A world with a loving God.

Not if there is another alternative, which you conveniently ignore.
It is not a question of 'either or". There is a third option which renders God unneccessary and superfluous.
You can only consider other alternatives because of God. You act as though there is no origin of causes.
Belief and non-belief is not a truth that can be flipped .
It is true that there is belief, and non belief.
They are opposing.
A theist believes in God, an atheist doesn’t believe in God. Simple,
It is not a question of 'either or". There is a third option which renders God unneccessary and superfluous.
From the “does not believe in God” camp.
From that perspective, God is already deemed unnecessary, as in, “there is no God”.
All you can achieve is more embellishments to satisfy your world view. You can never see it from the opposing world view, until you give up your “there is no God” thinking.
Knowledge and ignorance are two sides of the same coin. Truth remains regardless of either.
Ignorance is a lack of knowledge. It is not the opposite of knowledge.
Knowledge and truth are synonymous.
Do you play origami in winter, or in Cyprus?
Or could it be you don’t count lawn mowers?
No, like serious.

Say at one point in time it seemed logical to believe in God. Then at one point in time you didn't, or like, started to question the existence of and got teleported into the Sun? Or, something to that affect.
You can never see it from the opposing world view, until you give up your “there is no God” thinking.
I have no reason to give up my "there is no God " thinking. Can you give me a reason to do so without providing a definition of what it is to believe "there is a God" ?

I can define my alternative, can you define your God? Remember your God is unknowable. My alternative is already the very foundation and identified language of the universe and allows practical application for acquiring knowledge of causality and continuity.

How can you think "there is God" if you cannot define what God is? Then it is merely belief and that ain't good enough for me. I think there is a saying for that; "buying a pig in a poke".
No, like serious.

Say at one point in time it seemed logical to believe in God. Then at one point in time you didn't, or like, started to question the existence of and got teleported into the Sun? Or, something to that affect.
Did you become a sun worshipper overnight?

Oh wait, can't see the sun at night. Was it the next morning?......:rolleyes:
No you don't experience a flat earth.
We all do.
Everything you experience is a result of a global earth.
Maybe. But we still experience a flat earth.
If you are unable to identify with natural phenomena which rule our everyday experience of reality, you are leading a shallow life, with a false meaning assigned for your convenience.
How do you experience a global earth, without any outside information?
Knowledge of your environment creates a deeper intimacy and experience of your environment and should lead to responsible behavior to protect your environment from ignorant wanton use, relying only on an "unseen protector".
How is this statement related to whether or not we experience a flat earth?
Watch the Nova video of earth and how "everything" on earth is connected into one great ecological system which supports your life in all respects, including the gravity which allows you to believe you are walking on a flat surface.
I don’t “believe” I’m walking on a flat surface. I know I am. That is what is mean by experience.
I have no reason to give up my "there is no God " thinking. Can you give me a reason to do so without providing a definition of what it is to believe "there is a God" ?
You’re right. As an atheist you have no reason to do so. As a theist, I think it is in your best interest to remain atheist. Until you come to your senses.
I can define my alternative, can you define your God? Remember your God is unknowable.
That you are here, consciously aware, talking about what you can define, as a taster, defines God. But I don’t expect you to fully understand that, in your current condition.
My alternative is already the very foundation and identified language of the universe and allows practical application for acquiring knowledge of causality and continuity.
Good for you.
You’ve found something that allows you to express aspects if God, without having to give God credit.
How can you think "there is God" if you cannot define what God is?
I’ve already defined God, for the benefit of your mindset, in this thread.
God is the Supreme Cause of All causes.
One, without a second.
Then it is merely belief and that ain't good enough for me. I think there is a saying for that; "buying a pig in a poke".
I believe in God. Not that I believe in God exists. The idea of existence is there to accommodate atheists.
We all know there is God. Some of us believe in Him. Some of us don’t.
The reason Darwinian evolution is so important to atheist, is because they have to believe in something, and without it, they eventually have to accept God.
You’re right. As an atheist you have no reason to do so. As a theist, I think it is in your best interest to remain atheist. Until you come to your senses.
What senses are you referring to? Are there senses other than the scientifically accepted definition of "senses" ?

Five Aristotelian senses and their respective sensory organs inherent among Homo sapiens
That you are here, consciously aware, talking about what you can define, as a taster, defines God. But I don’t expect you to fully understand that, in your current condition.
Oh, I do understand your duplicitous argument, trying to let me define your God. You cannot define your God so any alternative that is offered you adopt as evidence of God. How convenient and completely useless. All you are doing is using the word God as a redundancy to a defined and named causality which does not require a God (as usually defined).
Good for you. You’ve found something that allows you to express aspects if God, without having to give God credit.
There you go. You are assigning your undefinable God the aspects of an alternative to God. How convenient and redundant!!!
I’ve already defined God, for the benefit of your mindset, in this thread.
God is the Supreme Cause of All causes. One, without a second.
That is no definition at all. It is an unsupported belief and; "That is not even wrong" (Pauli).
Your concept of God is no more than the concept by early hominids who saw natural phenomena as caused by an unseen powerful being in the sky who could make (be causal to) rain and thunder. The original concept of a god has been debunked time and time again. There is no God, there never was, there never will be. Gods existed a long, long time ago and they have all died because people stopped believing in them.
OTOH, I can prove I don't need your God to define Causality and Continuity.
I believe in God. Not that I believe in God exists. The idea of existence is there to accommodate atheists. We all know there is God. Some of us believe in Him, some of us don’t.
You believe in a non-existent God who does exist? How do you do that?
The reason Darwinian evolution is so important to atheist, is because they have to believe in something, and without it, they eventually have to accept God.
The reason Darwinian evolution is so important to everyone, including theists, is because it has been proven to be the correct interpretation of the natural process for the emergence of variety in and of species.
The reason why you do not accept Darwinian evolution, is because you believe in a Scriptural God. But you are conveniently ignoring that the Pontifical Academy of Sciences has declared Darwinian evolution to be fact. So you are now arguing against your own creed as well.
Looks like you are losing support from all sides on that "minor" creative detail.

All you have left is "The Word and the Word was God". And you even call that book the Old Testament and rejected it in favor of the New Testament. Make up your mind.

Better still, "accept" science as the means to enlightenment. It's so much more interesting.
TRUST ME......:rolleyes:
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You mean theist displaying signs and symbols of worshipping an imaginary power?
A theist simply believes in God “, in spite of religious activity.
Any body can worship signs, symbols, and imaginary power.
Drinking the blood of christ, kneeling in submission, crossing oneself for protection?
You do realise the meaning of “blood” in that context could mean “the seat of life. Don’t you?
And the “crossing of oneself” is a catholic tradition, and has nothing to do with believing in God. Right?
You do realise the meaning of “blood” in that context could mean “the seat of life. Don’t you?
Oh, that's a deepety....:eek:
And the “crossing of oneself” is a catholic tradition, and has nothing to do with believing in God. Right?
Another deepety.....:eek:
By all means we must take everything in context of deepity.....:eek: Give me a break Jan.

I give you a Mathematical Universe and you give me a wish.
You believe in a non-existent God who does exist? How do you do that?
Existence is due to God.
We see that other things exist, and to see God as simply existing the way other things exist, would not make God aloof, or the cause of all that manifestly exists.
But for the benefit of folk like yourself, for whom there is no God, we have to talk in terms of “existing”, the same as other things exist.
On that platform you have a say. Because we cannot see God, He therefore does not exist, or, there is no evidence of His existence.
Primarily because you have limited your conclusions to the experience of your gross material senses.
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Existence is due to God.
We see that other things exist, and to see God as simply existing the way other things exist, would not make God aloof, or the cause of all that manifestly exists.
But for the benefit of folk like yourself, for whom there is no God, we have to talk in terms of “existing”, the same as other things exist.
On that platform you have a say. Because we cannot see God, He therefore does not exist, or, there is no evidence of His existence.
Primarily because you have limited your enquiry to the experience of your gross material senses.
I know. :leaf:B-)
Primarily because you have limited your enquiry to the experience of your gross material senses.
You speak metaphorically, excellent. I speak metaphysically, can you? By your own admission you cannot....sorry.
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You mean figments of your imagination? A metaphor is not a fact, it's a metaphor.
It’s a mere metaphor when it suits you.
You wouldn’t object if the context for the drinking of blood were some some kind of crazed cannibalistic act. It would probably delight you. It would give you confidence in your worldview. God knows, you need it.:)