A world with a loving God.

Whatever seeds of conscious activity we cast in this material energy field, we are bound to reap the fruit.
Meaning we have to be in the field to receive the results. The body we assume is a vibrational energetic reflection of our current conscious state. Nothing is wasted.
Remember in the bible when JC stated that to look upon another, lustfully, is to commit adultery? He’s talking about the energy signature that is instantaneously being emitted. The moment you think it, it changes the energy vibration.
Holy cow, excuse me I'm off.
So, your saying, there's energy, but it's uncertain how much because there is no time?
Can you give an example of energy ''existing'' without time?
Uncertainty in energy is still not a start from ''absolutely nothing''.
Of course, if there exists energy in any form, it would have an associated time frame. However if this energy is a fleeting moment, the time only for the duration of that moment would emerge. If the energy were to dissipate thereafter, the time of existence for that energy would also disappear.

Time does not need to exist as a dimension, a timeless permissiveness is sufficient to allow for change to occur at which instant time emerges as a result of duration of that change. Time does not exist independent of physical existence of something else.
So, your saying, there's energy, but it's uncertain how much because there is no time?
Can you give an example of energy ''existing'' without time?
Uncertainty in energy is still not a start from ''absolutely nothing''.
The uncertainty includes zero energy. It just also includes non-zero energy. I've already tried to give you a rudimentary education about the uncertainty principle. You either get it or not.
Have you seen the John Hurt movie? Chilling movie.
Looks like you missed the whole point of the movie.

I met a person with the same condition, it was like looking into an abyss looking into his eyes. More animal than human.
A great example of mindless prejudice. Racism is no different.

That's what it was like to me. Hatred too.
You need to do something about your hatred.
Whatever seeds of conscious activity we cast in this material energy field, we are bound to reap the fruit. ....The body we assume is a vibrational energetic reflection of our current conscious state.
As soon as a religious person starts talking about "energy" and using words like "vibration" and "field", you pretty much know they are just making stuff up. No doubt it all feels real to Jan. The sciency jargon is an attempt to give a false aura of legitimacy to the religious claims.

Remember in the bible when JC stated that to look upon another, lustfully, is to commit adultery? He’s talking about the energy signature that is instantaneously being emitted.
"Energy signature". Nice one!

The moment you think it, it changes the energy vibration.
Gotta keep those lovin' good vibrations a-happenin' with her.

While in this human body suit, you are already creating another body, in and by the mind, intelligence and, false ego. You now need to find suitable parents.
By suitable parents, I mean parents whose energy signatures align with yours. “Birds of a feather...”
Is this about reincarnation again?

You enter into the semen at the moment of conception, then you proceed to be born.
Hmm. That's a modern update on the ancient idea that the semen (the man's "seed") was a little human being. In the olden days, women were seen as little more than vessels or receptacles for the "seed". Ova were unknown.

In the bible, we see that God disapproves of men spreading their "seed" indiscriminately, which is one reason why Christians have a tradition of laying guilt trips on men for masturbating.

The idea that "life begins at conception" is a fairly modern one. It is interesting that Jan has adopted this more modern notion of the moment at which "ensoulment" supposedly occurs. Also interesting that the soul enters the semen first, rather than inhabiting the fertilised ovum, say. I guess that even in modern times the men are considered more special in God's eyes.

The “soul” once it falls from it blissful relationship/alignment with the Supreme Soul (God), goes through the process of acquiring simple tiny physical structure, automatically moving up the evolutionary scale with each new birth.
Interesting to note how Jan, the evolution denier, thinks that there is an "evolutionary scale".

Basically the Darwinian theory of evolution. Until it reaches human.
It's really a pity that Jan never bothered to learn anything about evolution. He is still stuck in the biblical idea of a heirarchy of Creation with human beings at the pinnacle. The sad thing is that he also believes that science supports that idea. Without having to confront himself with the reality revealed by modern science, Jan can happily live in a fantasy world that makes perfect sense to him.

It's posts like these they really give us useful insight to one kind of religious mind.
I think he's some kind of Hare Krishna type.
Ah, I see.

Jan, you asked a few posts up, why I thought you were a Christian. I dunno, it's been a few years since reading a some of your earlier threads, maybe I've confused you with another member. But, looking back, do you not believe in the theory of evolution? If not, that's usually a Christian (or Abrahamic) fundamentalist belief. Maybe I'm confusing you with SetiAlpha.
You just said, "Allowing you to act out in the material world". That doesn't describe a busy road or any road. Nor, does it imply a toddler or loving parent. Your math is not correct, it doesn't add up.
Okay. Allowing your children to stay in your house. Allowing your children to learn from their mistakes, while offering them the benefit of your experience (should they choose to take advantage of it).
Jan, allowing and love are two completely different things, by definition. A person can allow, but does not mean they love, and vice versa.
A person can allow something to occur out of love. Are you for real Q?
Are you sure you understand this very simple concept? These are words you should have understood by high school.
Really? Are you really going to start with this now?
I thought we were getting along just fine.:?
The uncertainty includes zero energy. It just also includes non-zero energy. I've already tried to give you a rudimentary education about the uncertainty principle. You either get it or not.
If only you had used ''non-zero energy '' some time back. I think your saying something now about the zero energy (average) of the Vacuum energy? Is that right?
But, doesn't that mean positive and negative energy both have to ''exist'' to form an average of zero?
And, if we are talking here about vacuum energy, forgive me if we are not, then where is this vacuum?
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If only you had used ''non-zero energy '' some time back. I think your saying something now about the zero energy (average) of the Vacuum energy? Is that right?
But, doesn't that mean positive and negative energy both have to ''exist'' to form an average of zero?
And, if we are talking here about vacuum energy, forgive me if we are not, then where is this vacuum?
Is a causal action not a result of a dynamic function, i.e. a non-zero condition?
Don’t remember saying that.
The brain is a part of the body.
The soul, by definition, isn’t.

You said the soul is: "Consciousness, mind, intelligence, ego (not false ego)."

Those are all functions of the brain, hence you believe the soul is the brain.
Okay. Allowing your children to stay in your house. Allowing your children to learn from their mistakes, while offering them the benefit of your experience (should they choose to take advantage of it).

That is allowing, which has nothing to do with love.

A person can allow something to occur out of love. Are you for real Q?

Sure, but that does NOT mean allowing is the same thing as love, which you are claiming. Are you for real, Jan?

Really? Are you really going to start with this now?
I thought we were getting along just fine.:?

We would be getting along fine if you could look in a dictionary for the meanings of words before posting them. Allowing is not love, not on this planet.

And still, no valid examples of God's love.
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That is allowing, which has nothing to do with love.
You allow because you love them.
Not necessarily emotional love, but unconditional love.
Sure, but that does NOT mean allowing is the same thing as love, which you are claiming. Are you for real, Jan?
I’m for real Q. The question is. Are you?
Nobody said “allow”and “love” are the same thing.
And still, no valid examples of God's love.
God allows you to live, and experience.
By interacting with nature. God creates, and maintains this manifestation.