A world with a loving God.

I think we do know this firsthand, since we have the ability now to visualize earth through NASA's equipment.
I still regard that as secondhand.
Firsthand would be me knowing it for myself.
I'm not following, can you expand on this?
The truth is immovable.
It never changes, under no circumstances.
It is always present, whether we’re aware of it or not. Truth is the end of search for knowledge.
Scientific facts, or proof, is a good way of knowing something, given the best understanding we have according to the evidence. It may be true, for now, and it may not, as new evidence could come to light at any moment.
So I accept NASA’s pictures as evidence of a global earth, but I don’t regard it as true.
One reason being that they admit to putting together photo composites to achieve the image we see.
Knowledge is usually based on facts, but I believe that one can have knowledge through faith. Do you agree?
I would say that facts are based in knowledge.
We have to know something, in order to progress.
I think many scientists would agree with you, here. In fact, many are fine saying ''we don't know what we don't know,'' while others take offense to religious people claiming the ''god of the gaps'' theory.
Some take offence to people claiming “evolution of the gaps” as well.
What does the coin represent, do you think?
It represents the struggle of the human being.
And you have the nerve to say darwinism is a science. :rolleyes:

"Darwinism is a theory of biological evolution developed by the English naturalist Charles Darwin (1809–1882) and others, stating that all species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase the individual's ability to compete, survive, and reproduce.

The term Darwinism is often used in the United States by promoters of creationism, notably by leading members of the intelligent design movement, as an epithet to attack evolution as though it were an ideology (an "ism") of philosophical naturalism, or atheism

Creationists use pejoratively the term Darwinism to imply that the theory has been held as true only by Darwin and a core group of his followers, whom they cast as dogmatic and inflexible in their belief." wiki

The link below is for your benefit, Jan, but I seriously doubt you'll bother to read it.

Strangely, theism can make a minor concession and become much more aligned with science.
Theism and science go hand in hand.
The discipline of science came about because of theism.
The obstacle in the entire God argument is "motive", which raises an irreconcilable problem of a "purposeful" intelligent sentience which has only spiritual properties and is somehow spread throughout the entire universe.
The “God argument” is concoction of atheists, because they deny God. The next step from denial, is to assert “there is no God. When they realised it was not trendy to be wilfully ignorant, they claimed there is no evidence for God. Now they just spout darwinism. *yawn*
Equating oxygen with darwinism.
Yep. Both got you to where you are now.
And you have the nerve to say darwinism is a science. :rolleyes:
And you are ignorant enough to think it isn't.

Of course, given that you've said you can't know God exists, God is in the same boat as the round earth theory (and evolutionary science) for you.
The “God argument” is concoction of atheists, because they deny God. The next step from denial, is to assert “there is no God. When they realised it was not trendy to be wilfully ignorant, they claimed there is no evidence for God. Now they just spout darwinism. *yawn*
Yawn....please say something interesting. I'm getting bored with your nonsense.
Yep. Both got you to where you are now.
Oxygen doesn’t get you to where you are.
As for darwinism, that’s just a materialistic philosophy at best. Not capable of doing anything other than to give another outlook.
The knowledge that it took to come up with the theory is on point. But the extrapolation is hopelessly lacking.
Because of theism? Lol. Giving credit where credit is not due, Jan?

Clearly science appears to seek truth although a scientist will say that it only seeks to model reality. Theists certainly model reality in their imagination but seem entirely casual about seeking truth. And such is evident when you take the time to provide an informative link for a theist and find that they don't read it, and such a common responce indicates they must follow the god story to the exclusion of anything that may show their reality to be false or misguided.
They fail to consider they could be wrong in their belief in their selected god, perhaps selected is a poor term as in most cases "their god "was put into their minds at an early age which has left them incapable of thinking rationally about their beliefs. What I find intriguing is the huge number of gods invented by humans, in the thousands, yet theists find their one selected god is real and that the other gods are all myths...not for a moment do they see how silly that appears to the atheist.
And a theist will not consider history and the environments that had humans inventing various gods.
I enjoy understanding how early hunters found gods to explain nature, how early farmers worshipped the Sun, how astrology underlies christianity and I most of all enjoy observing the behaviour of theists particularly their difficulty with science, their rejection of much science, and their faith that ancient scriptures are somehow superior to our modern tested knowledge. They have faith that unidentified ancient folk, who did not know where the Sun went at night, offer a better guide to understanding than anything that named qualified folk from our present era can offer, which simply reflects they are unaware of the impact of their indoctrination at an early age.
If Jan is truely a theist I would be surprised. Probably just here to encourage traffic.
It's hard to know with Jan..he seems so intelligent and one could, well I do, think he is actually an atheist trolling to get exposure upon the nonsense that is theism... To reject evolution suggests Jan is not being honest as casual investigation shows evolution has solid science in support.
Anyways as nice as it is to see this thread rolling along I am disappointed that the op has received little comment.
My take is that if there was a god who created us, in his image (isn't that just laughable..really think about that unsupported claim) could we not expect things to be just a little better in regard to human and animal suffering.
Could this god not be somewhat hands on ...so in a disaster everyone is saved not just one by way of a miracle from god.
However what a waste of time spending any time at all thinking about something that almost certainly does not exist, .... The universe can only be eternal with no start..no creation..no creator...even the big bang theory can not take us to a point where there was not something. Is the suggestion more to the point that there always has been something? ...how do you fit creation or a creator in that presumable reality.
Jan believes that his divine ignorance is on par with the scientific knowledge of Darwin, Einstein, Bohr, Schrodinger, etc.

These great minds who spend lifetimes on research, experimentation, falsification, and testing of their hypotheses can be dismissed in favor of his divine knowledge of God. This is truly becoming ludicrous. It is not even interesting anymore.

Might as well argue with an ant. He'll just stay busy with his simple program and bite you when you stand in his way.
No thoughts, no reflection, just brute programming.

Be well, Jan.
Oxygen doesn’t get you to where you are.
As for darwinism, that’s just a materialistic philosophy at best. Not capable of doing anything other than to give another outlook.
The knowledge that it took to come up with the theory is on point. But the extrapolation is hopelessly lacking.

Here you are once again commenting on something you never read, even when I posted the link for you. It shows just how terrified you are of learning something that many of your Christian brethren already understand and accept. Why Jan? Are you so afraid that you'll understand and accept it?

So, if you're so fearful of evolution, you definitely don't want to watch the video I provide below, where a kid in grade five explains evolution.

Seriously, Jan, a kid. You're an adult, right? :p

Anyways as nice as it is to see this thread rolling along I am disappointed that the op has received little comment.

Try as I may, I couldn't get Jan to show one single example of a loving God. All he could muster was that God "allows" us to live, hence he loves us. That's like saying I allow ants, wasps and snakes to live on my property, hence I must love them.
Try as I may, I couldn't get Jan to show one single example of a loving God. All he could muster was that God "allows" us to live, hence he loves us. That's like saying I allow ants, wasps and snakes to live on my property, hence I must love them.
From us Jan demands a higher standard than he offer s or could indeed deliver.
Jan is here to entertain, firstly himself and secondly us.
He says outrageous things, much like a child being naughty, to become the centre of attention. I like the guy...so transparent.
I like nothing more when I take a break from doing real stuff than to follow Jan.
I must say I never really thought at all about theists until I started reading Jan but he makes you realise there are folk out there who actually think along the lines he projects to us...he can't be a theist in my view. He likes being clever and he is..no doubt. Clearly smart enough not to believe half the nonsense he throws out to get a bite.
It's a game..don't take Jan seriously he doesn't...and have some fun.
Are you saying Jan is a curiosity? If we study it, can we learn from it's behavior? OK, I can get into that...:cool: