A world with a loving God.

It’s a mere metaphor when it suits you.
You wouldn’t object if the context for the drinking of blood were some some kind of crazed cannibalistic act. It would probably delight you. It would give you confidence in your worldview. God knows, you need it.:)
I would like to state that sex is only one way in which cannibalistic acts try to justify themselves and that they are not sexy.
You’re right. As an atheist you have no reason to do so. As a theist, I think it is in your best interest to remain atheist. Until you come to your senses.

I believe in God. Not that I believe in God exists. The idea of existence is there to accommodate atheists.
We all know there is God. Some of us believe in Him. Some of us don’t.
The reason Darwinian evolution is so important to atheist, is because they have to believe in something, and without it, they eventually have to accept God.

You seem to have a problem with facts.

It appears Jan believes facts are on his side and that the rest of us believe just as he does, but we're all suppressing and denying the "facts" of God and somehow we are forced to therefore believe in a scientific theory as a result.

Science can put a iphone, computer and internet connection in Jan's hands for him to do as he pleases, and he rejoices. Yet, when science puts the evidence of evolution in his hands, he tosses it out like the baby in the bath water, and he rejoices in this stunning, mind-boggling display of hypocrisy.
You wouldn’t object if the context for the drinking of blood were some some kind of crazed cannibalistic act
Whether I object or not, drinking blood is a carnivorous act. If it's of your own kind it's both carnivorous and cannibalistic.
But in Church they drink wine, which a metaphor for blood, which is a metaphor for "seat of life" which is a metaphor for God. (unless you want kinky)

Were approaching "megaphor" now. We're in the vicinity of megaphorhood..., want to add a few more metaphors?
I think you would do well on America's got Talent . The world's greatest metaphorist without using a megaphone.
I wonder if the first prize might be a metaphone, or perhaps a Walkie Talkie, then you could "walk the Walk" and "talk the Talk" at the same time.
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and he rejoices in this stunning, mind-boggling display of hypocrisy.
I like that visual.......
Science can put a iphone, computer and internet connection in Jan's hands for him to do as he pleases, and he rejoices. Yet, when science puts the evidence of evolution in his hands, he tosses it out like the baby in the bath water, and he rejoices in this stunning, mind-boggling display of hypocrisy.
Because science and technology are the atheists contribution to the world. Right?:D
Darwinism is only being kept alive because nothing satisfactorily can replace it.:D
Were approaching "megaphor" now. We're in the vicinity of megaphorhood..., want to add a few more metaphors?
I think you would do well on America's got Talent . The world's greatest metaphorist without using a megaphone.
I wonder if the first prize might be a metaphone, or perhaps a Walkie Talkie, then you could "walk the Walk" and "talk the Talk" at the same time.
Sit down and take a deep breath, before you become completely unhinged.
I said I believe the earth is a globe.
I don’t know first hand that it is, and neither does anyone else, unless they’ve witnessed it themselves.
I think we do know this firsthand, since we have the ability now to visualize earth through NASA's equipment.

I do accept scientific proofs as valid. But it doesn’t mean that I know them to be true, unless I know that it is true.
I'm not following, can you expand on this?
Knowledge is truth, otherwise it is information.
Knowledge is usually based on facts, but I believe that one can have knowledge through faith. Do you agree?

Nothing changes, in that sense, because you are “a believer”. Many people believe in God, and accept Darwinian evolution. What we accept, or don’t accept as scientific evidence, has nothing to do with theism.
This war that perpetuates between atheism and religion, again has nothing to do with theism.
Agree in that it doesn't have to do with theism.

The alternative, which is, there is no creator behind the mechanics of this world, should be talked about in terms of “possibility”.
I think many scientists would agree with you, here. In fact, many are fine saying ''we don't know what we don't know,'' while others take offense to religious people claiming the ''god of the gaps'' theory.

It’s only a sense. We all get that.
JC on the cross, played that role nicely when he asked his Father “why has though forsaken me?”
You’d think he was losing his faith by those words.
But he was talking to his Father.
The point is, no matter what is going on here, there IS God. At some point we always align ourself with God, whether we believe in God or not.
Belief and non belief are simply two sides of the same coin.
What does the coin represent, do you think?
Because science and technology are the atheists contribution to the world. Right?:D
Darwinism is only being kept alive because nothing satisfactorily can replace it.:D

It doesn't matter in the least who contributes to science, it is the height of willful hypocrisy and dishonest arrogance of those who reap the benefits of science when it suits their convenience while ignorantly shitting on it for fear of it cracking their fragile faith based egos.
Well, at sea I have seen the curving horizon, but is is difficult to observe the entire globe, when you are standing on it.

OTOH, I am convinced that the images of the earth taken from space are an accurate representation of the globe.

Astrophyics seems to back up your claim. So it's a strong position at the moment.
Because science and technology are the atheists contribution to the world. Right?:D
Wrong! I even told you about the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, which of course did not even register in your closed mind. Fra Luca Pacioli invented double entry bookkeeping. I give monks of many denomination full credit for scientific inventions. Hell, whiskey was invented by Irish monks who were actually making perfume, but put that equipment to "better" use..:confused:
Darwinism is only being kept alive because nothing satisfactorily can replace it.:D
Eureka, we have agreement!!! You have no idea how happy that makes me......:biggrin:
I might add that nothing can replace it, because it is demonstrably true. They tried, but as with Newton, the only improvements on Darwin's original concept were more cosmetic than fundamental and more like polishing a diamond in the rough.
Five Big Additions to Darwin's Theory of Evolution
He had the main idea right, but in the past 150 years, scientists have filled out a lot more of the picture.

These improvements were a result of better observational equipment and expanded knowledge from research based on Darwin's theory. The beauty of science is that it allows for improvement of an original but somewhat incomplete idea.

If only you were open to such expanded knowledge and incorporate scientific truths into your belief but alas, for you Theism is a closed subject and you prefer to stand alone in the desert.
Jan Ardena said; This war that perpetuates between atheism and religion, again has nothing to do with theism.
Atheism is not at war with theism, theism is at war with atheism as you are clearly demonstrating. You don't see me on a theist site, do you?

Don't blame your problems with science on atheists or atheism.