You have a very piecemeal, cherry-picking approach to what you will and will not accept in terms of scientific theories.My response to that would be that we know something is “driving” the sun. We just can’t see it.
We don’t have to think we evolved from a common ancestor.
You apparently accept that nuclear fusion drives our Sun (correct?). If you trace the implications of that belief back to the source, they entail "believing in" such things as atoms, atomic nuclei, invisible particles like protons and neutrons, the existence of invisible forces such as gravity and the strong and weak nuclear reactions, and lots more besides. You can't see a proton or an atom. So by your argument, you don't have to believe in any of that stuff. And maybe you don't. Maybe you think that you only believe in what you can see with your own eyes. But then, that would be totally inconsistent with your faith in the Sky Daddy, wouldn't it? Maybe you're just confused.
But let's assume you believe the Sun works because nuclear fusion etc. etc. Well, I have news for you. The theory of evolution is just another scientific theory, just like the theory of nuclear fusion. It works exactly the same way. The reasons scientists (and other people) accept the theory of evolution are the same kinds of reasons they accept the theory of nuclear fusion. They accept those theories because they have tremendous and endlessly proven explanatory and predictive power.
Maybe this is not why you accept nuclear fusion. Maybe you accept it just because it "feels right" to you. That would be consistent with your position on such unlikely constructs as God. Or maybe you accept nuclear fusion because you trust what nuclear scientists tell you, and you reject evolution because you don't trust evolutionary biologists. That would be consistent with believing in God because you trust your religious guru, or whoever taught you your religion.
Since you don't really understand how science works - or you pretend you don't - you feel free to cherry pick the parts that appeal to you, while rejecting the parts that conflict with beliefs that are more important to you than truth. This is why you make an interesting study. The constant double-think is fascinating. The back-flips you are willing to put yourself through and the lies you are willing to tell yourself and everybody else. It's a real show.