Accident: Convinced she was a bear

Are hunting accidents really accidents?

  • Yes. Accidents happen.

    Votes: 7 43.8%
  • No. Guns are designed to kill; it's not too much to ask that you know what you're shooting at

    Votes: 7 43.8%
  • Other: ___________

    Votes: 2 12.5%

  • Total voters
no i was responding to clusteringflux's blood lust. hunting doesnt work anywhere near as well as fencing does even when the aim is eradication. look at rabits and fox's here, hunting does nothing but the so called dingo fence stopped them in there track
That's true, there are no more predators.. but that is our doing. We could of course reintroduce them..

Strangly, they're introducing themselves back to our area. NW Ohio is one the most populous areas surrounded by large cities, yet we're seeing predator animals like bear, wolf,cyotee and even cougar (mountain lion) being reported in the last few years. Not sure why or how this is happening but it would take a hell of a fence to keep a lion in.

BTW, by eating the deer, people aren't buying as much megefarm meat products that really destroy the land.
That's gotta count for something
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Strangly, they're introducing themselves back to our area. NW Ohio is one the most populous areas surrounded by large cities, yet we're seeing preditor animals like bear, wolf,cyotee and even cougar (mountain lion) being reported in the last few years. Not sure why or how this is happening but it would take a hell of a fence to keep a lion in.

BTW, by eating the deer, people aren't buying as much megefarm meat products that really destroy the land.
That's gotta count for something
Maybe the ecosystem is recovering.. won't take long though and people will be killing off these predators.
I think the mountain lions will stick to deer territory though.

Why would it count for something ??
Maybe the ecosystem is recovering.. won't take long though and people will be killing off these predators.
I think the mountain lions will stick to deer territory though.

Why would it count for something ??

I'm sure they will kill them.
You may prefer that the woman in the OP were mauled by a bear rather than mistakenly shot. I don't see it that way.
And fences are seen by many as just more pollution of the countryside.
I'm sure they will kill them.
I'm sure of it too.

You may prefer that the woman in the OP were mauled by a bear rather than mistakenly shot. I don't see it that way.
I have no preference..

And fences are seen by many as just more pollution of the countryside.
Ah yes, aesthetic pollution.. :rolleyes:
It's a necessary evil to prevent countless deaths of animals and humans.
Do you prefer hunting to fencing ??

Got to go now, be back later :)
Just yesterday, in a completely unrelated discussion, and having not yet heard of this incident, I had cause to mention to a friend my plank for the gun-control platform. Essentially, own as many guns as you want, but you're accountable for every round fired from those guns. No accidents, no excuses.

By that standard, the fourteen year-old shooter would be held criminally and civilly responsible for Pamela Almli's death. And that is how it should be.

At present, of course, no charges have been filed, and my early prediction is that there will be no justice served in this case. After all, guns may be designed to kill, but you can't hold someone responsible for an accident, right?

Remember that any gun owner is a "responsible gun owner" until they're not. Being anxious to bag a bear is no excuse for killing someone.

We should charge the parents for negligence. But wait, adult supervision isn't required... well go ahead, slap him in prison for something that is his parents fault. Remember, prison even for a short time ,can irrevocably change a person's life. And ffs, this kid was only 14. If anything it's the lack of legislation and bad guidance that allowed this to happen. NO MINIMUM AGE ?...WTF ?.

You Yanks never fail to surprise me. No adult supervision required ? We have at least 2 adults watching us every time we handle a goddamn bolt action rifle.
Well ....

Challenger78 said:

You Yanks never fail to surprise me.

One might think you would have learned by now.

To the other, I decided ... twenty-three years ago, I think ... that nothing would ever surprise me again. Obviously, I have failed. But it's worked for some things. One day I came out of work and my car was stolen. No big deal, you know? What can you do? One day I got to work and learned that the World Trade Center was burning down. The only real surprise about it was that someone finally got around to taking a swing at us; I wondered when that would be and where they would hit us. The last seven and a half years? Worrisome, to say the least. Unexpected, to a certain degree. But when you stop and think about it, the Bush years fit perfectly into the ongoing American decline; one would think we would eventually get around to this sort of shit.

What surprises me? Grotesque stupidity. No, no, I don't mean the people who thought Iraq was a good idea, or who still think that Bush is somehow a good president. (Even I can find a context to describe him as a success.) To the other, I'm a bit taken aback by the depths to which people will reach to justify the state of things. I'm a bit befuddled by the things intelligent people are expected to believe. I am bemused, to say the least, at the current election cycle. But surprised? How naive need I be in order for these things to surprise me?

Of course, when I was fourteen, everyone fretted about the music the kids were listening to. They didn't seem to worry at all about the idea of sending us hunting on our own. Perhaps this seems strange to some, but if so they haven't been paying any real attention.

It is almost surprising that it took until this whole War on Terror thing for so many of our friends around the world to tire of us. Then again, humanity is not exclusively an American condition.

Of course, leave it to my international neighbors to defeat the purpose. Or maybe they just don't care. After all, they can't possibly be so stupid as to fail to realize that the insertion of useless, nationalist chest-beating into a situation like this only helps ensure that nothing useful is recognized or accomplished.

Neither is that surprising. It is, in the end, a matter of priorities. And as long as one person's misfortune should help to satisfy another's penis envy, those priorities are damnably predictable.
What would have been the outcome if the kid had ran the woman over, on accident, in a car?

It'd be silly not to hold the kid accountable for killing someone. At least sue the fuck out of him and ruin his life forever.

Why is it ok to kill anything that's alive?

Cause we can.
Well, sometimes there's a reason.

Visceral Instinct said:

Why is it ok to kill anything that's alive?

Depends on what it is.

Start with bacteria. Do you think it's okay to kill bacteria?

How about weeds?

Cattle for food? How about fish? Or earthworms used to catch fish?

Predators that kill livestock?

Bears, for the hell of it?

I don't have an answer once I get to the "hell of it" part. I'm also dubious about killing wolves or big cats that take down joggers, but I expect to lose that argument.
An interesting question

What validity has a cultural investment in killing? If one's culture is violated, diminished, demeaned, or threatened by the proposition of not killing arbitrarily, what sort of culture is it?
... BTW, by eating the deer, people aren't buying as much megefarm meat products that really destroy the land.
That's gotta count for something

I have neighbors that use venison as their main source of protein. He's a good hunter and its what they can afford. Especially now that the cost of beef, fish, etc is going up and no one seems to have gotten a cost of living increase on their paycheck.
....You Yanks never fail to surprise me. No adult supervision required ? We have at least 2 adults watching us every time we handle a goddamn bolt action rifle.

That's not a nation wide rule. :mad: Its a stupid lax rule where he lives, not where I live, not where I grew up, not where I have EVER lived in the US. In fact, here in MI you have to take a hunter safety course before you can get a license. And you certainty can't hunt without an adult.
Fencing and designated wildlife crossovers. Pay up.

Edit: Overpopulation ? You mean like the population growth got out of control ? What were the signs ?
It's funny how we define overpopulation to exclude humans.. and to include any animal group that gets in our way.

Its funny how you're more upset over deer hunting than this poor woman being killed.
Just yesterday, in a completely unrelated discussion, and having not yet heard of this incident, I had cause to mention to a friend my plank for the gun-control platform. Essentially, own as many guns as you want, but you're accountable for every round fired from those guns. No accidents, no excuses.

Roman's hypothetical of this being a driving accident instead of a shooting one makes me lean towards your position. Treating a gun like a car makes a lot of sense to me.