us are our jobs if you will, and say our favoured mode of transport happens to have a detrimental affect on say electrical systems with close proximity contact, shall we say...?

Say you're driving a car along the road and you just happen to unfortunately drive under one of our ships - we're only passing, it's a one in 10,000 fluke but shit happens. There you are, driving along. Suddenly you notice our ship. There it is, in all its glory, hanging around in the air with apparently nothing to hold it up and you, monkey that you are, decide "Oh, m'gosh! A UFO!" and carry on driving right underneath us.

The next thing you might know is you wake up some period later, further down the road, no idea whatsoever how y'got there, apparently in tact except you've got some kind of a memory thing going on regarding what happened between the last thing you consciously remember and where you find yourself at this point.

Now, a Ufologist will happily (gleefully, this I promise) conclude that Time has somehow being mysteriously altered for such an individual as this - Time Loss, for the driver, has occurred. The exact symptoms of which remain the inability of the person in question to adequately account for what happened....

Lets set aside for a moment that fact that the last thing such a person does routinely recall revolves around the fact that they were, at the time of witnessing their UFO, actively engaged in the process of driving a moving vehicle in the first place and come too later in one piece unscathed despite consistently relaying that they have no idea how they managed to park the car, safely.

Lets focus just on the term Time Loss for a moment here and revel in the utter stupidity that idiotic non sequester really, truly is.

On any day, more so at the weekend, but significantly on most thousands of people wake up the morning after having a drink and can't for the life of them remember exactly what they did the night before - it's called Having Had One Too Many. And even though the experience of actual blank places in ones memory can feature significantly in that, no one feels the need to visit a Hypnotherapist as a consequence. No one calls it Time Loss either, it's called having a Black Out - no one over the age of 21 won't at least once or twice in their lives experience an instance of this - UFO explanations not required.

The reason a person who may have drunk to much may experience this is because alcohol, where present in the blood stream, has a detrimental affect on cortical function - this includes your ability to recollect subsequently. Time isn't being altered, only the way the chemistry of ones brain actually works.

There are many agents which can equally have a similar an effect on cortical function in this exact same way - pathogens of various description, chemical elements including nerve gas, organophosphates etc. These all tend to be cumulative rather than instantaneous, except possibly in the instance of nerve agents. Electromagnetic Fields. These too can have a detrimental effect on cortical function.

What do people who relay incidences of abduction from moving vehicles most commonly relay at the onset of the experience? Interference with electrical systems in the car, radio, transmission, lights, all get a bit squiffy - a person runs into an electromagnetic field strong enough to interfere with the transmission of a car and the bozo hoe gets to hear about it afterwards naturally concludes this isn't going to have any the slightest effect on the cortical function of the person equally in the vicinity whose brain works via the process of electro-chemical impulses and receptors....

Instead, the person so affected is being transported through Time. Obviously. What else could possibly be at hand here and account for all the subsequent symptoms...?

Oh, wait. I believe I may have answered that one.

So anyway, back to me. Remember, I'm an alien. There I am doing my shit, there you are doing yours. Both of us cruising along, minding our own respective business. For some fuck stupid reason you, as a Human, are dumb enough to drive right under my funky assed flying saucer and wonder why your engine suddenly wants to conk out - my ship's hanging a couple of hundred feet or so above the deck with absolutely no visible means to apparently support it and what's keeping it up there remains some kind of impenetrable mystery - you drive your car under it, it conks out.

So too do you. No way in hell you're not going to.

So, that leaves us, we aliens, with a problem. Your car may be just stalled, but if we leave it parked right in the middle of the road leaving it there might cause an accident - we don't want to evoke any kind of detrimental consequences. You seeing us, or ship. That's fine. No real problem with that.

You getting killed as a result of you being too damn dumb to realise nothing just hangs in the air without something being present to support it - maybe, for us in outcome, not actually such a good thing.

People who relay these sorts of experiences based on othe rpeoples accounts of what happened to them relay the tale focusing exclusively on the UFO aspect of the tale being told - no one ever stops to ask themselves, how on earth does the driver of a moving vehicle get to loose conscious control of what they're doing and wake up afterwards with themselves and the car they were driving in one piece alive enough to tell the tale?

If you're rendered in such a state as to be incapable of consciously recollecting what it is you did later, its indicative only of the fact during the duration of whatever caused that to happen you weren't in any sensible state to be doing anything whatsoever.

So if the car and the driver find themselves at the side of the road sometime after their Close Encounter and they're in one piece - who exactly do they have to thank for that?

A case of deliberate abduction on the part of our erstwhile alien friends here, or actually just a case of our erstwhile alien friends ensuring that a potential problem doesn't escalate into a catastrophe?

If I was an alien and you became injured as an inadvertent consequence of simply our mutual paths having crossed - I'd fix you up if you were injured, not because I'm nice, not because I particularly want to, but if my physical presence has the slightest detrimental effect on the course of what's supposed to subsequently take place on your world, it's in my best possible interests to ensure that any such consequences remain as limited and non detrimental as possible.

Like an injured bird, I'd fix you right up and send you on your way. You're going to know that something certainly unusual happened to you, we wouldn't deliberately be trying to wipe your mind of the experience or anything even remotely close (your exposure to the exterior of the ship whilst in operation would have done all the wiping a mind can possibly take and that's just a side effect of you being clumsy, not a deliberate effort on our part to begin with).

Being aware of your presence and the consequences, we'd check you over, verify you're okay and fix whatever injury needs fixing. When you come to you'll hardly remember anything of what happened and it doesn't matter even if you do - you're alive, that's all we as aliens are ever going to give a hoot about.

You seeing us - not really a problem in the slightest. Us changing you - that's what we need to avoid.

I bet you're sorrier you actually asked now, incha? ;)
it is called a paycheck
Well it’s damn well scary and can drive a man to loose his sanity temporarily. Just last night he was talking about the ancient Sumerian tablets, you know the supposed oldest form of writing. After deciphering these tablets they learn that about 200,000 years ago a group of higher astronauts came to earth looking to mine gold. They didn’t like the work and didn’t want to stay too long so they saw a creature running around the bush (Homo erectus) bred him with their DNA and gave him instructions on mining gold. Some of these astronauts, whose supreme leader was called Anus, later bred with these new creatures, though their DNA wasn’t too different from the one’s they constructed. So they constructed this new more intelligent being but made sure they weren’t going to be too smart to start anything funny, which is why 80% of the human’s DNA today is useless (Fact). The astronaut that actually oversaw the DNA synthesis was Lucifer, the chief scientist. They first created a man, took out his DN and created another, a female, and placed them in an observation environment (Garden of Eden). They hoped the two would breed but nothing happened for a long time until Lucifer decided on implementing a sex gene (sort of like forbidden apple). Lucifer’s medical emblem, two intertwined serpents, was used as the symbol of medicine for ages and still is used in some parts of the world today. There were some conflicts between this astronauts and that’s why we have wars today, remember we were created in their own image and we emulate them. So basically we are all slaves doing work for a group of higher beings. Anyway this is just a tip of the iceberg of what that show is all about, and believe it or not these guests that come on the show are actual science PhDs and all that, and they take their findings very serious, with facts and all.
Gustav said:
nice! to revisit..."in the manner people who claim to be abducted describe" (mr a)

smith - in bed/etc
jones - in car/etc
jeeves - field/etc

"people" implies plural of course so i can pick any of the above guys and you would have referred to it

sorry. overeager and careless as usual ;)

it is about pespective and analogy

et capture humans and do stuff to them
humans capture dolphins and do stuff to them

point is... scooping up a dolphin and attaching stuff would probably constitute as "high strangeness" to them. flipper probably is as incredulous towards human activity as you are to the alien ones (alleged alien activity, that is)

perhaps. i find you..enigmatic ;)

Ah, indeed. As usual, points all well made - especially that last one. I'm always "enigmatic", never less so than when I'm being a thorough dick.

Which happens. I just pretend otherwise. That's where the smarts come in... ;)

I think I may have touched on most of what Abduction generally tends to cover in the rather unwieldy piece addressed to Giambattista above - I don't recommend picking through it, life's far too short to stuff a mushroom, but basically I am actually being game for Giam's thrust of the thread even though answering, in the immediate sense, with a negative regarding the notion of abduction. I don't actually give a negative answer merely for the sake of conventional form, rather (as the posts initial thrust invites) thinking about the proposition in terms of being an alien.

And your point regarding dolphins and so forth, funnily enough actually gets touched upon without me actually trying - things come down to the way people interpret experience relayed, not necessarily at all how people themselves necessarily actually experience them.

Which is a fun excises by the by, highly recommended I think Giam should get top marks for coming up with that one - anyone who believes in ETI visitation should be prepared to give it a whizz, they might actually be surprised what they actually come up with rather than just looking at the issue in terms merely of opposing sides in an argument set against one another.

Thoroughly good fun. Have to dash, I have a computer that needs every square inch of its ass throughly killed.

My regards, A
In ancient and medieval times portents and objects in the sky were taken more or less as a matter of fact, perhaps because there was no known human air traffic at the time with which to confuse them. The Assyrians saw flying bulls, ancient Greeks and Arabs saw flying horses, the opulent Persians thought they saw flying carpets, the warlike Romans watched flying shields and spears and whole battles in the sky at the very moment that they themselves were engaged in earthly combat.

As the ancient world became Christianized, the aerial sightings became fiery crosses and other threatening signs of doom foretelling plagues and disasters. When the Renaissance opened up people's minds to the exploration of the world, UFOs appropriately took the forms of galleys and caravels, and then, as the French first began experimenting with balloons, certain vast globes were seen floating in the upper heavens...

Needless to say, human encounters with a wide variety of otherworldly entities, from 'divine' to 'demonic', have been reported throughout history, and interpreted in the light of the prevailing religious or scientific beliefs.

Gustav said:

No, I just have the same opinions. I recommend you read that.
c7ityi_ said:
A further problem is the often weird behaviour of UFO entities. Many have been reported to appear and disappear abruptly and float through the air. In addition, it is difficult to believe that extraterrestrials have travelled all this way to do the strange things that witnesses have described: these include chasing cars and aircraft, terrifying people, talking nonsense, collecting soil and rock samples, and kidnapping and violating people.

The "aliens" may have a desire to operate outside of the bounds of public scrutiny. And so they may purposely help stitch together a curtain of laughter to hide behind. Their antics could be the natural consequense of evolutionary neoteny too. Perhaps their advanced intellect goes hand in hand with an advanced child's sense of play. Of course the games are going to be damned complex and involve the belief systems of entire societies. The reason for the silliness could be both to providie a curtain, for stealth, while having fun with humans, which also must contain an element of surprise, for the individual who is being "experimented" on, or toyed with.
... em, in order for any of that to be in anyway true, in order to "stitch together a curtain of laughter to hide behind", etc one would have to first understand really quite comprehensively what makes a human tick in the first place in order to in anyway be able to pull such a feat successfully off...

But in doing so before undertaking ones experiments in human psychology, one would have to have the information only the experiments in human psychology actually undertaken could possibly reveal.

In essence, your answer dictates a paradox of knowledge.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed ever last little bit of The Mothman Prophesies even despite it featuring heavily a complete Richard Geer throughout without him being decapitated at the very least at least once the entire time - a requisite for any Richard Geer film I often find but it was a film nevertheless, didn't actually happen, except in terms of the purported Mothman Sightings from whence the film gets its name which don't actually reflect at all the actions depicted in the film and remain in themselves something of an anomaly even within regular UFO circles.

How does an alien know how to fuck us around if an alien is actually an alien to begin with?
Just conjecture, Mr. Anonymous. Using trickery to decieve or misrepresent oneself could be one of the fundamentals of the universality of consciousness. It would help, you are right, if the alien consciousness understood the human psyche, inside out, before setting out to decieve Maybe they do, or maybe they are massively ignorant about, say, human fashion and music, but remarkably brilliant about belief systems, politics and the life of the mind. There is some uniformity to the classic grey abduction reports, but enough deviation in detail to spawn different theories.

I am intrigued by abduction reports, but tend not to get too involved with them, as I think people actually do risk their sanity if they go down that road.
Mmmm, a fair answer. Thanks for filling me in. Why risking of sanity thing, if y'don't mind me asking? Do y'mean people become obsessed with trying to fathom out the underlying reason of it all, or is it something else entirely?

I'm sorry. I'm quite the quizzy bee today. I've been drinking tea y'know. Personally, I believe it wholly coincidental, but one can never be too certain of anything... ;)
Mr. Anonymous:

what the hell kind of drugs make a person type in the manner that you do? Jiminy Christmas, sorry is right!
This thread was a very big mistake. I did it on a whim, and questioned myself every step of the way. Apparently the answers I gave myself weren't informed enough to stop me from doing it.
Gustav said:
i hear a fat cock in the ass does wonders for one's complexion and demeanor
try it, c7

Why do you talk that way? Are you willing to take your own suppository, and eat it too?
c7ityi_ said:
A further problem is the often weird behaviour of UFO entities. Many have been reported to appear and disappear abruptly and float through the air. In addition, it is difficult to believe that extraterrestrials have travelled all this way to do the strange things that witnesses have described: these include chasing cars and aircraft, terrifying people, talking nonsense, collecting soil and rock samples, and kidnapping and violating people.

It is a problem, yes.

While Gustav may be useful for my purposes now and again (deja vu?), I think he is dead wrong to discount ideas/problems such as the psychic, extradimensional characteristics of UFO/alien encounters.
Giambattista said:
Mr. Anonymous: what the hell kind of drugs make a person type in the manner that you do?

Just Life dear boy, just high on life.

Y'know, I have absolutely no idea what sort of a downer y'have going on for this thread of yours - as far as I'm aware only Light responded in the highly negative and everyone else has been responding pretty much in good faith in perfect accordance with the tone you set at the begining....

All except you.

You set up an environment which encourages, nay, demands some degree of creative licence on the part of the respondent and then act as if its some sort of personal insult to yourself when that offer is taken up.

Would you care at all to clarify your above statement in any manner so as a fellow may be able to ascertain quite what exactly the problem is he apparently must have been causing you in order for you to respond in such specific terms - or am I just going to rip you to bits here and now on the grounds that, unfortunately, I too woke up in the most goddawfull of moods this morning and I'm not at all, generally speaking, a terribly nice fellow to begin with?

Curious minds, and all that...
Giambattista said:
I think he is dead wrong to discount ideas/problems such as the psychic, extradimensional characteristics of UFO/alien encounters.

you assume i do
cite me a decent case where a ufo pops out of thin air or something. i wanna read. i just try to remain focused on easy stuff and compartmentalize as much as possible. so far, i do not know of any pressing any reason to do otherwise. you are however welcome to elaborate on its relevance to me. multiverses simply add an extra line on et's address. no real biggie

Giambattista said:
Why do you talk that way? Are you willing to take your own suppository, and eat it too?

the devil makes me do it and of course; i slap some ketchup on em and....yummy, finger licking good
Gustav said:
you are cutting and pasting from his website. give him fucking credit.

Impossible, if people know that something is cut and pasted from somewhere they just ignore it. It's like giving an address to a website, no one reads or comments it.