A world with a loving God.

Yep. You got it. Also expect him to redefine words, demand a re-quote of the entire conversation and deny that common English phrases mean what they mean. Eventually he gives up and moves on to his next deception.

It's like someone playing with a baby where they hold their hands over their face and say, "Where's the baby?" then open the hands, "There he is!" Jan seems to be treating us just like that as if we didn't know he's hiding his face behind his hands.
So, a guy walks on water, turns it into wine, dies and then comes back to life many centuries ago and you buy it hook, line and sinker, but a camera mounted on a space station taking videos of the Earth is doubtful. Truly amazing where your skepticism takes hold.
What your problem mate?
I asked a perfectly good question. I would like to know how he knows. Then I can know..
It's like someone playing with a baby where they hold their hands over their face and say, "Where's the baby?" then open the hands, "There he is!" Jan seems to be treating us just like that as if we didn't know he's hiding his face behind his hands.
Why don’t you just show where I’ve mistranslated instead of going through all this.
I bet you can’t. Can you?
So you cover up with nonsense.
Don’t worry, I won’t tell anybody of your inadequacies.
What your problem mate?
I asked a perfectly good question. I would like to know how he knows. Then I can know..

Oh, no problem at all, just wondering how it is you want answers to how people know things about reality, but when pressed for answers about how you know about the supernatural, it's all vague and disingenuous. No problem whatsoever.
Why don’t you just show where I’ve mistranslated instead of going through all this.
I bet you can’t. Can you?
So you cover up with nonsense.
Don’t worry, I won’t tell anybody of your inadequacies.

I'm curious, how many times does someone have to show you something? 25? 50? More?
No they weren’t.
If Darwin was a theist, he could never have gave the impression that God is superfluous to the origin of species. That’s something an atheist could, and would conjure up.
Perhaps you need to educate yourself on what the theory of evolution is? It tells us how life evolved and is far more then a theory and now an accepted fact. The Catholic church now accepts the theory of the evolution of life, as well as the BB.
You see Jan, what you are ignorant of is that the theory of the evolution of life does not tell us how life "started" that is called Abiogenesis. And of course the BB does not tell us how the universe started, only how it evolved from a hot dense state.
The church and presumably Darwin, hang their hat [and faith] on those facts and put the start of the universe and life down to your magic spaghetti monster of choice.
Science on the other hand continues with the research of knowledge of that which we still don't know the answers to.
Oh, no problem at all, just wondering how it is you want answers to how people know things about reality, but when pressed for answers about how you know about the supernatural, it's all vague and disingenuous. No problem whatsoever.
It’s not that it’s vague.
It that you are an atheist.
You are forced to reject and deny simply by being one.
1 would be satisfactory.
But 3 would show continuity, and most probably seal the deal.

Yet, I have pointed this out many times more than that.

Here, one more time. Allow does not mean love, check any dictionary. Got it this time?
Perhaps you need to educate yourself on what the theory of evolution is?
I know what the theory of evolution is, but go on.
It tells us how life evolved and is far more then a theory and now an accepted fact.
It tells first, that life evolved by this process, then it tells us how it evolved.
and is far more then a theory and now an accepted fact.
By those who accept it. That doesn’t make it a fact.
The Catholic church now accepts the theory of the evolution of life, as well as the BB.
Apparently the BB theory came via the Catholic Church. Atheists like to point out that the CC accepts evolution, as though it makes it credible. To some it is suspect, and holds no credibility.
You see Jan, what you are ignorant of is that the theory of the evolution of life does not tell us how life "started" that is called Abiogenesis.
I am aware of that.
Sorry if I gave another impression.
The church and presumably Darwin, hang their hat [and faith] on those facts and put the start of the universe and life down to your magic spaghetti monster of choice.
You was doing so well. Then you had to go calling God names.:redface:
Science on the other hand continues with the research of knowledge of that which we still don't know the answers to.

I accept your belief in evolution, but I don’t see it the way you do. Hope you can accept that.
It’s not that it’s vague.
It that you are an atheist.
You are forced to reject and deny simply by being one.

I am not forced to do anything of the sort. You provide vague, wishy-washy word salads to questions posed and I keep prodding for reasonable answers. You may have noticed others here have the same issue, yet you seem to think it's our problem we're not able to comprehend your responses. I even put up a video of kid who can provide answers that seem well beyond your capacity and ability. Not sure how that makes it my issue.
Yet, I have pointed this out many times more than that.

Here, one more time. Allow does not mean love, check any dictionary. Got it this time?
So how did come to the conclusion that I meant that it does?
It is because of God’s love that he allows us to dwell in His manifestation.
I know what the theory of evolution is, but go on.

It's like if I asked you detailed questions on how a turbo-fan jet engine worked, within minutes I would know if you knew what you were talking about. That's how we know you don't understand evolution. It's not like you can just fake it.
So how did come to the conclusion that I meant that it does?
It is because of God’s love that he allows us to dwell in His manifestation.

Allowing and loving are two different things, what I asked are examples of Gods love, not what he allows.
You need to come out of it to comprehend God.

I don't think that I need to do that.

I am open to any reasonable prospect put before me but I am incapable of accepting unsupported propositions coming from folk who did not know where the Sun went at night or put down illiness to demons. And taking the bible as an example of a holy book one might expect it to be absolutely correct given the claim that it's contents were inspired by god. Clearly it could not be so wrong and be inspired by any god. And to explain the active participation in our world of this god we get the nonsense about free will...I ask why suffering is part of the mix...oh free will etc humans fault not gods...oh and the flood..god made a bad batch of humans..what to do? Drown them like unwanted kittens..sure...this is as good a story these ancients could make up..well yes because they were early humans and that is as complex a plot they could manage...well actually the nicked the plot from an earlier civilization...mmm and the garden of Eden...not original at all.
Then we have Christianity...a casual study of history shows many human god cults prior to JC leading to no other conclusion that he was sort of just an Elvis impersonator...and clearly all these human gods were based on astrology...
If one studies history one finds that there is more evidence in support of no exodus for example which leaves it all hinting at being a myth.
I see reliance on a belief in a god as delussional and very negative. I think folk who believe (if indeed they actually believe as opposed to using religion for a political unity) are fundamentally flawed, firstly they are gullible in the extreme and secondly they use their belief system to avoid accepting personal responsibilty or to avoid thinking deeply about morality....or science.
Clearly scriptures are written by folk who do no more than express an opinion but then claim their babbling is devinely inspired which at best is a delusion at worst a terrible lie.
So one can reasonably cast aside all claims by humans that they know about god or that he even exists.
So if there is a god how do you find him...you can only speculate...you conclude there must be a creator? Why? Cause little human minds must relate to their experience which insists on a start to things...and then they need a creator or father...or as many cosmologies determined ...a cosmic egg..our big bang came from priests thinking about the various cultures who had invented the cosmic egg...
Although beyond human grasp the only rational observation dictates the universe must be eternal as the only alternative is to invent an unevidenced creator...
And all my words are speculation but I keep them as such and resist the urge theists fall victim to that speculation is a clear pathway to the truth.
Is there a god? As much as I doubt there could be I do not declare my speculation fact and that one thing is what separates me from a theist. I know I don't know. I know there are things I don't know that I don't know.
I will stick with being rational and accept personal responsibility for my actions, and hope humans can grow and shake off the superstition that imprisons most of them.
By those who accept it. That doesn’t make it a fact.
By the scientific methodology, observation and experimental data, it is fact.
Apparently the BB theory came via the Catholic Church. Atheists like to point out that the CC accepts evolution, as though it makes it credible. To some it is suspect, and holds no credibility.
Yes, Father George La-Maitre is referred to as the father of the BB. And of course those that find it suspect and without credibility, are still unable to offer an alternative that stands up to observational and experimental data as well as the BB.
I am aware of that.
Sorry if I gave another impression.
My fault...I havn't been a party to most of this thread.
You was doing so well. Then you had to go calling God names.:redface:
The point is Jan, which God?;)

I accept your belief in evolution, but I don’t see it the way you do. Hope you can accept that.
Certainly I accept that, just as I do with my Mrs. My only beef with some religious people, is that they want to come to science forums such as this, preaching non science, myth and fairy tale stories. I respect you for your beliefs otherwise.