
Do You Believe in Abortion

  • Yes, its my body, its my right

    Votes: 23 41.1%
  • Yes, I Have Had One And It Made My Life Better

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • Yes (other reason)

    Votes: 19 33.9%
  • No, Wheres the Babys Rights? He/She is an American Too

    Votes: 6 10.7%
  • No, It is Murder

    Votes: 10 17.9%
  • No, (Other Reason)

    Votes: 5 8.9%

  • Total voters
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Any abortion or even pregnancy can have its risks. Most abortions are quite safe when they are done in a reputable clinic which is the norm when they are legal. Women risk hemorrhaging, infection and sometimes if its really botched the inability to ever have children. Bells before I believe also pointed out that if they don't get all the fetus matter it can lead to a D&C procedure.

They are not supposed to be really physically unpleasant. Women generally say its like having a really really bad period after the fact, of course they will bleed

Is abortion less risky than pregnancy? i would think it is... But some of those risks you described sound pretty bad.

And- in ohter words- Very unpleasant.
Doesn't seem like it would be a first choice reaction...
To say nothing of bosses who blackmail their female employees to have sex with them or lose their job.

Europe? Europe is a continent so please tell us which countries in Europe blackmail their female employees to have sex or lose their job? And please make sure you back it up with references.

Never heard such rubbish!
Is abortion less risky than pregnancy? i would think it is... But some of those risks you described sound pretty bad.

And- in ohter words- Very unpleasant.
Doesn't seem like it would be a first choice reaction...

Yes. Definitely less risky than pregnancy. The risks I highlighted are low and usually only take place in the old back alley abortion clinics when they are illegal. Abortions today are very safe mostly because they are legal and operate under very high medical standards.
Is abortion less risky than pregnancy? i would think it is... But some of those risks you described sound pretty bad.

And- in ohter words- Very unpleasant.
Doesn't seem like it would be a first choice reaction...

There are risks involved with every single surgical procedure.

After I had an emergency c-section for my second child, they thought I and the child were going to die - just prior to the operation itself and I came very near death immediately after. I have vague recollections of my husband leaning over me in recovery (they brought him in because they thought it was best to at that time) sobbing after I asked him if the baby had made it. Then within 6 hours, I started to haemorrage. My son spent around 3-4 days in intensive care and I spent about 2 -3 days in intensive care. My mother's best friend went through natural child birth and it was so botched that she was never able to conceive again. I was told I should never have any more children after I had my second child due to the botched nature of a misdiagnosed low placenta and the internal damage it caused when it burst (thankfully I was being induced at the time and was in hospital when it happened or we'd have both died before the ambulance would have gotten to my house).

You bleed after childbirth, be it natural or c-section, just as you bleed after you have an abortion. You also run the risk of infection with both types of childbirth, as you do if you have an abortion.

How can this be put.. Any tampering down there, be it natural childbirth, c-section or abortions or even the use of IUD's can affect a woman's chance to reproduce later on. An abortion is apparently less traumatic on the body and is classified as day surgery (much akin to a D & C, where they simply suck out the contents of the uterus - although a D & C also involves some scraping and shaving of the uterine wall if there are uterine fibroids for example).
Yes. Definitely less risky than pregnancy. The risks I highlighted are low and usually only take place in the old back alley abortion clinics when they are illegal. Abortions today are very safe mostly because they are legal and operate under very high medical standards.

Thanks for answering.
I had just had this thought that there are far easier and less invasive methods than abortion...
Thanks for answering.
I had just had this thought that there are far easier and less invasive methods than abortion...

Well there are herbal abortions and Bells mentioned something about taking two months worth of hormone contraceptive pills to abort but I don't know the details of the latter. I do know that herbal abortions are extremely painful because the body literally goes through labour but I would imagine that both those methods can only be done within a certain time frame but I don't know what that would be. Probably the first trimester I would guess.

Bells at what stage do they use the pills? And would it be like the herbal remedy where they go through all the cramping etc.?
Well there are herbal abortions and Bells mentioned something about taking two months worth of hormone contraceptive pills to abort but I don't know the details of the latter. I do know that herbal abortions are extremely painful because the body literally goes through labour but I would imagine that both those methods can only be done within a certain time frame but I don't know what that would be. Probably the first trimester I would guess.

Bells at what stage do they use the pills? And would it be like the herbal remedy where they go through all the cramping etc.?

It's usually in the first few weeks. It, like some herbs, will bring on a period.

I mean I remember during pregnancy being told to avoid certain herbs, even burning certain candles with certain herbs or perfumes in them as it can be an abortificant.
It's usually in the first few weeks. It, like some herbs, will bring on a period.

I mean I remember during pregnancy being told to avoid certain herbs, even burning certain candles with certain herbs or perfumes in them as it can be an abortificant.

You're shitting me! Candles and perfumes? :eek: Okay thanks that's another bit of information I have never heard. You know when you think of all that can go wrong its surprising that there are any of us here at all:p
I would like to address Bells here. I joined this forum because I found the discussion interesting. I also found some other topics that I am sure Neverfly will have no interest in getting into that I will be posting on. I assure you, if I had come on here just to personally attack you, I would have done so from the get go. You will also find in time that I may say something, pose a question and not be deeply convincted on the statement. Why? Because I like to get other people to think. Devil's advocate so to speak. Also, before you address some of my comments, you should read ALL of my comments before you pick them apart. Read deeply, my answers are there. Also, if I make a mistake, say something that is off and a person can clearly and rationally show me, I will freely admit it.
I would like to address Bells here. I joined this forum because I found the discussion interesting. I also found some other topics that I am sure Neverfly will have no interest in getting into that I will be posting on. I assure you, if I had come on here just to personally attack you, I would have done so from the get go. You will also find in time that I may say something, pose a question and not be deeply convincted on the statement. Why? Because I like to get other people to think. Devil's advocate so to speak. Also, before you address some of my comments, you should read ALL of my comments before you pick them apart. Read deeply, my answers are there. Also, if I make a mistake, say something that is off and a person can clearly and rationally show me, I will freely admit it.

The accusation she is now making is that I brought you on here in order to support MY arguments in the thread.
So that you know...
You're shitting me! Candles and perfumes? Okay thanks that's another bit of information I have never heard. You know when you think of all that can go wrong its surprising that there are any of us here at all

Yeah, I remember being told to never burn incense unless I was sure it was pure as some herbs that are regularly mixed in with some or certain perfumes can be classified as an abortificant. I never drank herbal teas either, for the same reasons. Some herbs can be abortificants.

At the time I had no idea. I'm not one for burning incense and stuff, but yeah, even stuff like certain massage oils had to be avoided if they contained certain herbs.

Yellow Jacket said:
I would like to address Bells here. I joined this forum because I found the discussion interesting. I also found some other topics that I am sure Neverfly will have no interest in getting into that I will be posting on. I assure you, if I had come on here just to personally attack you, I would have done so from the get go. You will also find in time that I may say something, pose a question and not be deeply convincted on the statement. Why? Because I like to get other people to think. Devil's advocate so to speak. Also, before you address some of my comments, you should read ALL of my comments before you pick them apart. Read deeply, my answers are there. Also, if I make a mistake, say something that is off and a person can clearly and rationally show me, I will freely admit it.


Oh my Lord you're serious..

Okay.. this has me :bawl: with laughter!

Wonderful! Now, can you please answer the questions I asked you earlier on in this thread. Thank you kindly.:) I don't dare address anything you or Neverfly will say without direct clarification, lest I am accused of misrepresenting you. My questions are very clear and to the point.

Neverfly said:
The accusation she is now making is that I brought you on here in order to support MY arguments in the thread.
So that you know...

Oh dearie me. You take the cake!

*Pinches your cheeks*

Here is a list of herbs that should be avoided or only taken in moderation during pregnancy. It is quite extensive. I basically avoided anything that was not safe to use in smaller doses, like thyme, basil, oregano, garlic and ginger. Made eating during pregnancy even more boring. And this is why I avoided all herbal teas as well to be honest, because sometimes what you buy over the counter would include other stuff that could be deemed dangerous.


My obstetrician used to advise his patients to use olive oil for massage. Just made me feel like I was part of a salad dressing to be honest.:p

Here is a list of herbs that should be avoided or only taken in moderation during pregnancy. It is quite extensive. I basically avoided anything that was not safe to use in smaller doses, like thyme, basil, oregano, garlic and ginger. Made eating during pregnancy even more boring. And this is why I avoided all herbal teas as well to be honest, because sometimes what you buy over the counter would include other stuff that could be deemed dangerous.


My obstetrician used to advise his patients to use olive oil for massage. Just made me feel like I was part of a salad dressing to be honest.:p

I'm blown away by the list. I mean it includes aloe vera, golden seal, chili, sage, and a whole host of herbs that I have used regularly or from time to time.

So how did you formulate your diet? I mean did you just avoid all seasoning save salt? What about foods? Were there any foods you couldn't eat for health reasons?
I'm blown away by the list. I mean it includes aloe vera, golden seal, chili, sage, and a whole host of herbs that I have used regularly or from time to time.

So how did you formulate your diet? I mean did you just avoid all seasoning save salt? What about foods? Were there any foods you couldn't eat for health reasons?

Most edible herbs were alright if you didn't go overboard with it. And with the rest, just had to be very careful and check everything I consumed or used cosmetically.

From what I understood, the main risk came with some herbal teas or herbal supplements that could include other herbs, as well as stuff like burning oil and incense and massage oils.
If the couple is that involved together in all these things, then they probably will make the decision together.

More importantly, by the time the question is about abortion, we have already failed. I don't mean responsibly, I mean society has failed to provide cheap, easy, convenient birth control. We need a male pill.

LOL! That's it, we have been looking at it all wrong!! Male pill, genious!! :worship:
i apologize for this post of mine. Still learning how to quote and i can't delete it for some reason.
Last edited:

It would help if you ascribed the quotes to Tiassa so he will know you are responding to him directly otherwise it all reads as one post or rather with you having a conversation with yourself, in any case it will come across as confusing if someone doesn't know which quotes and ideas belong to whom.
A few notes on posting

Yellow Jacket said:

i apologize to this post of mine. Still learning how to quote and i can't delete it for some reason.

I wanted to offer you a few pieces of unsolicited advice.

• Write your posts in a text editor (e.g., Notepad or Word Pad for Windows), then copy and paste to the Sciforums input window. This just helps you see more of what you're doing, and protects the data against a browser crash.

• Use the "Go Advanced" feature under the Quick Reply window. It allows you to preview your post layout (although the primary font is still Lucida instead of Georgia), and offers several shortcuts to help you learn the markup tags. I mention this specifically because a member who has been around for a while last year revealed, in what I considered a striking moment, that he had never actually seen that screen.

• All our tags use square brackets. Thus—

It would help if you ascribed the quotes to Tiassa ....[/quote]​


Lucysnow said:
It would help if you ascribed the quotes to Tiassa ....

Some common tags and their effects: [b], [i], [u], [s].

When you achieve twenty posts, you'll be able to include links. These are bookended by [url] and [/url]. If you use [url=(link)] and [/url], you can hyperlink the text between the tags. For instance: this is Yellow Jacket's post #437 (click me).

There are more, of course, but if you get the hang of those, you'll be doing at least as well, if not better, than many around here.​

It would help if you ascribed the quotes to Tiassa so he will know you are responding to him directly otherwise it all reads as one post or rather with you having a conversation with yourself, in any case it will come across as confusing if someone doesn't know which quotes and ideas belong to whom.

I sent her a PM using the noparse tags to give a quick tutorial.

no parse does this:

ETA: Tiassa already has posted an excellent tutorial -- nevermind:p


Oh dearie me. You take the cake!

*Pinches your cheeks*

Yes, you had. I quote you here:
To which I replied, please, ask them to join.

Now, this may not look too great for you to be honest because they appear to be advocating something you have said you do not. Now your friend has dropped herself/himself into a complete and utter crapstorm.
What does what they post have to do with the purpose of demonstrating I had not lied- when you asked me to have Mods check IP etc...
So she/he joined to demonstrate that you had not lied and that's not joining to support you? Okay.:)

Implied it further later in another post here:
I would not expect a 31 year old man or woman to run to friends because someone is seeking clarification from you on an internet forum.
This one only implies and seems to be written with intent to insult. Perhaps it doesn't imply what I think.

I'll let others figure that out.
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