Alien Abductee Criteria

i got it!

why do they?
aliens grab us to experiment. they tweak something and viola, an evolutionary spurt.
explains macroevolution, ja? nein?

Gustav said:
i got it!

why do they?
aliens grab us to experiment. they tweak something and viola, an evolutionary spurt.
explains macroevolution, ja? nein?


.hm..m heres a little soemthing else to put in the 'stew'. this is a HOPI experieneof the 'Ant People' who are coincidentally similar to 'our' 'GREYS' on let me know what yu make of it. also Skin, as you are of Native American origin, aren't you?

'We're the Good Guys'

put in my notes after this URL "(mm-well, read rthe 'Zetatalk'--got to '2001' not a mench about 9-11!)"
I believe I've seen drawings of them in a book entitled "Architects of the Underworld". I felt it was an interesting read. From what I read, at least!
Giambattista said:
I believe I've seen drawings of them in a book entitled "Architects of the Underworld". I felt it was an interesting read. From what I read, at least!
how dos author define 'Underworld'?
Very vaporously! Physically and metaphysically, I'm assuming.

Look it up on Amazon or something. I think it's a fairly well-known book in the genre.
Gustav said:
i guess it would be asking to much of you to refrain from spamming, eh oafy?]
Yes, it would. The premises of this thread are weak, the discussion trivial, the relevance to anything of importance non-existent. I pointed that out. If you have a problem with that, you have a problem.
All the more reason to have fun with it.


Alien Abductee Criteria?

Being Frightful and British now tops my supposed list. :)


Thoroughly incredible nobodies with dodgy backgrounds rank quite low.

And then George W. Bush would qualify as clone material for Zoos on planets like Fascisto-IV, Krikkit, and Aw-0-L.
Huh! Glad t'know I've having an affect on at least someone around here - I was begging to believe I'd become bl'invisible..... ;)
Its me, Humphrey the Bl'invisible Pink Elephant - BOO!
Gustav, you are the one who intervened into an amusing little dialogue between Mr A and myself, with contributions from qwerty. If you find you can't handle the consequences of such childish (and boring) interventions, then please don't react by bleating out your inane obscenities.