Aboriginal child abuse and the NT Intervention

i think it would be like wow if bells and foley indulged in a mutual apology.
y'know...be amicable and shit
think of all the fun you fuckers could have....strip mine some abo land....steal some abo kids...pocket their wages :D
Brian Foley said:
You cannot be an Australian you were not born here...


You don't believe that people who weren't born in Australia can become Australian citizens?

Or do you think it's just not right that the government allows that kind of thing?

You know, "Brian Foley" doesn't sound like an Aboriginal name to me. I'm guessing you're not Aboriginal, which means that somewhere in your family tree there must be some immigrants to Australia. Obviously, by your argument, they couldn't ever become Australian.

But maybe it only takes one generation to become Australian. You just have to make sure that if you're an immigrant that your children are born in Australia. Then they'll be true-blue Aussies just like you, Brian. Is that right?
You cannot be an Australian you were not born here, I can tell by your sterile posting you havent a clue as to what you are talking about, its all defensive claptrap mixed with psycho-babble, your hatred for SAM is clearly evident. You are not honest to say that SAM and Gustav are correct.

So you can only be "Australian" if you were born here and white? Or can you only be an Australian if you live here and are white? Which is it Brian?

Are you saying that being a citizen of this country for probably longer than you've been alive does not make me an "Australian"?

You are so mixed up in my ethnicity that your little lies are showing you racist troll. I am not being defensive, you are. You entered this debate defensive. If you don't want me to throw your racist white supremacist tendencies in your face, I'd suggest you stop being a white supremacist. It really is quite simple.

Where did I say I hate Sam? Sam probably knows me better than most on this forum and she also knows that what I say here stays here and we have never not been friends, even if we disagree in the forums.

You must be a member of that forum, Geoff P got involved immediately, that was the dead give away. Geoff P and The Devil set up several accounts in my name on different forums, in some attempt to portray me as a Jew Hater, we got them exposed on SFD forums, I left the source on the last thread. Your excuse of doing research on rightwing forums was utterly ridiculous, a lie. As I told you I dont give a shit what you think, people I PMed here are satisfied.
I am actually not a member of that forum. The search function is open to non members you idiot. Geoff? What does Geoff have to do with anything? Have you missed the memo that Geoff and I don't get along and never ever agree? No? Why would I get them to create accounts in your name? I didn't even know Geoff and any others when you first joined that particular forum.. You've been a member there for a long time, haven't you? Paranoid much? What? Do you think there's some great conspiracy to make you look bad?

I don't need to portray you as anything. You are a bigot. You don't need me to portray you as one. Are you embarrassed that the real you has been brought to light? Does it upset you? I do research on such things. Do you know why? I am actively involved in human rights groups in this country who do write about how such groups affect society and also how they affect the political landscape. It is a point of interest for many of us in the legal field in Australia. Do you know why? Because lately there has been an upsurge in racial violence in this country and such sites are often a good indication of what white supremacists like you think.

I have known you were a member of those other forums for a long time now Brian. Your hypocrisy got so galling that I could no longer say nothing. Don't like it? Tough luck. I know you for what you are and what you are is a racist and a bigot who is into the whole white supremacist shit. I mean look at you in this thread, accusing me, someone you once asked if I was black, of not being Australian because I was not born here. You have questioned me about my colour several times in this forum Brian. It is further proof of your bigotry and racism.

Not me, only your sockpuppet, only you speak in derogatory terms of Aborigines.
You mean like when you refered to them as a "Boong" was it? And then commented about how they were covered in snot and flies? Don't lie Brian. I'm not a bigot. You are. And I also do not lie. You, on the other hand, do. Now, it seems to me that you are saying that I joined that forum as a sockpuppet (in your name), when one considers I didn't even know you or of you on this forum or any other forum until you joined here and you'd been a member there for longer than I've known you. So yeah, can the lies.

This is me being tired of your hypocrisy and lies. Don't like it? Stop lying and stop being such a hypocrite.

What disgusting unfounded racist stereotypical description of Aborigines, obviously you have no knowledge of how they live
As opposed to when you said they are covered in snot and flies?

It is not stereotypical at all. That is the state of some of their houses. I have seen houses owned by whites in similar states. Aboriginals have an excuse.. lack of plumbing, clean water and education. Europeans who leave houses in a state of ruin do not have the same excuse..

And the result of that is seen in the diseases and illnesses that those living in Aboriginal communities are more prone to getting. If they had access to clean water and proper plumbing and education about hygiene, it might alleviate the issue, but they do not. These are major risk factors and what as a community we all have to combat. Your saying it is racist to address it shows your idiocy and your own racism. I am starting to think that you want there to be an "us" vs "them" - so that you can claim superiority based solely on your colour.

Not at all, not me, my parents are Irish as well as Nationalist Irish in their struggle for their land, how could I not support the Aboriginals. I would like to see the Aborigines get all their land back, doesnt bother me. I spent the best part of my life in the Territory, I am the only one on this thread who brought up Native Title because I know all about what happens, I brought in Ilpeye Ilpeye, you had no knowledge of it. You were not even aware that the Australian Goverment had to suspend the Racial Discrimination Act to bring in the intervention, its a Fucking invasion. You dont know what you are talking about, you dont fool me either.
Which shows how little you read the thread. We'd been discussing Native Title and the Intervention for a long time, basically since the start. The Government overriding the Racial Discrimination Act has also been discussed at length. Seems to me you have no idea what has actually been discussed in this thread.

You presented an article about the Ilpeye Ilpeye community without actually having read the article properly. Boo hoo for you. They are also not the only community electing to have private and individual ownership of land as well as Native Title land combined.

Now, for some reason, their privately owning land as individuals offends you. I think it's great. Do you know why? Because it gives them greater protection over said land, protection that NT does not give them. There should be a lot more of it.

Gustav said:
i think it would be like wow if bells and foley indulged in a mutual apology.
y'know...be amicable and shit
I don't apologise to racist and bigots of his kind. They are beneath contempt as far as I am concerned.:mad:

You don't believe that people who weren't born in Australia can become Australian citizens?
Citizenship and Land of birth 2 different things.
Then they'll be true-blue Aussies just like you, Brian. Is that right?
Oh no, not me James, I have lived in a few other countries and continents, thats why I have developed a more honest and open way of seeing this world.
***YAWN*** Save your keypad from wear, I caught you out, bigot.
Are we agreed, that in order to implement the Northern Territory National Emergency Response Act 2007 suspension of the Racial Discrimination Act of 1975 was required. Which means this was a racially motivated action against Aborigines, by the Australian Government.
Citizenship and Land of birth 2 different things.

Ya.. Again, this proves how much of a bigot you are.

Oh no, not me James, I have lived in a few other countries and continents, thats why I have developed a more honest and open way of seeing this world.

You mean living in other countries turned you into a white supremacist? Is that your excuse?

***YAWN*** Save your keypad from wear, I caught you out, bigot.
Caught me out how? Where? Link where I was a member of any white supremacist sites. You, on the other hand are all over them like a fucking rash.

Are we agreed, that in order to implement the Northern Territory National Emergency Response Act 2007 suspension of the Racial Discrimination Act of 1975 was required. Which means this was a racially motivated action against Aborigines, by the Australian Government.
How dim are you?

point was never a point of contention in this thread. Go back and read the thread and stop wasting our time.
How dim are you?
Your a Loon

The real question here is have you ever been out of your adopted Australian city, you know absolutely nothing about Aborigines, active in human rights, bollocks.

point was never a point of contention in this thread. Go back and read the thread and stop wasting our time.
If you care to follow this thread, it has been a point of contention in this thread since post #261, you know my answer to Gustav, where you joined in, its obvious your out of your depths here.
in queensland, some positive developments in 08...
BRISBANE -- New laws have been passed by the Queensland parliament allowing for the compulsory acquisition of Indigenous land to build essential services such as schools, hospitals and police stations. The reforms to the Land Act 1994 and the Aboriginal Land Act and Torres Strait Islander Land Act, passed late last night, have been described as "historic" by Natural Resources and Water Minister Craig Wallace.

Earmarked last month, the changes make Indigenous and non-Indigenous land subject to the same acquisition law. Approximately 32 Indigenous communities will be affected by the new laws, with Yarrabah, Palm Island and Hopevale likely to be the first to introduce the new leases.

The reforms had been criticised by prominent aboriginal leader Noel Pearson, who said he feared they would be used to allow Indigenous areas to be mined with no economic benefit to the traditional owners.

However, compulsory acquisition powers in the bill had been amended during parliamentary debate, Mr Wallace said. "Compulsory acquisition can only be used for a public purpose and not for a third party," he said.​

do the other states have similar clauses?
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you know whats ammusing about all this, compulsory aquasition is a fact of life for everyone else, its just harder for aborigional land. If the goverment decideds they want to build a road or airport through your land tough, you only have 2 choices, sell on there terms or wait for them to compulsory aquire your land under the "just terms" provisions of the consitution. Now you say fair enough for essential public assests, why should a major nessary freeway or hospital not be built because some little old lady refuses to move but these same laws can be used to start mining if they find something they want on your land because you only own the top meter or so. Aborigionals have alot more protection from this than the rest of us do, sam talks about ensuring that all laws are equal then fine, why not make the complsory aquisition laws easier for goverment and private industry? isnt that the "fair" thing to do?
you know whats ammusing about all this, compulsory aquasition is a fact of life for everyone else, its just harder for aborigional land. If the goverment decideds they want to build a road or airport through your land tough, you only have 2 choices, sell on there terms or wait for them to compulsory aquire your land under the "just terms" provisions of the consitution. Now you say fair enough for essential public assests, why should a major nessary freeway or hospital not be built because some little old lady refuses to move but these same laws can be used to start mining if they find something they want on your land because you only own the top meter or so. Aborigionals have alot more protection from this than the rest of us do, sam talks about ensuring that all laws are equal then fine, why not make the complsory aquisition laws easier for goverment and private industry? isnt that the "fair" thing to do?

Depends on why they are doing it. What would Australians think of the US converting Australia to their overseas military base in return for plenty of economic quid pro quo? Would a better lifestyle be worth giving up your right to self determination? Would you be willing to give up your land and identity and be transferred somewhere else in return for money or profit?

The problem is not so much about who has the right to do what - might can become right and even anti-discrimination laws set aside when political ambitions supercede - the question is that unless the aboriginals have self determination, any act done even as a "favour" to them is basically a slap in the face which undermines their freedom to decide for themselves what they want.
Your a Loon

And you're a white supremacist.

The real question here is have you ever been out of your adopted Australian city, you know absolutely nothing about Aborigines, active in human rights, bollocks.
My dear boy, I have travelled the world as well as extensively in Australia. I have taken extensive studies of Aboriginal communities and tribal laws. I am also a participant in several human rights, several of which are Indigenous, human rights laws in Australia. Unlike you, I don't shudder and call black people simian.

If you care to follow this thread, it has been a point of contention in this thread since post #261, you know my answer to Gustav, where you joined in, its obvious your out of your depths here.
No retard, you make it even more plainly obvious that you have not been participating in or reading this thread at all. I joined this thread from post number 4. It was never once a point of contention until you took it upon yourself to say that it was.
Depends on why they are doing it. What would Australians think of the US converting Australia to their overseas military base in return for plenty of economic quid pro quo? Would a better lifestyle be worth giving up your right to self determination? Would you be willing to give up your land and identity and be transferred somewhere else in return for money or profit?
You mean like Diego Garcia? Only the compensation they were supposed to get went missing when the Mauritian Government received it and didn't pass it on..

Normally in Australia, or in Queensland anyway, if there is compulsory acquisition, then you would normally be paid quite a bit for your land, usually well over the market value and it is usually for building infrastructure. I think what Asguard meant is that if the land to be acquired has any significance for Aboriginals, even with no Native Title, it can become quite difficult for the department attempting to acquire the land. As opposed to me, for example, when they wanted to demolish a number of houses for a freeway extension, I did not get a say in the matter. I was told my house and land would be acquired by such and such a date and they were willing to pay me this much for it, etc.

That is what the link that Gus provided was discussing. It's another safeguard of Native land against 3rd party acquisition basically.

The problem is not so much about who has the right to do what - might can become right and even anti-discrimination laws set aside when political ambitions supercede - the question is that unless the aboriginals have self determination, any act done even as a "favour" to them is basically a slap in the face which undermines their freedom to decide for themselves what they want.
That is the point at the crux of the matter. As with the intervention, they took a few suggestions from some elders for their own individual communities and applied it for all in the NT. Those other communities were rarely given a say in the matter. Instead of looking at the child abuse situation on a case by case basis, they approached it by lobbing all Aboriginals in the one group. It was akin to the mass 'evacuation' of that Mormon sect that had been accused of possible child abuse.

Personally I think it is a waste of public resources to enforce dry zones. The alcohol gets in regardless.. The funds used to maintain that would go better towards improving health and education in individual communities. Spend it on education and counselling for alcoholics and their families.

The problem is not so much about who has the right to do what - might can become right and even anti-discrimination laws set aside when political ambitions supercede - the question is that unless the aboriginals have self determination, any act done even as a "favour" to them is basically a slap in the face which undermines their freedom to decide for themselves what they want.
Bells it goes further than that though, if I find gold (as an example) on my land that's to bad, I can't get it because I don't own the soil and it would probably be about a month before bhp got the government to aquire my house. Aboriginal land on the other hand (and I don't mean houses in the cities oviously) is owned straight down as I understand it, ie they own the minerals too
Are you sure that is not your sock puppet, and not GeoffP's creation... You have an extremely low opinion of Aborigines as 'Feral people'

'How do you get the message across when these children refuse to attend school? Signs on the road? Excellent! Until it gets torn down and/or covered in spray paint and god knows what else. '

'Are the people living in some communities feral? Yes. When shit is smeared on walls and houses destroyed, cars burnt or attacked as they drive past....'

'There is a feral culture - many of it exists around Byron Bay and Nimbin, where people live, quite literally, like ferals - shit in the woods and wipe your arse with leaves kind of feral. And they are called "ferals". They wear the title with pride amongst their unwashed masses.'

Post 208

How you didnt lose your moderator status over this racist rant against Aborigines is incredible.

Are you sure that is not your sock puppet, and not GeoffP's creation... You have an extremely low opinion of Aborigines as 'Feral people'
Yes Brian. Back in 2008, I decided that I'd start posting in all these white supremacist sites under your name, for me to then confront you with it and pretend it's you in 2010 - you see, this thread, everything was all part of the plan - to get you. Sam and I planned this thread, back in 2008, so that I could then confront you with the white supremacist sites in 2010...

I have a very low opinion of "Ferals" in general, be they the ones in Nimbin who refuse to work and live solely on the dole to live out their fantasy of shitting in the woods and smoking weed for a living, to the ones who live in houses and smear shit up the walls (and they are from all races). Having owned and rented homes to people who have done that, I cannot tell you how heartbreaking it is to see that done to any house. The cost of the repairs to make the house fit for human habitation again is high and trusting people again after that is quite difficult. Which is why most of the homes I own are now reserved for charity and to provide housing for refugees and safe houses for battered women. Never had a single problem since then.

If you find it offensive that I refer to people who smear their leavings on the wall and in the kitchen cupboards as "feral", then that's your problem not mine.

I'll put it into perspective for you though. I have a higher opinion of ferals than I have of you. So people who smear their shit up the walls rate higher in my opinion than you do.

How you didnt lose your moderator status over this racist rant against Aborigines is incredible.
Refer to above.
bells dear
can you get elected if you are pro abo?

Sydney residents rally against coal seam gas mining

Carrying signs such as "Coal seam gas stinks", "Gas mining under Sydney Park - no fracking way!", and "Gutless government giving in to gas", over 400 local residents and supporters rallied on December 19 at Sydney Park to protest the NSW government's secretive approval for exploratory drilling for coal seam gas (CSG) mining in the inner-western suburb of St Peters.

Local resident Glenda Jackson, who lives 200 metres from the exploration site, expressed fury at the lack of community consultation. The State Government gave approval for Macquarie Energy subsidary Apollo Gas to engage in CSG exploration without any consultation of residents or communities, without any examination by the government's own Department of Environment, and even the Sydney City and Marrickville Councils, which both border the location of the proposed gas exploration drilling, were kept in the dark. Jackson received her first "consultation letter" the day before the rally - nine months after the government had approved the drilling.

"The time for action is now - if we don't act, Australia will become a giant quarry", fifth generation farmer from the Liverpool Plains, Tim Duddy, told the rally​
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i wanted whitey to know i feel his pain
I think our New Australian from Africa has psychiatric issues, Feral people = Mud People?

Whitey downunder apprciates your concern, but wants Gustav to know that his Goverment treats him like a mushroom, kept in the dark and fed on bullshit.