Aether Displacement

Yes . . . it's ME! . . . and who the HELL is AlphaNumeric (by comparison)?

The author clearly has no understanding of what physics involves, as there is absolutely zero quantitative work there. No models are constructed, only poor analogies and random guesses, based on physical intuition, such as the (extremely laughable) string thing at the end based on electrical cabling.

I find it hard to believe the author has a PhD, as that would imply the author has written a decent coherent thesis at some point but the website shows little to none of style or detail expected in such things.

The author seems unfamiliar with physics, nor science or mathematics in general. All in all it's the random nonsense produced by someone with no understanding of science but the delusion they aren't just writing crap.

1. Not electrical cabling . . .mechanical . . . an "analogy" to suggest how quarks, gluonss, and strings "may" physically interact (in Calabi-Yau space).
2. Yes . . .I know its (for you) 'hard to believe' . . .but I do have a scientific Ph.D. and numerous refereed publications.
3. 1+1=2 . . . is that enough (general) math for you? . . works for me! (note sarcasm). Random nonesense? . . . your unimaginative and noncreative posts sound like Bremsstrahlung (look it up!) to me!
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Use your own thread to post your theory.

'General Relativity As an Æther Theory'

Most early twentieth century relativists — Lorentz, Einstein, Eddington, for examples — claimed that general relativity was merely a theory of the æther. We shall confirm this claim by deriving the Einstein equations using æther theory.

Now we use the Kelvin theory of the æther, in which all pressures are ultimately due to the æther. Kelvin devoted an entire book [15] to various models for how to accomplish this, but for our purposes the details don’t matter. We also note that Lorentz had the same hope, to reduce all phenomena, in particular pressures of all types, to æther phenomena. So if all pressures are ultimately æther pressures, the most natural way to express this is to simply delete the superscript “æther” in the pressures in equation (19):

ρaether = (px + py + pz )/ c2 (20)

Equation (20) makes rigorous Kelvin’s belief [14] that the æther must generate gravity, but that it cannot do so in the absence of matter.

Pressure exerted by displaced aether toward matter is gravity.
Use your own thread to post your theory.

'General Relativity As an Æther Theory'

Pressure exerted by displaced aether toward matter is gravity.

mpd755: . . . don't be so lazy . . see Sciforum thread: "The EEMU Hypothesis" and feel free to visit the EEMU webpage at:

I intentionally chose to separately-reference the webpage on Sciforums instead of (much like yourself) clutter Sciforums with my "diatribes", so that "interested" members could have a "look-see". The above Sciforum thread simply leads those who are interested to review/comment/discuss my hypothesis. By the way . . . it matters not to me whether EEMU sounds reasonable to you, or anyone else (e.g., AlphaNumeric) . . I am just a 'seeder' of ideas.
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I intentionally chose to separately-reference the webpage on Sciforums instead of (much like yourself) clutter Sciforums with my "diatribes", so that "interested" members could have a "look-see".

You are cluttering this thread.

'General Relativity As an Æther Theory'

Most early twentieth century relativists — Lorentz, Einstein, Eddington, for examples — claimed that general relativity was merely a theory of the æther. We shall confirm this claim by deriving the Einstein equations using æther theory.

Now we use the Kelvin theory of the æther, in which all pressures are ultimately due to the æther. Kelvin devoted an entire book [15] to various models for how to accomplish this, but for our purposes the details don’t matter. We also note that Lorentz had the same hope, to reduce all phenomena, in particular pressures of all types, to æther phenomena. So if all pressures are ultimately æther pressures, the most natural way to express this is to simply delete the superscript “æther” in the pressures in equation (19):

ρaether = (px + py + pz )/ c2 (20)

Equation (20) makes rigorous Kelvin’s belief [14] that the æther must generate gravity, but that it cannot do so in the absence of matter.

Pressure exerted by displaced aether toward matter is gravity.

. . . and you are NOT? . . . . gimme a break! . . perhaps it's your brain that's "cluttered"!
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. . . and you are NOT? . . . . gimme a break!

I started this thread. This thread is titled 'Aether Displacement'. The following article I am quoting is stating gravity is caused by the pressure associated with the aether. I am stating the reason why there is pressure associated with the aether is because aether is physically displaced by the matter.

'General Relativity As an Æther Theory'

Most early twentieth century relativists — Lorentz, Einstein, Eddington, for examples — claimed that general relativity was merely a theory of the æther. We shall confirm this claim by deriving the Einstein equations using æther theory.

Now we use the Kelvin theory of the æther, in which all pressures are ultimately due to the æther. Kelvin devoted an entire book [15] to various models for how to accomplish this, but for our purposes the details don’t matter. We also note that Lorentz had the same hope, to reduce all phenomena, in particular pressures of all types, to æther phenomena. So if all pressures are ultimately æther pressures, the most natural way to express this is to simply delete the superscript “æther” in the pressures in equation (19):

ρaether = (px + py + pz )/ c2 (20)

Equation (20) makes rigorous Kelvin’s belief [14] that the æther must generate gravity, but that it cannot do so in the absence of matter.

Pressure exerted by displaced aether toward matter is gravity.

. . . Ho-hum . . . . again and again and again . . .ad nauseum!

Then we are in agreement you should discuss your theory on your thread and not clutter other threads which are completely unrelated to your theory.

'General Relativity As an Æther Theory'

Most early twentieth century relativists — Lorentz, Einstein, Eddington, for examples — claimed that general relativity was merely a theory of the æther. We shall confirm this claim by deriving the Einstein equations using æther theory.

Now we use the Kelvin theory of the æther, in which all pressures are ultimately due to the æther. Kelvin devoted an entire book [15] to various models for how to accomplish this, but for our purposes the details don’t matter. We also note that Lorentz had the same hope, to reduce all phenomena, in particular pressures of all types, to æther phenomena. So if all pressures are ultimately æther pressures, the most natural way to express this is to simply delete the superscript “æther” in the pressures in equation (19):

ρaether = (px + py + pz )/ c2 (20)

Equation (20) makes rigorous Kelvin’s belief [14] that the æther must generate gravity, but that it cannot do so in the absence of matter.

Pressure exerted by displaced aether toward matter is gravity.
mpc: read my last post . . . . again

I'm glad you feel that way. That means there is no reason for you to be on a thread which has nothing to do with your theory.

'General Relativity As an Æther Theory'

Most early twentieth century relativists — Lorentz, Einstein, Eddington, for examples — claimed that general relativity was merely a theory of the æther. We shall confirm this claim by deriving the Einstein equations using æther theory.

Now we use the Kelvin theory of the æther, in which all pressures are ultimately due to the æther. Kelvin devoted an entire book [15] to various models for how to accomplish this, but for our purposes the details don’t matter. We also note that Lorentz had the same hope, to reduce all phenomena, in particular pressures of all types, to æther phenomena. So if all pressures are ultimately æther pressures, the most natural way to express this is to simply delete the superscript “æther” in the pressures in equation (19):

ρaether = (px + py + pz )/ c2 (20)

Equation (20) makes rigorous Kelvin’s belief [14] that the æther must generate gravity, but that it cannot do so in the absence of matter.

Pressure exerted by displaced aether toward matter is gravity.
mpc: re-read my last post . . .and it's referral . . .

Your first post tonight was a response to a post from four days ago which you have had plenty of time to respond to. Your initial post tonight was nothing more than clutter. Every post of yours tonight has been nothing more than clutter on this thread.

This thread has nothing to do with your theory. You have your own thread in which to discuss your theory.

We are in agreement there is absolutely zero reason for you to be posting on this thread.

'General Relativity As an Æther Theory'

Most early twentieth century relativists — Lorentz, Einstein, Eddington, for examples — claimed that general relativity was merely a theory of the æther. We shall confirm this claim by deriving the Einstein equations using æther theory.

Now we use the Kelvin theory of the æther, in which all pressures are ultimately due to the æther. Kelvin devoted an entire book [15] to various models for how to accomplish this, but for our purposes the details don’t matter. We also note that Lorentz had the same hope, to reduce all phenomena, in particular pressures of all types, to æther phenomena. So if all pressures are ultimately æther pressures, the most natural way to express this is to simply delete the superscript “æther” in the pressures in equation (19):

ρaether = (px + py + pz )/ c2 (20)

Equation (20) makes rigorous Kelvin’s belief [14] that the æther must generate gravity, but that it cannot do so in the absence of matter.

Pressure exerted by displaced aether toward matter is gravity.
mpc: . . . clutter? . . . likewise, I'm sure!

I started this thread. This thread is titled 'Aether Displacement'. The following article supports a correct understanding of what occurs physically in nature to cause gravity.

'General Relativity As an Æther Theory'

Most early twentieth century relativists — Lorentz, Einstein, Eddington, for examples — claimed that general relativity was merely a theory of the æther. We shall confirm this claim by deriving the Einstein equations using æther theory.

Now we use the Kelvin theory of the æther, in which all pressures are ultimately due to the æther. Kelvin devoted an entire book [15] to various models for how to accomplish this, but for our purposes the details don’t matter. We also note that Lorentz had the same hope, to reduce all phenomena, in particular pressures of all types, to æther phenomena. So if all pressures are ultimately æther pressures, the most natural way to express this is to simply delete the superscript “æther” in the pressures in equation (19):

ρaether = (px + py + pz )/ c2 (20)

Equation (20) makes rigorous Kelvin’s belief [14] that the æther must generate gravity, but that it cannot do so in the absence of matter.

Pressure exerted by displaced aether toward matter is gravity.
Isn't repeating the same thing over and over and over (trolling) the reason you were banned in the first place?

Why are you doing the same thing, do you want to be banned?
Isn't repeating the same thing over and over and over (trolling) the reason you were banned in the first place?

Why are you doing the same thing, do you want to be banned?

The following would only have to be posted once if those who were not merely adding clutter to the thread stopped.

'General Relativity As an Æther Theory'

Most early twentieth century relativists — Lorentz, Einstein, Eddington, for examples — claimed that general relativity was merely a theory of the æther. We shall confirm this claim by deriving the Einstein equations using æther theory.

Now we use the Kelvin theory of the æther, in which all pressures are ultimately due to the æther. Kelvin devoted an entire book [15] to various models for how to accomplish this, but for our purposes the details don’t matter. We also note that Lorentz had the same hope, to reduce all phenomena, in particular pressures of all types, to æther phenomena. So if all pressures are ultimately æther pressures, the most natural way to express this is to simply delete the superscript “æther” in the pressures in equation (19):

ρaether = (px + py + pz )/ c2 (20)

Equation (20) makes rigorous Kelvin’s belief [14] that the æther must generate gravity, but that it cannot do so in the absence of matter.

Pressure exerted by displaced aether toward matter is gravity.
Still trolling.

Stop adding clutter to this thread.

'General Relativity As an Æther Theory'

Most early twentieth century relativists — Lorentz, Einstein, Eddington, for examples — claimed that general relativity was merely a theory of the æther. We shall confirm this claim by deriving the Einstein equations using æther theory.

Now we use the Kelvin theory of the æther, in which all pressures are ultimately due to the æther. Kelvin devod an entire book [15] to various models for how to accomplish this, but for our purposes the details don’t matter. We also note that Lorentz had the same hope, to reduce all phenomena, in particular pressures of all types, to æther phenomena. So if all pressures are ultimately æther pressures, the most natural way to express this is to simply delete the superscript “æther” in the pressures in equation (19):

ρaether = (px + py + pz )/ c2 (20)

Equation (20) makes rigorous Kelvin’s belief [14] that the æther must generate gravity, but that it cannot do so in the absence of matter.

Pressure exerted by displaced aether toward matter is gravity.