phlogistician said:
When large buildings are demolished, only the bottom few floors are wired for detonation, and once the collpase starts, the momentum causes the impacting floors to collapse.
In the case of the WTC, the upper floors crashed down, starting off the collapse, and a domino effect. What is so different?
Thats an awesome point Pholg.
The only way for these large structures to appear as though they are disintegrating in this fashion is if the bottom/base of the structure is taken out.
This explains why many in the subway tunnels reported explosions.
2minutes, 10 seconds in.
Although I'm not sure what you mean by your question as to "whats different?" besides the fact that as you have just pointed out, that when buildings are demolished with explosives, they are planted at the base of the structure, not in the upper quarter of the building or upper 1/6th of the building.
If your serious about that question I would have to say that, in one instance, the explosives/ damage is done at the base of a building, and in the other, the damage is done on the upper quarter of one building and the upper 1/6th of the other building.
And not only that, but on the upper1/6th *corner*of the building, which if anything should have had that part of the building fall over.
Scientific American, 2001 stated, "They just dont make them as tough as the World Trade Center"
Do you know the amount of planning and strategic measures that have to go into making a building collapse straight downward?
If anything, the rate at which the building fell should have been slowed by each floor, instead, it fell at the rate of gravity, a free fall if you will.
Anyways, I am very interested to hear your opinion Phlog on the collapse of the 3rd building, again I agree with you, I think there must have been explosive damage done to the base of this building to have it collapse the way it did.
Again, falling in a free fall fashion.
3 minutes 20 seconds in
Please review the collapse of the 3rd building.
edit:I am posting this link for easy reference for my self.