Aether Displacement

@mpc --

I don't need to demonstrate shit to be able to reject your claims. You've asserted their validity without providing any supporting evidence that your interpretation is right, as a consequence I can reject your assertion without providing any evidence that it's wrong as you've failed to fulfill your burden of proof. That which can be asserted without evidence can also be rejected without evidence.

Back it up. It's time for you to put your money where you've been putting your mouth for forty five vagina-swilling pages. And try not to engage in circular reasoning this time.

There is a car in the driveway. For some reason you are unable or unwilling to understand cars exist. I explain to you cars have tires and windshields and headlights and steering wheels and seats. I walk you to the driveway and show you the car. For reasons only you are aware of, you insist the car is not evidence of a car.

I say cars drive on highways. I take you to a highway and show you all of the cars on the highway. For reasons only you are aware of, you insist the cars on the highway are not evidence of cars.

The offset between the light lensing through the space neighboring moving galaxy clusters and the galaxy clusters themselves is evidence the galaxy clusters are moving through and displacing the aether.

For reasons only you are aware of, you insist the offset between the light lensing through the space neighboring moving galaxy clusters and the galaxy clusters themselves is not evidence of the aether. You can not provide any explanation as to why there is an offset.

The reason for the observed behaviors in a double slit experiment is because the moving particle has an associated aether displacement wave.

For reason only you are aware of, you insist the observed behaviors in a double slit experiment are not evidence of the associated aether displacement wave. You can not provide an explanation as to what occurs physically in nature in a double slit experiment.

Zero-point energy is the energy associated with the displaced aether.

For reason only you are aware of, you insist zero-point energy is not the energy associated with the displaced aether. You can not provide an explanation as to what occurs physically in nature to cause there to be zero-point energy.

If you insist evidence of a car can not be used as evidence of a car then there is no amount of evidence which will convince you cars exist.

If you insist evidence of aether displacement can not be used as evidence of aether displacement then there is no amount of evidence which will convince you aether exists.
Sorry, I refuse to engage in debate against fallacious arguments. Your arguments are a perfect example of circular reasoning, and therefore your entire argument is invalid. Try again.
Sorry, I refuse to engage in debate against fallacious arguments. Your arguments are a perfect example of circular reasoning, and therefore your entire argument is invalid. Try again.

You insist cars do not exist and are a perfect example of circular reasoning.

Aether has mass. Aether physically occupies three dimensional space. Aether is physically displaced by matter.

Pressure exerted by displaced aether toward matter is gravity.

A moving particle has an associated aether displacement wave.

Curved spacetime is displaced aether.

The state of displacement of the aether forces the plates together in the Casimir effect.

Zero-point energy is the energy associated with the displaced aether.

Aether displacement is a theory of everything.
There is a car in the driveway. For some reason you are unable or unwilling to understand cars exist. I explain to you cars have tires and windshields and headlights and steering wheels and seats. I walk you to the driveway and show you the car. For reasons only you are aware of, you insist the car is not evidence of a car.

I say cars drive on highways. I take you to a highway and show you all of the cars on the highway. For reasons only you are aware of, you insist the cars on the highway are not evidence of cars.

The offset between the light lensing through the space neighboring moving galaxy clusters and the galaxy clusters themselves is evidence the galaxy clusters are moving through and displacing the aether.

For reasons only you are aware of, you insist the offset between the light lensing through the space neighboring moving galaxy clusters and the galaxy clusters themselves is not evidence of the aether. You can not provide any explanation as to why there is an offset.

The reason for the observed behaviors in a double slit experiment is because the moving particle has an associated aether displacement wave.

For reason only you are aware of, you insist the observed behaviors in a double slit experiment are not evidence of the associated aether displacement wave. You can not provide an explanation as to what occurs physically in nature in a double slit experiment.

Zero-point energy is the energy associated with the displaced aether.

For reason only you are aware of, you insist zero-point energy is not the energy associated with the displaced aether. You can not provide an explanation as to what occurs physically in nature to cause there to be zero-point energy.

If you insist evidence of a car can not be used as evidence of a car then there is no amount of evidence which will convince you cars exist.

If you insist evidence of aether displacement can not be used as evidence of aether displacement then there is no amount of evidence which will convince you aether exists.

All you have done here is taken the word "space" out of modern physics and replaced it with the word "aether". You need to show how it is DIFFERENT. You can't so just give it up already.
All you have done here is taken the word "space" out of modern physics and replaced it with the word "aether". You need to show how it is DIFFERENT. You can't so just give it up already.

When I first figured out what occurs physically in nature to cause gravity I called it spacial displacement. The spelling of spacial was intentional to denote it is space which is displaced by matter.

However, the term space is inadequate in terms of describing what is occurring physically in nature. It is not three dimensional space which is physically displaced by matter. It is that which physically occupies three dimensional space which is physically displaced by matter. That which physically occupies three dimensional space unoccupied by matter is aether. I also understand aether has mass.

Therefore, I renamed it to aether displacement.

Since non-baryonic dark matter is aether I renamed aether displacment to dark matter displacement. However, non-baryonic dark matter is hypothesized to travel with matter. This is incorrect. There is no such thing as non-baryonic dark matter traveling with matter. Matter moves through and displaces the aether.

Therefore, I renamed it again back to aether displacement.

Aether has mass. Aether physically occupies three dimensional space unoccupied by matter. Aether is physically displaced by matter.

Pressure exerted by displaced aether toward matter is gravity.
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No your not, you keep saying the same crap over, and over, and over even though you have already been refuted in every way imaginable and you refuse to prove yourself with an experiment that YOU DESIGNED!!!!!

Therefore, Nope.

The following is an experiment I designed which will provide evidence of aether displacement.

Refer to the image on the right here:

Instead of having a single beam splitter BSc have two beam splitters BSca and BScb. Replace mirror Ma with BSca and replace mirror Mb with BScb. Do not combine the red and blue paths. Have additional detectors D1a, D2a, D1b, and D2b. Have the photons reflected by and propagate through BSca be detected at D1a and D2a. Have the photons reflected by and propagate through BScb be detected at D1b and D2b. If you compare the photons detected at D1a and D1b with the photons detected at D0, the corresponding photons detected at D0 will form an interference pattern. If you compare the photons detected at D2a and D2b with the photons detected at D0, the corresponding photons detected at D0 will form an interference pattern. What is occurring is all 'up' photons are being detected at one pair of detectors, for example D1a and D1b, and all 'down' photons are being detected at the other pair of detectors, for example D2a and D2b. Interference patterns do not even need to be created in order to determine the interference patterns both sets of photons are creating at D0.
The following is an experiment I designed which will provide evidence of aether displacement.

Refer to the image on the right here:

Instead of having a single beam splitter BSc have two beam splitters BSca and BScb. Replace mirror Ma with BSca and replace mirror Mb with BScb. Do not combine the red and blue paths. Have additional detectors D1a, D2a, D1b, and D2b. Have the photons reflected by and propagate through BSca be detected at D1a and D2a. Have the photons reflected by and propagate through BScb be detected at D1b and D2b. If you compare the photons detected at D1a and D1b with the photons detected at D0, the corresponding photons detected at D0 will form an interference pattern. If you compare the photons detected at D2a and D2b with the photons detected at D0, the corresponding photons detected at D0 will form an interference pattern. What is occurring is all 'up' photons are being detected at one pair of detectors, for example D1a and D1b, and all 'down' photons are being detected at the other pair of detectors, for example D2a and D2b. Interference patterns do not even need to be created in order to determine the interference patterns both sets of photons are creating at D0.

Then do it already, or do you really think your going to change physics by posting your theories on sciforums?
Then do it already, or do you really think your going to change physics by posting your theories on sciforums?

I do.

Aether displacement is a theory of everything.

I have a hard time believing physics is going to choose to be this screwed up forever.

I realize most of the people on forums are knuckleheads who can't think for themselves and there will never be enough evidence for them to change their minds.

I realize most people on forums who consider themselves to be physicists are more interested in maintaining the status quo because to do otherwise would mean they are incorrect and they can't have that, especially not on a forum.

However, I understand gravity, what occurs physically in nature in a double slit experiment, the offset between light lensing through the space neighboring moving galaxy clusters and the galaxy clusters themselves, the observed behaviors in the Casimir effect, zero-point energy, the ripple created when galaxy clusters collide, and the Milky Way halo being in the shape of a squished beach ball are all correctly explained by understanding aether has mass, aether physically occupies three dimensional space, aether is physically displaced by matter and displaced aether exerts force toward matter.
'Quantum mechanics rule 'bent' in classic experiment'

For his part, Professor Steinberg believes that the result reduces a limitation not on quantum physics but on physicists themselves. "I feel like we're starting to pull back a veil on what nature really is," he said. "The trouble with quantum mechanics is that while we've learned to calculate the outcomes of all sorts of experiments, we've lost much of our ability to describe what is really happening in any natural language. I think that this has really hampered our ability to make progress, to come up with new ideas and see intuitively how new systems ought to behave."

Intriguingly, the trajectories closely match those predicted by an unconventional interpretation of quantum mechanics known as pilot-wave theory, in which each particle has a well-defined trajectory that takes it through one slit while the associated wave passes through both slits.

A particle physically displaces the aether. A moving particle has an associated aether displacement wave. In a double slit experiment the particle enters and exits a single slit. It is the associated aether displacement wave which enters and exits both slits. As the aether wave exits the slits it creates wave interference. As the particle exits a single slit the direction it travels is altered by the wave interference it encounters. Detecting the particle causes there to be a loss of coherence of the associated aether wave, there is no wave interference, and the direction the particle travels is not altered.

What waves in a double slit experiment is the aether of relativity.

What waves in pilot-wave theory is the aether.

In pilot-wave theory, a moving particle has an associated physical wave.

In aether displacement, a moving particle has an associated aether displacement wave.
'Ether and the Theory of Relativity - Albert Einstein'

if, in fact nothing else whatever were observable than the shape of the space occupied by the water as it varies in time, we should have no ground for the assumption that water consists of movable particles. But all the same we could characterise it as a medium.

There may be supposed to be extended physical objects to which the idea of motion cannot be applied. They may not be thought of as consisting of particles which allow themselves to be separately tracked through time.

The special theory of relativity forbids us to assume the ether to consist of particles observable through time, but the hypothesis of ether in itself is not in conflict with the special theory of relativity.

According to the general theory of relativity space without ether is unthinkable;...But this ether may not be thought of as endowed with the quality characteristic of ponderable media, as consisting of parts which may be tracked through time. The idea of motion may not be applied to it.

Every time Einstein mentions motion as applied to the ether it is defined as the ether does not consist of individual particles which can be separately tracked through time. This is different than Einstein's definition of mobility as applied to the ether.

The ether of general relativity is mobile.

It may be added that the whole change in the conception of the ether which the special theory of relativity brought about, consisted in taking away from the ether its last mechanical quality, namely, its immobility.

The mobility of the ether of relatiivty as determined by its connections with the matter is the state of displacement of the aether.
And you compound your stupidity. Creating a sock to evade a ban is itself a permaban offence.
'Hubble Finds Ghostly Ring of Dark Matter'

Astronomers using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope got a first-hand view of how dark matter behaves during a titanic collision between two galaxy clusters. The wreck created a ripple of dark mater, which is somewhat similar to a ripple formed in a pond when a rock hits the water.

The 'pond' consists of aether. The moving 'particles' are the galaxy clusters. The 'ripple' is a gravitational wave. The 'ripple' is an aether displacement wave.

The above is physical evidence of a moving 'particle' having an associated aether displacement wave.

In a double slit experiment, the particle travels a single path and enters and exits a single slit. It is the associated aether displacement wave which enters and exits both slits. The aether displacement wave creates wave interference upon exiting the slits. As the particle exits a single slit, it is this interference which alters the direction the particle travels. Detecting the particle causes a loss of coherence of the associated aether displacement wave, there is no wave interference, and the direction the particle travels is not altered.
'Phenomenology of Gravitational Aether as a solution to the Old Cosmological Constant Problem'

One proposal to address this puzzle at the semi-classical level is to decouple quantum vacuum from space-time geometry via a modification of gravity that includes an incompressible fluid, known as Gravitational Aether. In this paper, we discuss classical predictions of this theory along with its compatibility with cosmological and experimental tests of gravity. We argue that deviations from General Relativity (GR) in this theory are sourced by pressure or vorticity.

In our opinion, the fact that gravitational aether has the same number of free parameters as GR, and is yet (to our knowledge) consistent with all cosmological and precision tests of gravity at 2; level, indicates that this theory could be a strong contender for Einstein's theory of gravity.

Pressure exerted by displaced aether toward matter is gravity.
Moderator note: mpc7555 has been banned as a sock puppet of mpc755.

mps755's ban has been extended from 3 days to 7 days.

If any further sock puppets are created by this user, he will be permanently banned.

23 personal insults and repetitive nonsense have been removed.


Members other than mpc755 are reminded that insults are against the site rules. You risk being banned yourselves.
. . . tired of mpc755 (or his 'son' mpc7555)? . . . If interested, have a quick read of the following webpage link (I won't bore/tire you with infinite posts on Sciforum!) . . .thanks for your interest/comments (I REALLY mean that!). Comments welcome on "The EEMU Hypothesis" thread.

The author clearly has no understanding of what physics involves, as there is absolutely zero quantitative work there. No models are constructed, only poor analogies and random guesses, based on physical intuition, such as the (extremely laughable) string thing at the end based on electrical cabling.

I find it hard to believe the author has a PhD, as that would imply the author has written a decent coherent thesis at some point but the website shows little to none of style or detail expected in such things.

The author seems unfamiliar with physics, nor science or mathematics in general. All in all it's the random nonsense produced by someone with no understanding of science but the delusion they aren't just writing crap.
'General Relativity As an Æther Theory'

Most early twentieth century relativists — Lorentz, Einstein, Eddington, for examples — claimed that general relativity was merely a theory of the æther. We shall confirm this claim by deriving the Einstein equations using æther theory.

Now we use the Kelvin theory of the æther, in which all pressures are ultimately due to the æther. Kelvin devoted an entire book [15] to various models for how to accomplish this, but for our purposes the details don’t matter. We also note that Lorentz had the same hope, to reduce all phenomena, in particular pressures of all types, to æther phenomena. So if all pressures are ultimately æther pressures, the most natural way to express this is to simply delete the superscript “æther” in the pressures in equation (19):

ρaether = (px + py + pz )/ c2 (20)

Equation (20) makes rigorous Kelvin’s belief [14] that the æther must generate gravity, but that it cannot do so in the absence of matter.

Pressure exerted by displaced aether toward matter is gravity.