A world with a loving God.

You didn’t create that property for wasps and snakes to live on.
That’s only your property in a legal sense. Nothing in this material world belongs to you.
You are simply a guest, in God’s manifestation.
Try again,

You demonstrate two things with that response, the first being your inability to grasp the example I gave, which does not compare me to God and secondly, your ongoing inability to distinguish the meaning of words in the English language, which was the reason for the example.
Stop putting yourself down.
It’s the times we live.
I think so.
Maybe you need to re-check, so you can comment more accurately.
Of course I am not serious I thought that was clear.
Another thing I like about your character.
So your saying that I am an atheist.
That’s my whole point.
It starts with that.
Once that is established in your mind, you can’t go beyond being an atheist. Everything is coloured atheist. You need to come out of it to comprehend God.
Ray Comfort?
He doesn’t accept the “theory” of evolution (darwinism). He accept “evolution”.
I know there are those who say the whole thing is evolution, including darwinism. But that’s them trying to catch a ride on something that is real, observable, and accepted by all without exception.
I know I am not smart but it's great you get some benefit.
Now who’s putting them self down?
You live out in the sticks don’t you, and you’re not in the best of health. If ever you have to be smart, that’s it. I’m a city dweller. How long do you think I’d survive in that situation, without help and guidance from someone like yourself.
Plus a I’ve seen some of your photos, and I think they are really good, and artistic.
Just because, like me, you don’t know a heap of fancy words, or complexities of mathematics and science, doesn’t mean your not smart. I have a story that encapsulates that. One day I may bore you by telling it.

It was a theist who coined the term “science”, let alone anything else.

It's truly amazing the number of things you get wrong, but pray tell, who was that person, what was their name and what was their religion, since you claim to believe you know?
You demonstrate two things with that response, the first being your inability to grasp the example I gave, which does not compare me to God and secondly, your ongoing inability to distinguish the meaning of words in the English language, which was the reason for the example.
You compared your with idea of the love of God I put forward. You likened allowing wasps and snake to live in your property was no more an act of love, than God allowing His souls to live in a material world.

Secondly you are simply buying into this mischaracterisation of me changing the English language to suit my purpose. An illusion popularised by James R.
But you, he, or anyone, has yet to show this is the case.
Evolution is fine. Everybody in the world accepts it. Darwinism is whack.

Please then, do us the honor of briefly explaining in your own words the difference between the two and why one is accepted and the other is whack?
Please then, do us the honor of briefly explaining in your own words the difference between the two and why one is accepted and the other is whack?
It’s of no interest to me to do that.
Already done that.
One is real, the other is a passenger.
Maybe you can explain why you think I’m wrong.
You compared your with idea of the love of God I put forward. You likened allowing wasps and snake to live in your property was no more an act of love, than God allowing His souls to live in a material world.

It was an example showing your inability to distinguish the meaning of words in the English language.

Secondly you are simply buying into this mischaracterisation of me changing the English language to suit my purpose. An illusion popularised by James R.
But you, he, or anyone, has yet to show this is the case.

Lol. The dictionary proves you've changed the words to suit your purpose, which would be yet more proof you have yet to crack one open.

And, you continue to promote your deception.
An Atheist conspiracy? Yeahhh, that's it. Science is always falsifying things. They even admit it...;)
Okay let’s not indulge in the “big C” just as yet.
There may be a perfectly good reason to compile images into a composite image.
But it is possible they could want the world to believe the earth is round, and not flat. I mean, for some ridiculous reason, it is important, which could be a motive.
Not saying it’s true. But it is possible.
Do you agree?:)
It was an example showing your inability to distinguish the meaning of words in the English language.

Lol. The dictionary proves you've changed the words to suit your purpose, which would be yet more proof you have yet to crack one open.

And, you continue to promote your deception.

As expected. Not one example to back your illusion.
It’s of no interest to me

Nothing about knowledge, understanding and facts seems to be of no interest to you.

Maybe you can explain why you think I’m wrong.

I already did, many times, but once again, your failed memory kicks in. Why be so lazy as to not bother ever using a dictionary? Do you seriously believe the words allow and love are the same? Has the American education system failed you that badly?

All of this time, while you continued to promote your deception, you could have come up with other examples of Gods love, but failed to do that, as well.
So was Darwin, so what. Everyone was a theist back then.
No they weren’t.
If Darwin was a theist, he could never have gave the impression that God is superfluous to the origin of species. That’s something an atheist could, and would conjure up.