A world with a loving God.

No, that’s what you do.

Brilliant response. How very intellectual of you.

Why would you even say that?:?:D
Are becoming unhinged?
Back to the old Q!:rolleyes:

No, it's the same old Jan who can't hold a discussion without being intellectually dishonest. I tried to have one with you, but like every other discussion you have with everyone else, it turns into mush due your inability to have discussions while you redefine words to suit your narrative. Pointless.
Neither do you.
We accept what we’re shown or told.
I believe the earth is a globe, but I don’t know it as fact.

Then, you don't know how to prove to yourself the Earth is a globe, yet many others can without being told or shown.
Do some of you actually believe that most believers cling to the idea of God, as being a controlling ant farmer?
I don't think believers in general think of god as being a controlling ant farmer

For atheists its not a bad description

How do you expect Jan to honestly answer your questions

Your delude if you think Jan would answer ANY question honestly ie the question MIGHT be honest as far as Jan is concerned but the sting in the tail is it must conform to Jan's word definition and is ABSOLUTELY correct, not to be questioned

I’m wondering Jan - do you believe the earth is flat and do you feel that you betray your faith beliefs if you were to accept certain scientific proofs as valid? I don’t think as believers, we need to choose one way over another. Science plays an important role in understanding the mechanics of the world around us but it’s entirely possible to believe that a Creator was behind it all.

I ask you this, because I sometimes get the sense that you feel you have to “pick a side.”
I am gracious to those who are gracious to me and not treat me as a gullible sheep (ant) who can be told anything and "accept" it, regardless of truth. Those are not my words wegs, they're Jan's.

And asking a question is not stating a conclusion. Jan stated that the concept of a God's ant-farm "is a start"! That is a conclusion, and what am I to make of that answer but to express a certain amount of incredulity?

Are you good with that in the spirit of having an objective discussion? Did you not reject that answer a few moments ago?
Ah, I’ve scrolled back and see why you reacted that way. lol
So do you not.
So do I not... what? Are you trying to say that I also don't know whether the earth is flat or not? I do know. Most people here know.
Is the earth you experience not flat?
At short distances, sure it is, barring the odd hill. But at long distances, most certainly not. Have you never seen a ship on the horizon disappear hull first? Have you never been to a different continent and seen different stars in the sky? Those are just a couple of the experiences of a world that is most decidedly not flat.
So do I not... what? Are you trying to say that I also don't know whether the earth is flat or not? I do know. Most people here know.

Yes. Maybe you should say "think" or "believe" the World is a sphere.

At short distances, sure it is, barring the odd hill. But at long distances, most certainly not. Have you never seen a ship on the horizon disappear hull first? Have you never been to a different continent and seen different stars in the sky? Those are just a couple of the experiences of a world that is most decidedly not flat.

Yes, I think the earth is a sphere at the moment.

EDIT: I know you know it's not flat, but some people believe the earth is flat so to discuss anything with them you can't start by saying "I know", would the discussion just be a bashing of someone, or vice versa right from the bat? Ha it doesn't. It happens here all the time. Entertaining ideas that you do not necessary accept can be fun, and maybe it could answer way off topic questions.
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Neither do you.
We accept what we’re shown or told.
I believe the earth is a globe, but I don’t know it as fact.

This is, however, a perfectly useless argument.

At some point, the reality you experience is the reality in which you operate.

Did you ever go up into space, and verify it, yourself? At no point can you be absolutely certain that your memory of doing so would be real.

It's one thing to note Descartes sometimes skipped out on important stuff, but no, precartesian is ridiculous, and, as the occasion demonstrates, functionally useless.
That's your evidence, pictures?
Well, at sea I have seen the curving horizon, but is is difficult to observe the entire globe, when you are standing on it.

OTOH, I am convinced that the images of the earth taken from space are an accurate representation of the globe.
