
Do You Believe in Abortion

  • Yes, its my body, its my right

    Votes: 23 41.1%
  • Yes, I Have Had One And It Made My Life Better

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • Yes (other reason)

    Votes: 19 33.9%
  • No, Wheres the Babys Rights? He/She is an American Too

    Votes: 6 10.7%
  • No, It is Murder

    Votes: 10 17.9%
  • No, (Other Reason)

    Votes: 5 8.9%

  • Total voters
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The problem is your trying to push your bullshit prudish victorian ideas of morality on some one else thats the problem. What fucking right do you have to tell her not to have sex? rather than having her shut her legs we would be much better served if you shut your mouth.

my ideas are not victorian or prudish, they are responsible and in accordance with the most basic knowledge of natural law.

and this is what happens when the majority of people are faced with demands of being responsible for the consequences of their actions...a temper tantrum.

thanks for demonstrating my point.
why would anyone not WANT a child?

and if the circumstances aren't right to take care of one properly, then keep your legs shut.

what's the problem with that?

So basically, since I don't want a child, I should never have sex at all?

Unreasonable bullshit. Sex for humans is about far more than just procreation. It's about pleasure and bonding. If you don't like that fact then okay, don't have sex yourself unless it's to make babies. But don't shove your vile so-called morality down everyone else's throats.

What would you advise a married couple who already have 6 kids? Never have sex for the rest of their lives? Don't make me puke.

The problem is your trying to push your bullshit prudish victorian ideas of morality on some one else thats the problem. What fucking right do you have to tell her not to have sex? rather than having her shut her legs we would be much better served if you shut your mouth.

Well said. :)
Certainly your right to hold that opinion. I think of it more as saving or improving as many lives as possible. :)

I think that too, I'm not against organ donation in the slightest. It's just the whole thing is so sad and gloomy. Having sat with the families who have decided to pull the plug and agree to having their loved one organs donated, it really is a very morbid atmosphere. But like I said before this has nothing to do with abortion.

I guess women should be allowed to donate their aborted fetus to research if they want to. If research on aborted fetus is allowed where they live.
my ideas are not victorian or prudish, they are responsible and in accordance with the most basic knowledge of natural law.

and this is what happens when the majority of people are faced with demands of being responsible for the consequences of their actions...a temper tantrum.

thanks for demonstrating my point.

Abortion IS responsible. It is IRRESPONSIBLE to have a child you cannot look after.

Would you rather, for example, a 13 year old chose to carry the parasite 'baby' to term, while she is still growing? Or a married woman who already has 8?
bullshit shit you don't want people to have sex. well guess what alot of higher animals have sex for other reasons than procreation. and for this fucking bullshit that babies are conseques blah blah blah so we should keep them so people won't have sex guess what people have been aborting babies since before we could write.

i want everyone to have sex. i think that sex is one of the greatest gifts god gave us, and that the gift deserves reverence.

i am not suggesting that your reason for having sex should be to procreate. i'm suggesting that, DUH, procreation is a natural result of having sex, so instead of trying to deny that or circumvent it, DEAL WITH IT.
my ideas are not victorian or prudish, they are responsible and in accordance with the most basic knowledge of natural law.

and this is what happens when the majority of people are faced with demands of being responsible for the consequences of their actions........

What you get as opposed to fewer babies are more unwanted children, broken homes and psychological problems in addition to increased population, demands on the environment and society.
Nobody will care? Huh?

The brain-dead human is dead. Legally dead. Look it up. Removing life support is legal.

But, "Nobody will care"? That's just ridiculous.

So that means I can use them for target practice.....interesting..... ( its sarcasm )
...instead of having sex?

...i made the decision to be celibate for 8 years of my life, during my sexual peak...

Well, I'm not sure that's admirable or what. But for a normal, psychologically healthy human being, foregoing sex on principle is just not an option. In fact, sexual repression has been shown to be quite harmful to individuals and societies in general.

I have one biological daughter who is now 24yrs old. I've been having sex with my wife for 25 years now. Lori, if you use the pill or mechanical contraception and your partner does the same, you can be virtually guaranteed to not have a child, especially if you time it for the least likely part of your ovulation cycle.

Sex is fucking awesomely good. Don't make up stories for the rest of us who seem to be able to handle it effectively without popping out babies.
i want everyone to have sex. i think that sex is one of the greatest gifts god gave us, and that the gift deserves reverence.

i am not suggesting that your reason for having sex should be to procreate. i'm suggesting that, DUH, procreation is a natural result of having sex, so instead of trying to deny that or circumvent it, DEAL WITH IT.

Not everyone suffers from that mild form of schizophrenia that causes you to believe in God. You might, but don't push it on us as 'morality'.

The fact that something is natural doesn't mean you have to see it through and not try to alter it. Death in childbirth is natural, should we 'deal with it' rather than try and prevent a mother from hemorrhaging to death?
Abortion IS responsible. It is IRRESPONSIBLE to have a child you cannot look after.

Would you rather, for example, a 13 year old chose to carry the parasite 'baby' to term, while she is still growing? Or a married woman who already has 8?

are you fucking kidding me?!?!

abortion is the bullshit solution to the desire to NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for your own sexual behavior.

i would rather these women take some accountability for their actions. why is that not an option??


that's what i'm suggesting.
i want everyone to have sex. i think that sex is one of the greatest gifts god gave us, and that the gift deserves reverence.

i am not suggesting that your reason for having sex should be to procreate. i'm suggesting that, DUH, procreation is a natural result of having sex, so instead of trying to deny that or circumvent it, DEAL WITH IT.

This dosen't compute. You are confusing me. Must... try... to... assimilate... ugghhhhh!
i want everyone to have sex. i think that sex is one of the greatest gifts god gave us, and that the gift deserves reverence.

i am not suggesting that your reason for having sex should be to procreate. i'm suggesting that, DUH, procreation is a natural result of having sex, so instead of trying to deny that or circumvent it, DEAL WITH IT.

circumventing it is a good way of dealing with it. I fornicate all of the time and have no babies nor any abortions.
are you fucking kidding me?!?!

abortion is the bullshit solution to the desire to NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for your own sexual behavior.

i would rather these women take some accountability for their actions. why is that not an option??


that's what i'm suggesting.

so what about rape victims? The child is still innocent right?
Well, I'm not sure that's admirable or what. But for a normal, psychologically healthy human being, foregoing sex on principle is just not an option. In fact, sexual repression has been shown to be quite harmful to individuals and societies in general.

Yes, take the whole Catholic priest sex abuse thing as one shining example of what abstinence can cause.
Not everyone suffers from that mild form of schizophrenia that causes you to believe in God. You might, but don't push it on us as 'morality'.

The fact that something is natural doesn't mean you have to see it through and not try to alter it. Death in childbirth is natural, should we 'deal with it' rather than try and prevent a mother from hemorrhaging to death?

yes and we're also destroying the planet with pollution for the same reasons, but the fact that we have these reasons doesn't make it right or beneficial to anyone.

and all of this "zygote/fetus timeline, legality, rape, death during childbirth" bullshit is just that, bullshit. because i know that the majority of abortions are not in response to rape, or for health/medical reasons. the majority of abortions are the result of blatent sexual irresponsibility.
are you fucking kidding me?!?!

abortion is the bullshit solution to the desire to NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for your own sexual behavior.

i would rather these women take some accountability for their actions. why is that not an option??


that's what i'm suggesting.

Hahaha. I love how you're avoiding my questions then throwing a temper tantrum.

Abortion is a lot more responsible than having an unwanted child then turning it over to social services to hopefully be adopted by a loving and stable new mom and dad. Hopefully being the operative word there.

You haven't addressed the examples I used either. In the case of the 13 year old girl, having the baby would DAMAGE HER. You would have her undergo that, out of 'responsibility'? You would expect someone to have a child they cannot afford to look after...that's responsible, to you? Bullshit.

Nice of you to call me a whore. I wish I were, I can't get a guy whose EYES align, let alone a decent looking one. I haven't had sex in 2 years. :D
so what about rape victims? The child is still innocent right?

yeah, of course. and honestly, if i were raped today, and ended up pregnant because of it, i would give birth to that child, and i would love and care for that child.


because i can, and because it's the right thing to do. because i believe in the power of love, and i believe in god. and i don't have to live my life perpetuating a victimization. for all i know, that motherfucker who raped me could have done me and my child a big favor. he could have brought us together. a child is a blessing. and anything that contradicts that, is wrong.
are you fucking kidding me?!?!

abortion is the bullshit solution to the desire to NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for your own sexual behavior.

i would rather these women take some accountability for their actions. why is that not an option??


that's what i'm suggesting.
The only problem here, again, is this. Let's assume that it is irresponsible behavior. So is drinking too much. So is driving and eating cheeseburgerz. We've shown that early term abortion harms no one (not saying that the decision may not be very hard for the mother) since the zygote/fetus is not even a person.

The practical outcome is that the population as a whole will NEVER subscribe to abstinence and abortion is still a viable way to limit suffering due to pregnancy throughout the world. Abortion has it's risks. A woman is ~13 times more likely to die from full-term birth than from getting a T1-T2 abortion. And some amount at risk from the abortion procedure (don't know the numbers). Clearly NO pregnancy is the least risk path, but also the least realistic in underdeveloped countries.
yes and we're also destroying the planet with pollution for the same reasons, but the fact that we have these reasons doesn't make it right or beneficial to anyone.

and all of this "zygote/fetus timeline, legality, rape, death during childbirth" bullshit is just that, bullshit. because i know that the majority of abortions are not in response to rape, or for health/medical reasons. the majority of abortions are the result of blatent sexual irresponsibility.

Um...not having a baby is somehow equivalent to destroying the planet in morality????????

So you're God and you're always right and your judgements are law.

You don't fucking get it. Before a certain time that lump of gelatine inside you is not a being. Since it's not a being, it seems okay to flush the thing out.
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