A world with a loving God.

Why would a monkey want to be something else? It would take a lot of monkies to be swayed by this invisible force they call evolution. I just don't picture it. The earth is about 5700 years old, and I might make it flat because why not? It would make a lot of people look like fools.
:) The thing about the game of evolution is that it doesn't give it's players any choice in the matter. And it's an eternal game with no rules other than the only way off the playing field being to evolve or die out. ;)
No, it's nothing like asking that. A human grows from baby to child to adult. That is what it is to be human. But if the design is "perfectly complete" then you are flatly rejecting the idea that humans will ever evolve into something else, into another species, whether in a million years or a billion.
I've no reason to think we'll be anything other than human, as long as we remain.
However, if we should evolve into something other than human. There would be no more human beings.
It says nothing about the perfectly complete design of human beings, as we are.
When a human dies, that person no longer exists.
When all humans become extinct it only means we no longer exist. That's all.
Alternatively you might be saying that every species is perfectly complete... a monkey is perfectly complete as a monkey, a great ape perfectly complete as a great ape. In which case you are stating nothing other than the Law of Identity: "x is x", or everything is what it is. And since it is exactly what it is, nothing more, nothing less, it is perfectly what it is. In a philosophy forum about the laws of logic it might be meaningful, but in a religion forum it is nothing but trite and shallow babble.
Why is trite and shallow babble?
It's the truth isn't it? Why you can't refute it.
That law of identity explains it well.
Also, I'm not the one perpetuating it.
But says nothing of the actual content of that clockwork menchanism, and offers of nothing of value other than "x is x".
It doesn't need to.
It makes no difference to the perfectly complete structure of the human being.
The individual can go deeper into the contents, but the individual has to be present.
:) The thing about the game of evolution is that it doesn't give it's players any choice in the matter. And it's an eternal game with no rules other than the only way off the playing field being to evolve or die out. ;)
Game. Okay, sorry but I'm not that cruel.
When a human dies, that person no longer exists.
Clarification required.
Are you saying the soul becomes another person altogether in the ''next'' body?
That's if that soul is not chosen to spend eternity with God?
It seems your saying, the soul changes along with the body in order for God to choose a ''soul'' he likes?
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Clarification required.
Are you saying the soul becomes another person altogether in the ''next'' body?
That's if that soul is not chosen to spend eternity with God?
It seems your saying, the soul changes along with the body in order for God to choose a ''soul'' he likes?
I believe that, yes.
Clarification required.
Are you saying the soul becomes another person altogether in the ''next'' body?
That's if that soul is not chosen to spend eternity with God?
It seems your saying, the soul changes along with the body in order for God to choose a ''soul'' he likes?
Sorry, I didn’t read what you wrote correctly. I must have been in a hurry, thinking you were simply talking about reincarnation.

So yes, I believe the soul becomes another person, once it enters another human form, due to forgetfulness of past lives.
But the soul itself doesn’t change.

If the soul “chooses” to spend eternity with God, through the process of self-realisation, he eventually goes back to God.

The soul never changes.
God loves all souls.
All souls love God (even James R, Sarkus, bilvon, and Michael345).
But due to our forgetfulness, being caught up in many lifetimes, we have forgotten.
That’s what I believe.
Sorry, I didn’t read what you wrote correctly. I must have been in a hurry, thinking you were simply talking about reincarnation.

So yes, I believe the soul becomes another person, once it enters another human form, due to forgetfulness of past lives.
But the soul itself doesn’t change.

If the soul “chooses” to spend eternity with God, through the process of self-realisation, he eventually goes back to God.

The soul never changes.
God loves all souls.
All souls love God (even James R, Sarkus, bilvon, and Michael345).
But due to our forgetfulness, being caught up in many lifetimes, we have forgotten.
That’s what I believe.
What 'bout "Super Heaven"?
Sorry, I didn’t read what you wrote correctly. I must have been in a hurry, thinking you were simply talking about reincarnation.

So yes, I believe the soul becomes another person, once it enters another human form, due to forgetfulness of past lives.
But the soul itself doesn’t change.

If the soul “chooses” to spend eternity with God, through the process of self-realisation, he eventually goes back to God.

The soul never changes.
God loves all souls.
All souls love God (even James R, Sarkus, bilvon, and Michael345).
But due to our forgetfulness, being caught up in many lifetimes, we have forgotten.
That’s what I believe.
So the soul has no identity. Don't argue, that is what you are saying. What's the point of it?